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Chapter 296 Programs Affecting All Humans (two in one chapter)

It's normal for this group to kill people and silence them, so don't take it too seriously. Zhu Fu Jingguang froze when he heard this sentence that almost smeared the entire police force.

Angstra's voice was gentle when he spoke, and the only intact red eye was clear and bright. Looking at his expression, he was even comforting him from the bottom of his heart.

When he was in the training ground on the ground floor, Zhu Fu Jingguang saw many members of the organization who hated the police. Angstra did not laugh at her and never said a single curse word or insult from beginning to end. This could be regarded as an extremely well-educated person.

Zhu Fu Jingguang knew very well that those people were covering up their guilty conscience by scolding the police. In their hearts, they were afraid of the police. They were worried that one day they would be arrested by the police, put in jail, or be silenced by the organization before that.

So in the face of their responsibilities to the police, Zhu Fu Jingguang didn't take them seriously at all, and those frightening curses only made him more determined.

But Angstra... his attitude was too calm.

Such an understatement is far more heartbreaking than shouting insults and attacks - it is a complete contempt for the police's capabilities, including their character.

Zhu Fu Jingguang wanted to refute, but he didn't know what to say.

What can he say? He is undercover now and cannot talk about some cases where police officers sacrificed their lives heroically for the people. That would arouse the suspicion of Angstra and Morohoshi.


Zhu Fu Jingguang tried hard to calm his breathing. He could feel the pain in his chest every time he took a breath. He forced himself to continue analyzing.

From Angstra's perspective, what he said was reasonable and well-founded, and was entirely based on his own experiences.

He had just encountered an active police officer who tried to kill him. Even earlier, it was the serious negligence of the police that caused the tragedy for him and his sister.

So in his heart, the police are such unbearable existence...there is nothing worthy of recognition.

The four of them returned to the private room, and the lobster dish Angstra ordered was already placed on the table.

Zhu Fu Jingguang sat down where he was. To be honest, he had no desire to eat at all. He just wanted to close his eyes and calm down for a while, but the environment did not allow him to do that, so he had to steel himself and eat together.

Fang Gu Ling, who was on the side, saw that he was absent-minded and used the cover of the table to squeeze his wrist hard.

On the other side, Curaçao was asking about the whole story of Angostela's incident. The person who was almost murdered recounted it plainly without adding any embarrassment. Those words were like knives piercing directly into Zhu Fu Jingguang's heart.

"I have told that gentleman about you being shot." Curacao said after listening.

Angstra was eating cheese-baked lobster. When he heard this, his expression was stunned: "You won't tell the boss, right?"

"No matter what the reason is, the attack on the underage code name member is a very serious incident, especially this time you and Shirley are both involved. You must inform the gentleman." Curacao said with a cold expression, "Follow up.

You don’t have to worry, the organization will take care of it."

When Jiang Guling heard these words, he immediately became alert.

The organizational style is ruthless. The most famous example is that thirteen years ago, some members filled a newly built building with bombs from the basement to the top floor in order to silence them... If the owner of the building had not responded in time, it would have caused difficulties.

Imagine the casualties!

Although the organization had somewhat restrained itself after that and rarely bombed buildings anymore, Feng Guling did not dare to let down his guard.

You have to find an opportunity to contact Kazami Yuya and find someone to handle this matter. It can't be too obvious, otherwise Curacao will easily guess that there is an undercover person among the people present who has revealed the information... There is no need to save Nakamichi Kazushi, this kind of person is not worthy of the police.

After all the effort in arranging the suspended animation plan, the casualties other than his own must be minimized...

He quietly glanced at Zhu Fu Jingguang beside him and couldn't help but sigh.

He couldn't hope to be too soft-hearted towards the little devil...Fa Xiao, who was truly moved by his feelings, could do nothing in this matter.

After Angstra said those words, Fangtani Rei's first reaction was to block the sight of Zhu Xingda. If he saw the expression of Zhu Fu Jingguang, whose emotions were completely exposed at that time, he would definitely be able to tell something.



Keibaiye happily enjoyed the lobster dish and went to the Hakone Museum of Art and Sengokuhara as planned in the afternoon.

They returned to the Ebisu Onsen Hotel at around 5 o'clock and made a reservation for dinner in the hotel. Before the dinner was delivered, they went to the bedroom to pack their luggage, leaving only the underwear they would change at night and putting away the rest.


"Where is your pet?" Zhu Xingda noticed something missing in the room.

"They are on the second floor. I will pick them up after I finish dinner."

"Do you have a good relationship with that member on the second floor?" he asked again.

Jing Baiye sat on the bed and answered without much hesitation: "It's okay, Dora is always lazy and sleeping, Qian Duoduo is very lonely in the room, and there are no others of his kind to play with him. It just so happens that Spiatus also brought a pet cat,

I sent it over."

Morohoshi didn't bring much with him, so he quickly put away his things and threw his bag on the bed.

He leaned against the table, put his hand into the pocket of his coat, and took it out again after a while. His hands were clean and he didn't take anything. Jing Baiye thought that he was addicted to cigarettes and couldn't smoke here, so he could only touch it.

Satisfy your craving for space.

"What you said to us this morning..." He suddenly spoke.

"Which sentence?" Jing Baiye stopped.

"That saying, 'It's normal for this group to kill people and silence them, don't take it too seriously'..." Zhu Xingda repeated this sentence and looked at him quietly, "Listening to your tone, you have encountered this before.

What kind of thing?"

Jing Baiye was silent for a moment, then shook his head: "It wasn't me before, it was my neighbor."

Zhu Xingda left the table. He seemed to be very interested in this topic. At this moment, there was a knock on the bedroom door.

Toru Amuro's voice rang outside: "Gray, we're here for dinner. There's a dessert you like."

"We'll be out soon." Jing Baiye put down his things and stood up from the bed.

Morohoshi, who was ignored by Tohru Amuro, glanced at the bed: "Are you just going to throw all your things here?"

"It's okay, I'll clean it up later."

He brought a lot of things with him on this trip. Although he had a backpack, he only put valuables or things that were not suitable for carrying around. Clothes, game consoles, cassettes, etc. were all placed in the luggage.

In addition, most of his own housework was left to the robots and Toru Amuro to handle. He was slow to organize things. He was not even one-tenth as neat as typing codes or killing people, and most of the things were confiscated.

After dinner and a bath in the hot springs, Jing Baiye asked Scotland to help him pack the rest of his luggage - he didn't give it to Amuro because he was worried that he would have a big fight with Morohoshi who was staying in the same bedroom - and went up to the second floor alone.

between the leaves and the moon.

There was no change in the layout of the room. He glanced at the incompatible oil painting and sat down opposite Spiatus.

"How long will you stay here?" Jing Baiye asked curiously, holding Qian Duoduo in his arms.

"Leave until Sunday." Spiatus also picked up Moni and stroked the Scottish fold cat, "How did you play today?"

"Fortunately, although there was a shooting in the morning, the boss was very nice and gave us a free bill..."

Jing Baiye really didn't take this seriously. After finishing speaking, he thought of Jerez: "Jerez may not be doing well because he subdued the man and had to follow him to the police station to make a record. So far, he has not


When he came back in the afternoon, he saw the Mori family and the Kudo family leaving, and Kudo Yusaku greeted him. Then he opened the system map and took a look, and found that the Jerez people were still at the police station, and the food there was definitely not as good as a top restaurant.

It's as good as the hotel.

"It doesn't matter. There is enough food in the basement, and your female subordinate will have no problem staying there for a few more days." Spiatus smiled.

Jing Baiye noticed a strange box on the table. Before he could ask, Spiatus spoke again: "Speaking of which, this is the second time you have been killed by the police."

"I was not the one who was silenced for the first time." Jing Baiye corrected subconsciously.

"I know." Spiatus touched the cat enough and put it back on the tatami, "but you were the one who solved them afterwards. You scared Friedman even at that time."

That happened five years ago.

After the incident with the female ogre passed, he exchanged smart bandages for covering his recurring scars and committed his first murder in the United States.

It's not the organization's mission, nor is it for Belmod, Shirley or myself, but for a neighbor.

While in the United States, Jing Baiye had been living with his adoptive mother in a small villa with a yard. His neighbor was an elderly Chinese immigrant. His wife died of illness shortly after immigrating, and his son was temporarily working in another city.

His adoptive mother would sometimes work odd jobs or date men. Jing Baiye would often be alone at home. Sometimes when he felt bored, he would visit his neighbor's house.

Among them, his grandfather often baked apple pie for him. He said that this was the first cooking he learned after arriving in the United States. His wife taught him before she was alive, but she left before he could fully learn it.

Jing Baiye finished school very early before going to college. When he saw this grandfather sitting alone in the yard, he would sit and talk with him; he would often touch his head and say he was a good boy; he would take him to a nearby park to play.

, buy him toys and let him share them with friends, stand aside and look at him with a smile.

After learning that he was admitted early to MIT, this grandfather made him the largest apple pie ever. It was full of ingredients, sweet and delicious.

Jing Baiye thought she could stay with him until she left the United States, but he died not long after that.

——On his way back from shopping for groceries, he took the wrong road and accidentally saw three criminal policemen and a drug deal between gangsters, and was silenced.

That was a very successful silence, much more successful than this bald policeman.

It was perfectly concealed under "accidental violent law enforcement", because that grandpa is Asian, unlike black people who will arouse the anger of other black people or people who oppose racial discrimination. There is no news, only a small report in the newspaper, those people

He was not punished at all.

Jing Baiye attended the funeral with a calm mood. After the funeral, he grabbed Friedman, who had not yet left the United States, and asked him to drive him near the police station.

Friedman was confused and asked what he was doing in the car.

Jing Baiye's answer was: "They ruined my future apple pie and they have to pay the price."

There were four police officers in the police car. He specifically asked the bandage not to hurt the innocent person, that the severed head must be put back into the arms of the corresponding person, and that things were not allowed to be thrown around.

After that, Jing Baiye went to many dessert shops to buy their signature apple pie, but the taste was not as good as the one that his grandfather made for him.

Jing Baiye recalled what happened five years ago and was a little puzzled: "He can't be so timid, right? He is a US soldier, what kind of bad things have he never seen?"

Spiatus smiled, his eyes crinkling with laughter.

"I will find someone to deal with the policeman who tried to kill you today."

Jing Baiye actually didn't care. Not only did he have no losses, he also saved a lot of money on lunch.

He originally wanted to persuade Spiatus to do less than to do more, but he soon thought of the frightened and sad look of Scotland and Toru Amuro in the morning, silently shut up, and mentioned the real purpose of coming tonight: "That five-year mission

, what exactly is it?”


Spiatus smiled again. I don't know what he was thinking of. This time he smiled very gently.

"I want you to make a program that affects all of humanity."


Jing Baiye was stunned. Even in his first life, it was the countless artificial intelligence programs that united to control more robots, especially the extremely powerful military robots, that created a catastrophe for mankind.

"An artificial intelligence program that inherited the will of my first love." He smiled.

"As for the name of AI, let's call it 'Dunzi'."

This chapter has been completed!
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