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Chapter 242 Highland Cool Cocktail

Modern DNA identification has a wide range of uses. Case investigators can use this technology to collect traces left at the scene to identify suspects, or they can also find out the true identity of corpses whose prototypes are no longer visible. FBI investigator Shuichi Akai has the most contact with

these two uses.

DNA testing in hospitals often takes three to five days to get the results. If you are in a hurry, you can pay more to have the testing agency expedite the process. Shuichi Akai chose to let them rush it, and you can get the results that afternoon.

He went to the window to register, and the nurse opposite handed him the form while quietly looking at him with curious eyes.

"How can someone so handsome be raped..." She muttered in a low voice.


Shuichi Akai, who has a good ear, suddenly stopped holding the form in mid-air.

He stayed in the FBI for so long that he almost forgot that this kind of technology would be used in ordinary life. Most of them were unlucky guys with a green grassland growing out of their heads...

"This is not a paternity test. I don't have children." He explained that he was not being cheated on.

After filling out the form, Akai Shuichi took out the bag containing Shirley's hair from his pocket, "I want to confirm whether the owner of the hair is related to me by blood."

"Why doesn't the other party come in person?" the nurse asked with a frown.

"She has other things to be busy with." Akai Hideo thought that the hospital would ask questions early on, and came up with a universal answer.

The personal pronouns "he" and "she" in Japanese have different pronunciations. When she heard the word "she", the nurse didn't know what she thought of, and her eyes towards Shuichi Akai suddenly became subtle.

But this time she didn't say anything. She took the form filled out by Shuichi Akai and motioned for him to go to the sampling office to provide his own DNA sample.

After collecting saliva as a comparison sample, Akai Shuichi did not leave the hospital and decided to wait until he got the identification report before leaving. Anyway, he had no tasks today and tomorrow, so it didn't matter if he stayed in the hospital for a while.

Of course he didn't smoke in the hospital, so he just stayed in the waiting area and found a corner to sit quietly where the surveillance cameras couldn't capture him. His calm and composed expression looked very special among those men who were fidgeting with green heads and anxious expressions thinking about life.

Out of place.

He took out his cell phone, opened his mailbox, and re-checked the last few emails Angstra sent him.

[Amuro helped me go to the villa to sign for the furniture. Midorikawa is going to conduct an assessment. He will have a code name soon.——angostura]

When he first saw this email, Akai Shuichi's first reaction was that he also wanted to get the code name as soon as possible, at least earlier than that guy Toru Amuro. Now calm down and temporarily abandon the childish and time-wasting idea of ​​competition.

More information was found in the email.

——That means Angstra trusts Toru Amuro more than he thought.

The villa that the boss mentioned in the email is most likely his future residence. It is completely different from the safe house. One is a temporary residence and the other is a home. The importance of home is self-evident. Now is the stage of moving furniture.

, it is really easy to do something secretly inside - such as installing bugs or pinhole cameras, or even more extreme, directly planting bombs.

If the wrong person is hired for this kind of task, it will have very tragic consequences, so the candidates will be carefully considered, and those who can be entrusted will definitely be trustworthy people.

Thinking of this, Akai Shuichi frowned with dissatisfaction.

Toru Amuro is currently living in a safe house with Angstra. When he moves to the villa, will this guy move there with him?

It is relatively easy to cultivate a relationship day and night, especially when one party will flatter the other party without any bottom line and shamelessly. If Angstra becomes more and more interested in Amuro Tohru as they get along with each other in daily life, this will be very detrimental to herself - others

Not to mention, if Toru Amuro gets the code name before him, he will find an excuse to kill him...that insidious and hypocritical golden retriever will definitely do it.

Shuichi Akai thought this, and then deleted the emails he had exchanged with Angstra in the morning, leaving only the two emails in which he requested to live together and Angstra agreed.

The scene was very quiet, with not many people talking and communicating. When Shuichi Akai put away his mobile phone, he took a look out the window not far away.

It was still sunny when he left the apartment, but it started to rain.


At 2:21 p.m., a dark alley bar in Yokohama City.

xyz Cocktail stopped the car on the alley in front of the door and ran into this bar he had never been to in the heavy rain. He cursed in his heart why the organization chose the meeting place in such a remote place and made him unable to find it.

The place was a full 20 minutes late.

He stood at the door, not caring to wipe the water from his hair and face, and carefully looked at the guests in the bar.

Most bars are only open at night, and now there are only two people inside.

One was a blond bartender standing behind the bar who was so bored that he was playing with his wine glass. When he saw a new customer come in, he raised his head and glanced this way - xyz Cocktail noticed that his eyebrows had grown strangely - then he put down his glass and stood

Straight body: "Welcome."

There was also a dark-haired man sitting at the bar, holding a small and cute cat in his arms.

xyz Cocktail looked around and breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that there was no one squatting in the corner. Fortunately, Gin's suspicious man didn't come, otherwise he would probably have received more than one bullet after being so late.

But the question now is...which one of these two is the one from the organization?

He walked to the bar, and before he could open his mouth to test, the black-haired man said to the bartender without raising his head: "Give this new gentleman a xyz cocktail, and I'll treat him to it."

"Okay." The bartender picked up the cocktail shaker.

Hearing the familiar code name, xyz cocktail walked over to the black-haired man and sat down.

He didn't like the code name xyz cocktail at first, because xyz is the last few letters of English, which means the end - that is to say, everything should be over after drinking this glass of wine. This is the meaning of the last glass of wine.

While the bartender turned back to get the base drink, xyz Cocktail took out a paper bag from his jacket pocket and silently pushed it to the man's hand against the bar counter.

"Bring me a Highland Kool-Aid with an extra spoonful of sugar." The black-haired man told the bartender before picking up the paper bag.

xyz Cocktail sat there silently, only using the corner of his eye to quietly look at the man next to him.

Highland Cooler Cocktail, the base liquor is Scotch whiskey and Angostura bitters, plus lemon juice and sugar. It has a refreshing taste, just like the cool breeze blowing in the Scottish Highlands... Could this be this man's cocktail?

Code name?

"Okay, this is the wine this gentleman ordered for you."

The bartender placed a small cocktail glass in front of xyz cocktail and showed a strange and cold smile: "Please enjoy this last glass of wine."

Zhu Fu Jingguang was leaning against the wall with his hood on. Although there was no one on the road, he still tried to reduce his presence as much as possible.

He frowned. Ever since xyz cocktail entered the bar, he couldn't hear any sound from the headphones... Is there a shielding device in this bar?

Just when he was hesitating whether to approach, a person he looked familiar sneakily approached the xyz cocktail car.

He is a low-level member of the organization, Nishio Masaharu.

He didn't notice Zhu Fu Jingguang staying on the other side. He took out a tool and pried a few times on the edge of the car lock. Soon the car door clicked open. He looked around like a thief and made sure there were no obvious passers-by nearby.

, took out something from his arms, bent down and put it in.

This chapter has been completed!
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