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Chapter 289 Fairy Tale The Little Prince (two-in-one chapter)

After seeing off Izarun, several people in Maoyuejian began to have breakfast.

It was still a Japanese breakfast. There were many small plates on everyone's tray. Jing Baiye picked some fish and put it in her mouth. The special set meal was good.

"Where are you going today?" Scotland asked.

"I made an agreement with Shiho last night to go to the Little Prince Museum and the Forest of Glass Museum. These two places are close to each other, so it's a good time to go together." Jing Baiye looked at the time and said, "We will leave at 9 o'clock."

The Glass Forest Art Museum is the first art museum in Japan that specializes in exhibiting Venetian glass. There are many flowers around. It is early June and I don’t know if the hydrangeas are in bloom. I hope they are as beautiful as the photos.

"The first destination you mentioned..." Morohoshi repeated in a low voice, "I remember it was the world's first Little Prince Museum?"

"Yes." Jing Baiye affirmed.

Toru Amuro sat next to him and joined in the conversation: "Speaking of which, "The Little Prince" is obviously a famous French fairy tale, but the world's first Little Prince museum is not in France, but in Japan."

Morohoshi's tone was cool: "This is really strange... It seems that there are no excellent fairy tales in Japan, so we have to use foreign fairy tales to build attractions."

These words were simply a deliberate attempt to find trouble, and instantly ignited Toru Amuro's anger.

"What do you mean?!"

Jing Baiye felt troubled by the non-stop behavior of these two men, but he had already taken them away and he would not replace them for such a trivial matter.

Moro Hoshida is an extraordinary display of Gin's aesthetics. He is worried that if he really changes it, there will be a crooked melon and cracked jujube next time, which will definitely be more terrifying than him facing them quarreling every day.

So Jing Baiye raised his hand and pushed back Amuro Toru who was half-rising: "Don't quarrel."

If he hadn't been eating, he would have wanted to touch Toru Amuro's head to comfort him. Now he could only persuade him: "One of you is twenty-four and the other is twenty-seven. Why don't you give me the same feeling together?"

Ten years old? Be a little more mature."

Amuro Toru is gentle and laughs, likes to be clingy, and has a calm personality, while Morohoshi is quite silent most of the time... Why are these two people who are usually reliable, so why are they always prone to childish conflicts with each other?

When he was ten years old in his first life, he would no longer have conflicts with teachers or occasional training camp partners over such trivial matters.

"Sorry." Zhu Xingda, who said the wrong thing, quickly admitted his mistake.

Toru Amuro didn't even look at him, lowered his head and continued eating breakfast.

Scotland on the other hand sighed, wondering if he was also tired of the constant quarrels between his two colleagues.

The four of them continued to eat, and for a while there was only a slight clatter of bowls and chopsticks on the table. They all chewed softly, and no one smacked their lips.

[Little Prince...] The system's neutral voice suddenly sounded in Jing Baiye's mind.

【This is a very famous fairy tale, are you interested in listening to it? 】

Jing Baiye didn't know what the system liked. Although it was not a human being, it had feelings and could communicate with itself... It would be great if it really had any hobbies. As a host, he would definitely accompany it to try.

[I have listened to this story with you before.] The system said.

It paused for a moment, and its still neutral voice became hesitant for some reason: [And you have a French version of the original book in your backpack...have you forgotten? 】

Jing Baiye loosened the chopsticks in his hand, and the tamagoyaki that had been caught fell back onto the plate.

"What's wrong?" Toru Amuro, who was beside him, noticed this scene immediately.

Hearing the voice, Jing Baiye subconsciously looked at him, but when he saw that dazzling blond hair and those gentle drooping eyes, his heart suddenly twitched hard.

...What happened to him?

Jing Baiye was at a loss, he didn't understand what was going on at this time.

He calmed his breathing and picked up the tamagoyaki again: "It's okay, I accidentally missed it."

If it wasn't for the system reminder, he would have almost forgotten about it.

When he first went to France, Panno took him to familiarize himself with the environment around the rented apartment. After learning about the nearby shops and restaurants, he took him to a bookstore.

The original copy of "The Little Prince" in the system backpack was the first gift Panno gave him.

Since Jing Baiye usually reads a lot of novels and not much fairy tales, he put it in his system backpack after receiving it instead of putting it on the bookshelf.

——So after most of his belongings were destroyed, this gift from the culprit remained intact.

Before that, he had only taken it out once, because staying on duty during a certain mission was too boring and the target person would not leave the hotel until at least the morning. So he took out the book and wanted to read to pass the time.

In fact, Jing Baiye knew the story of the Little Prince. The boss who would appear at dusk read it to him, but he didn't finish it at that time.

Panno was surprised that he had this book with him.

Jing Baiye thought he would persuade him to put down his books and work hard, because Pan Nuo has always been very serious about his tasks. After a bunch of "work is not the whole life", "the salary is less, the tax is too much, I will go on strike" and "enough vacation is the key."

“Best working conditions” seems out of place among the French.

But that time he said: "Angstra, do you want to hear it?... If you want to hear it, I will read it to you."

So Jing Baiye happily handed over the book.

"Let's start reading from chapter 26. I've heard it all before."


Panno took the book, opened it, and sat next to him.

They stayed in a relatively shabby small apartment. In order to avoid attracting the other person's attention, the lights were not turned on in the room. He read him stories by the moonlight.

"At night, when you look up at the stars, my star is too small, so I can't point you to where my star is. It's better this way, you can think that my star is among these stars.

Then, you will like to see all the stars..."

"The stars are not all the same in people's eyes. For travelers, the stars are guides. For others, the stars are just small lights. For other scholars, the stars are the knowledge they explore. For me

To the industrialist I met, stars are money...but all stars cannot speak."

Pan Nuo is not good at words, and rarely speaks for long periods of time, but his voice is very pleasant.

Jing Baiye lay on the sofa, staring at Pannuo's blue eyes without blinking.

Under the moonlight, his eyes swayed with a gentler light than usual, and he patiently read him a fairy tale well-known in France.

Stars appear in the night, almost indistinguishable in the thick darkness. Their light is so weak that it will disappear at any time. They are so far away that they cannot illuminate anyone...

Jing Baiye thought to himself that he didn't want Pannuo to be a certain star.

"Time will ease all sorrows. When your sorrows are appeased... you will feel satisfied because you have known me..."

Pan Nuo's story only ends here. The computer used by Jing Baiye for surveillance jumped out of the warning interface, and their target took action in advance.

He hurriedly took the book from Panno's hand and stuffed it into the small bag he brought with him, but actually returned it to the system backpack...and did not take it out a second time until he returned to Japan.

Spiatus was too busy, Bermod was away, and three of his men didn't know French, so Gin couldn't do it - there wouldn't be anyone to read it to him.

Thinking of the past again, Jing Baiye glanced at Toru Amuro quietly, and then quickly looked away.

Amuro is so clinging to him, and he doesn't want to leave him here alone for such a trivial matter... He won't hurt an outsider for his personal feelings.


After breakfast, the group set off on time at 9 o'clock. The first stop was the Little Prince Museum.

"...It says it's a museum, but it's actually a park, right?" This was Shirley's first reaction after buying the ticket and entering.

"After all, it is a fairy tale museum, mainly for children. It cannot have a serious atmosphere like those museums in the city." Miyano Akemi looked around, and there were many young parents with their children nearby.

Rei Fukutani still kept a just right distance from Miyano Akemi, with his hands in his pockets and a rose garden in front of him.

He secretly took a look at Curacao and Morohoshida. There were many children here and it was quite lively. Some unruly children were still running around and causing trouble. He was a little worried that the members of these two organizations would be impatient.

However, it turned out that he was overthinking, and the aura of the stars automatically isolated the naughty children, while Curacao looked at those children with a very peaceful expression.

June was the rose season, and the whole garden was very beautiful. Shirley happily held the arms of Angstra and her sister, and took photos with them in front of the flowers or next to the statue. However, because of their special status, they didn't take many photos.

After taking two or three group photos, we started taking photos of deserted scenic spots.

After taking pictures, they walked inside.

Angstra and Shirley walked in the front, and Fenggu Ling and Zhufu Jingguang walked in the last.

Rei Fukutani, who had no interest in museums, put his hands in his pockets. He discovered that from the entrance to the exhibition hall and church inside, there were French-style buildings from the original author's hometown on both sides.

…Have you been to Angostura in France, would you like it or hate it?

Rei Furitani was not in the mood to appreciate the surrounding scenery at all. He had to figure out what mission Angstra had accepted last night. Something like that in Nishitama City could not happen again.

"Anshi, have you read "The Little Prince"?" Zhufu Jingguang next to him suddenly said.

When Rei Fangtani heard "Amuro", he felt a subtle strange feeling in his heart, but this strange feeling passed quickly, making him think that it was just because he was not used to hearing kana names.

"I read a little bit when I was a kid. I can't remember the first part, but the relationship between the little prince and the fox later left a deep impression on me..."

Fangtani Rei thought of the fairy tale book he had read in the past, and clearly recalled a certain plot.

The fox said: "I can't play with you because I haven't been tamed yet."

The little prince was confused: "What is domestication?"

The fox gave an answer that was not wrong in nature, but not that simple at all: "It means establishing a relationship."

"To me, you are just a child, no different from thousands of other children. I don't need you, and you don't need me. To you, I am just a fox, just like other adults.

Thousands of foxes are no different."

"But if you tame me, then we will need each other - to me, you are unique in the world. To you, I am unique in the world."

Fangtani Rei couldn't remember the rest clearly. He knew that the original storyline was not that simple. He only clearly remembered this conversation about domestication.

Sometimes Angostela's movements of stroking his hair really looked like stroking a pet, which would make him maliciously speculate whether this little devil wanted to tame him and turn him into a real loyal dog.

That's not the worst part, Fangtani Rei felt that Fa Xiao around him was also one of the domesticated beings, and he had already been deeply influenced by Angstra.

Just take this morning's meal. He noticed that Angstra's mood was not right. This little devil is the most understanding member of the organization. All emotions are written directly on his face. Apart from him, the other two people also quickly

Found it.

Zhu Fu Jingguang immediately frowned, and based on Gu Ling's understanding of him, he knew that he wanted to find a suitable opportunity to ask in detail.

——It’s not because I want to get information, but because I’m worried.

This kind of concern made Fang Gurei frightened. Thinking about Fa Xiao's behavior in the past few days, he felt even greater fear than when he faced Gin's questioning.

After getting the code name from Zhufu Jingguang, Fang Guling wanted to have a good talk with him and persuade him not to get too involved in the identity of the guardian, even if he was facilitated for it - he would become a person without having his hands stained with the blood of innocent people.

Scotch - but the position is different. He shouldn't have too many positive feelings towards organized criminals. That would be a disqualification for an undercover agent.

Unfortunately, it was not convenient to have a long conversation in the hotel, so Fang Guling planned to find a chance to ask again after returning.

Toru Amuro stared at Angstra's back. His junior boss was walking in front, being pulled by Shirley, without looking back at him, which made him a little disappointed.

It is enough to tame a loyal dog. If you tame it too much, it will no longer be its own unique existence.


Jing Baiye suddenly felt a chill on his back.

Shirley, who was holding his arm, noticed that his arm was shaking inexplicably, and came over to touch his face worriedly: "What's wrong? Are you feeling cold?"

"No." Jing Baiye shook his head.

It's already June now, and the hot summer is about to begin. How can it be cold?

But this feeling of being targeted by something bad was a bit familiar... He remembered that he had a similar feeling the night when Toru Amuro took the initiative to put on the collar when he went to practice sniping.

This chapter has been completed!
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