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Chapter 279 Hotel with too much undercover

...Why did things turn out like this?

Izawa Jun - important member of the black organization, Jerez Brandy, leader of the Kanto area group of the Environmental Group, and deputy police officer of the National Police Agency's Violent Group Countermeasures Division - a triple undercover agent who has three prosperous careers and is about to get a fourth one.

Sir, I was distracted while holding the steering wheel.

It was already 7:30 in the evening. Usually he would have already got off work at this time, but now he was on his way to Hakone Town.

Behind him were the three members of Mouri's family. Next to him was Kudo Shinichi, who asked him a lot of questions and temporarily shut up after being scolded by Kogoro Mouri.

Realizing that there was no hope of getting off work, Yi Zejun recalled his schedule for the day in a daze——

Get up at 6 o'clock in the morning for morning exercise, and stop by a certain base of the environmental group halfway through the run;

I went to work on time at 9 o'clock. My boss assigned me an undercover mission to break into the zoo. I read the information all morning;

After lunch, he drove to Cupido Town to learn about the third case. He left temporarily and met with Gin who was called to the Cupido Town Police Station. During this period, he talked on the phone with Angstra.

Then inform the environment team of the news, and leave amid Gin’s ridicule and bullets;

Then he drove to Odawara Police Station. Before he could sit down and take a sip of tea, the victim of the fifth case was suddenly found, so he and several police officers from the branch took her to the hospital;


"Really, why should Xiaolan be discharged suddenly?" Mouri Kogoro couldn't help complaining.

"Be patient. There was an explosion in a nearby chemical plant, and many people were injured and hospitalized. Xiaolan's body is not seriously injured, but beds must be made for more seriously injured people." Fei Yingli became more rational.

Due to an explosion at a chemical plant in a suburban area of ​​Kanagawa Prefecture, a large number of injured people were sent to the nearest Kanagawa General Hospital, resulting in a serious shortage of beds and medical personnel. Many patients with no serious health problems were arranged to go through discharge procedures quickly, and Mao Lilan was one of them.


Yi Zejun sighed, of course he heard the news, the host happened to be the new member of their organization, Kil.

Although he doesn't often go back outside the organization, the organization's intranet has a very high authority of A level. He can check the information of members with ordinary code names at any time, and Gin will sometimes mention new members of the organization to him to let him pay attention.

Click to avoid or release water when encountered during the mission.

After hearing Fei Yingli's words, Mouri Kogoro still frowned.

"Don't worry, didn't you say that the police will protect Xiaolan?" Kudo Shinichi turned his head to comfort Mouri Kogoro, and then looked at Izawa Jun: "Right, Officer Izawa!"

Mao Lilan was the only victim who was rescued in a serial crime. The police needed to temporarily protect her. The colleague who came with Yi Zerun called his boss, and then Yi Zerun took over the task.

He no longer wanted to complain about the unprofessionalism of the police in sending undercover agents——

Asking him, an undercover agent who is about to break into a zoo organization, to go to the place where the case occurred to check the situation is simply more outrageous than sending a pair of striking-looking tame animals to be undercover agents in the same organization!

Do the salary thieves who got in there really take the confidentiality of the undercover and the life of the undercover seriously?

No matter how devastated he is inside, Izarun still looks like a gentle and good policeman on the outside.

"Don't worry, Mr. Mori, I will protect Miss Mori during your trip. When you return to Miwa Town, there will be more professional police to protect you."

Mouri Kogoro looked at him suspiciously, as if questioning whether he had this ability.

"It would be too much to send only one person to protect..."

Mao Lilan pulled him to stop him from continuing: "Dad, don't say that."

Fei Yingli also glanced at him coldly: "Izawa Police Department seems to be much more reliable than the man who almost had a fight with the doctor in the hospital."

"What did you say? If you hadn't been so willful that you ran out last night, Xiaolan wouldn't have encountered this kind of thing!"


Hearing the couple's quarrel in the car and the dissuasion of Mao Lilan and Kudo Shinichi, Izawa Jun sighed heavily again.

Why did things become like this?

He was wrong. He should have taken the college entrance examination seriously from the beginning. If he had taken the college entrance examination seriously, he would not have been sent to the border team by the boss to be an undercover agent. If he had not gone to the border team, he would not have been sent again.

He went to the police academy to work as an undercover agent at the police station. If he had not gone to the police station as an undercover agent, he would not have had to deal with zoo-related cases. He was about to become a quadruple undercover agent and would have to listen to a big-headed couple arguing in the car...

Before the light turned green, Yi Zejun adjusted the glasses on the bridge of his nose.

If he remembered correctly, the hotel booked by this family and their soon-to-be son-in-law's family was the one under the boss's name, and Angstra was currently on vacation there.

Thinking of the two men beside Angstra, the undercover agent from the black organization sighed for the third time.

If you include him who is about to pass, there are three undercovers in that small hotel. The little crow is really the same as the boss, which attracts the undercovers to them...

I hope everything goes well. For Ryu Gil Soon-il's sake, he has no interest at all in completing three undercover police killings.

And he also has to think about another friend, Gin - if he catches the undercover, it will be equivalent to taking Gin's job, which will greatly reduce the overtime space of the model worker. Once there is less overtime, he will have to pay off the building's debt.

Even more distant.

Jun Izawa considers himself a good friend. Although Gin likes to shoot him with a gun, he is still willing to think about him.

At this time, the green light finally turned on, and Mouri Kogoro and Fei Eri behind them temporarily stopped.

"Xiaolan, do you want to inform Sonoko? This will save her from running to the hospital in vain." Kudo Shinichi suddenly remembered another childhood friend of his.

"I have already told Yuanzi, she said she would go directly to the hotel." Mao Lilan replied.

The Toyota drove through two intersections in a row, and after passing a bus, Hakone Town was in front of it.


Jing Baiye quickly finished dinner. When he returned to the hotel from the commercial street, he saw an expensive-looking luxury car parked at the door.

A short-haired girl with a headband on her head got out of the back seat first, followed by a young woman who looked somewhat similar to her but had a gentler temperament and looked like a college student. Several men who looked like bodyguards carried the luggage.


Curacao said softly: "The two eldest ladies of the Suzuki Consortium..."

Jing Baiye knew about the Suzuki Group. He heard from Spiatus that the Suzuki family and the Ooka family were the top consortiums after the Karasuma Group. The two parties had normal business dealings and cooperation projects and had nothing to do with the secret organization.

After those people went in first, they followed them into the hotel. The bodyguard in the waiting area glanced at them, and immediately looked away after seeing them walking towards the corridor.

"Gray, come to Satsuki and eat some biscuits made by my sister." Shirley sent out an invitation when it was almost to Satsuki.

Jing Baiye thought of the mechanical house map stored in the system backpack, and looked back at his three subordinates: "Then I'll go next door for a while, and you can go back and rest first."

He mentioned this in the afternoon, and coupled with the different familiarity between the two parties, coupled with Shirley's vague dislike and rejection, none of them offered to go with him.

Zhu Xingda was the first to open the door and go in. Scotland was a step late and said to him: "You have eaten a lot for dinner. Don't eat too much after you go there. Overeating is not good for your health. If you like biscuits, you can eat them after you go back."

I can do it for you too."


Jing Baiye nodded, watching Guo Guo and Toru Amuro enter the room one after another, the door slowly closed in front of him, and then walked towards Satsuki Room at the end of the corridor.

Shirley had been waiting for him at the door. When she saw him coming, she leaned out and glanced into the corridor to make sure no one was following her before pulling him in.

"When will you come over?" she asked.

Shirley did not lower her voice, and Curacao and Miyano Akemi on the other side also heard her.

Miyano Akemi stood at the door of the kitchen, looking over with a blank look on her face; Curacao chose a single sofa and sat down, without asking any questions to Jing Baiye, as if she didn't hear their conversation.

Jing Baiye took out his cell phone from his pocket and took out the map: "Let's go now."

It's not far from the hotel. I hope it can be solved within an hour.

This chapter has been completed!
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