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Chapter 303: The Three Unfortunate Reunions Of Undercover

Bang-dang... Bang-dang...

The train continued to move forward and soon passed the Sumida Canal Bridge.

"Once again, this train will not stop at any station in the short term... Please be patient, the control room is investigating the problem..."

The announcement sounded again in the tram, but it didn't comfort anyone.

At the front of the car, the surrounded flight attendants tried to persuade the increasingly panicked passengers, who were noisy and chaotic. Some even tried to pull open the window and tried to jump out, but the people next to them rushed to hug them.

Angstra and Rei Fukiya stayed at the back of the carriage, and the commotion in front did not affect them at all.

Jianggu Ling couldn't hear the noise in front of him at all.

He felt that the surroundings were quiet, they were the only two people left in the carriage, and he could only hear his voice in his ears.

Being called out by Kazami Yuya's real name - being suddenly informed that there was a bomb - unable to move and could only wait in place - thinking that Angstra opened the window to throw the bomb - Angstra did not throw the bomb, he found it


Jiang Guling's heart felt like it was tied to a jumping machine, and he experienced several ups and downs in a short period of time.

"...and there are more than one."

After the broadcast was completed, Angstra continued with a low volume.

He did not raise his head and kept looking at the phone. His expression did not change much when he mentioned the bomb, as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him.

Fukitani Rei frowned slightly, put his hand in his pocket, blindly typed out an email and sent it to Kazami Yuya.

As an undercover police officer, he is indeed very afraid of Angstra, but the word "fear" itself means an affirmation of the opponent's strength. Especially since Angstra is a member of the organization and a mechanical expert, he is very good at this.

The probability of being wrong is extremely low.

After sending the email, Fangtani Rei looked at Angstra's phone and tentatively said: "Can you let me see it?"

"Let's watch it together."

Seeing Angstra nod, Fangtani Rei couldn't wait to sit down next to him. The two of them were very close to each other. He leaned over and looked at the phone screen.

There was a clear video picture on the small mobile phone screen. It was a bomb installed in the center of the railway track. There was a countdown on it - there was still a long time before the explosion.

After seeing this scene clearly, Jiang Guling's tense heart finally relaxed.

Confirming the location of the bomb is a good thing. The next step is for the tram to pull up to the station, let all passengers off, stop all trains, and let the bomb disposal police from the mobile unit carry police dogs to search and dismantle it.

"There are light-sensitive sensors on it. If the tram speed is too slow or the sun goes down, the bomb will explode... No wonder it didn't stop just now."

"It should be a plastic bomb. This kind of bomb can easily evade X-ray security inspections, and it is difficult for police dogs without specific sniffing training to identify it. It is generally used by the military of various countries. I am very familiar with this kind of bomb, which can cause great harm to the crowd.

Huge casualties..."

Angstra continued to speak, and Fang Guliu noticed that his tone was a little subtle when he mentioned the army.

The picture on the mobile phone screen kept moving, and there was a faint buzzing sound, like a drone taking pictures, but Fangtani Zero was sure that the thing thrown by Angstra just now was very small, only pointed by his little finger.

The festival is so big.

Could it be some new type of machine he created?

Fang Gu Ling was thinking this way, and suddenly his head sank, and Angostela reached out and touched his hair.

"Don't worry, I have hacked into the network of the railway control room and sent this video to it simultaneously... If they don't believe it, or the police didn't remove it in time, it doesn't matter, I will take you to jump when we get to Tongzuo Station



This time Jianggu Ling didn't feel any disgust in his heart.

He looked at his thin body, and after seeing him grabbing bullets with his bare hands, he had no doubt about the authenticity of this statement.

Angstra handed the gourmet magazine into his hand again.

"The introduction to Copper Tower's food is on page 10. You can also take a look at what you want to eat. After eating the bills, we'll go have some snacks - you're welcome. I'll pay for all the expenses today."


Jiang Guling took the magazine with a complicated mood.

He really wanted to ask whether the theft of the Dongyang gunpowder depot and the bomb in orbit were caused by an organization, but there were so many people around now that it was not convenient for him to ask on such an occasion.


Fangtani Rei glanced at Angostela's side face. The afternoon sun was just right, coating his soft and round cheeks with a warm light golden color.

He is obviously a demon who should rot in the night and mud, but he looks like an angel when bathed in the sun...

Angstra knew nothing about his ups and downs, and smiled when she saw him looking at him.

Fangtani Rei looked away and opened the food magazine, still thinking about the bomb.

Not only did Angstra not kill anyone this time, he also determined the location of the bomb before anyone else... Even if he didn't do it specifically, judging from the result, he was saving people.

"...I'll treat you to something to eat at the Copper Tower."

It was a small thank you to his little superior... little devil.

The tram finally stopped at the station, not at the copper base, but at Okamatsucho, and all the passengers got off together.

It wasn't until he stood firm on the platform that Jiang Guling truly breathed a sigh of relief. The next step was to hand it over to professionals to defuse the bomb.


At this moment, Angstra's unique cell phone ringtone suddenly rang.

Fangtani Rei was startled, and several speculations flashed through his mind - such as whether members of the organization were calling to communicate about the mission - and he reflexively looked at Angostela.

"Hey...Scotland, what's wrong?"

Hearing that it was the code name of a young girl, Jianggu Ling silently wiped away the random speculation he had just made.

While Angstra was on the phone and had no time to pay attention to him, he took out his police phone and looked at it. Sure enough, there were messages from Yuya Kazami and Kagemitsu Morofushi.

He simply replied, then erased all the records on it and put the phone back into his pocket.

"I did take the tram, but I got off safely... It's okay, I just took a few more stops."

The person on the other end of the phone was Zhu Fu Jingguang, and Jiang Guling felt there was no need to eavesdrop.

He put his hands in his pants pockets and looked around casually.

Many passengers hurriedly left, while many others stood still and called Angstra to report that they were safe.

Jianggu Ling's eyes swept across the dark crowd. He was just looking around casually, not expecting to find any suspicious persons here.

When he saw Angostela behind him, Jianggu Ling's eyes suddenly became fixed.

His good eyesight allowed him to clearly see the man in the black suit, and his eyes slowly widened.

"I'm at Okamatsucho Station. I'll rush there right now...just a police dog will do. It's not convenient to move around in a place like this while wearing an explosion-proof suit..."

It's Matsuda Jinpei.

This chapter has been completed!
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