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Chapter 309 Extremely angry bitter wine (two in one chapter)

Zhu Fu Jingguang came out of the bathroom, pulled up a chair and sat down beside Jiang Guling's bed.

On the way to the ward, he read the surgery report. Jianggu Ling was seriously injured, but he was doing much better than he expected.

——Facing the explosion directly, there is no danger to his life, and he does not even have to lose arms or legs or have his organs removed. As long as he is willing to cooperate and recover from his injuries, he can recover in about half a year.

Moreover, Angstra was still willing to hand over that important task to Furuya Rei, and did not consider handing it over to another subordinate, Morohoshi Dai.


Zhu Fu Jingguang sighed slightly. Angstra was a bit naive. He only wanted to continue giving the task to zero and did not consider other factors at all.

Undercover agents should not be too high-profile, nor should they be too secretive.

When he was still a low-level member, he would complete any task he received as soon as possible. He knew very well that if he missed the deadline to complete the task, others would think he was useless.

If the leader of the organization knew that Zero was delayed in his mission due to an accidental injury, even if he was given a code name, he might not think highly of him in the future...

There was a constant sound of water in the bathroom, and Zhu Fu Jingguang stared at his small face and lost consciousness for a while.


Zhu Fu Jingguang was startled by the sudden vibration of his cell phone. He realized it was the cell phone used for organizational communication and immediately took it out.

He got up and walked to the window before picking up: "Hello?"

"Scotland, where are the Angstras?" Gin's voice came from the other side.

Zhu Fu Jingguang glanced at the quartz clock on the wall opposite the hospital bed. It was just 6 o'clock in the morning. In order to wait for Jiang Guling's surgery to be completed, they stayed up all night without sleeping.

"He is taking a bath in the bathroom." Zhu Fu Jingguang told the truth.


Gin sneered. Even through the phone, his contemptuous laughter still sent chills down the back.

"Are you at the hospital in Mikka Town? In the early morning, you suddenly looked up the contact information of the doctor there. Who was injured? Toru Amuro or Morohoshi?"

Zhu Fu Jingguang was stunned when he heard this, and then couldn't help but guess the worst.

He had already received a code name, and theoretically his status was different from the past, but he just checked the mobile phone number of a low-level member, and Gin got the news so quickly.

... Could it be that the organization doesn't trust him and is monitoring his every move?

Zhu Fu Jingguang's answer did not show any emotion: "It's Anshi."

There is no need to lie about this, and there is no way to lie - Fang Guliu cannot cover up minor injuries in the past.


Unexpectedly, Gin did not mock or ask any more questions: "Tell Angstra that I will be there in 5 minutes."

5 minutes?!

Zhu Fu Jingguang looked down through the window. The sky was getting brighter at 6 o'clock, but he did not see the familiar black Porsche below.

Why is Gin near the hospital? Why did he come here? What business does he have with Angstra? Will he... do anything to the injured zero?

Zhufu Jingguang had countless questions in his mind, and he was very worried about the purpose of Ginjiu's coming.

However, before he could ask further questions, the other party hung up the phone.


In the Porsche 356a, Gin put down his cell phone in the passenger seat.

He didn't smoke, and there was no smell of cigarette smoke in the car because a certain gentleman in the car didn't like the smell of cigarette smoke.

Spiatus was sitting in the back row, his eyes closed, as if he was taking a nap.

It was rare that he was not holding the Scottish Fold cat in his arms. He was wearing a sophisticated black suit, and his hair was neatly combed. It seemed that he was not going to a hospital where he witnessed various diseases and deaths, but a party of drunkenness and extravagance.

high-class banquet.

"Angostra is fine, his man was injured." Gin knew that he was not asleep.

"Really?...That's good."

Spiatus opened his eyes after hearing this, relaxed, and leaned against the car window lazily and gracefully.

Vodka on the side asked: "Brother, are you and Spiatus going upstairs to the hospital? Should I wait for you in the car or go up together?"

"Come up together."

Five minutes later, the black Porsche arrived at Mihua Yakushino Hospital.

Vodka paused at the door, letting Gin and Spiatus get out of the car first, and then drove to the parking lot alone to find an empty seat.

Seeing that his younger brother, who was unaware of the identity of the boss, left, and there were no outsiders or surveillance around him, Gin put his hands in his coat pockets and looked at Spiatus.

There was a rare hint of respect in his voice: "What is the purpose of your coming to the hospital?"

The boss also went to the hotel in Hakone last week and stayed with that troublesome kid for several days, so the possibility of coming to the hospital to see Angostela is low.

"Let's take a look at Hunter's recovery. Manhattan cares about his friend."

Manhattan Cocktail, whose real name is Kevin Yoshino, is a Japanese-American.

He was a sergeant in the U.S. Marine Corps before coming to Japan. Because he had already received rigorous training, he received a code name not long after joining the organization.

The reason why this former US military member joined the organization is simple - to treat Timothy Hunter, who saved his life and was both his mentor and friend.

"Hunter..." Gin read out the name, "Another boring friendship game."

When it comes to friendship, he thinks of Friedman, who refused a code name because he shot his friend.

Kevin Yoshino seems to be another Friedman - he regards his friend's shame as his own shame, his friend's frustration as his own failure, and he never hesitates for the safety of his friends.

Gin doubted whether people who joined the organization for such reasons could be truly loyal.

"As long as he can complete the task, loyalty is a rare and precious quality, and interest is the best glue for a group."

Spiatus seemed to see through what Gin was thinking, and a faint smile appeared on his pale face.

"Don't question Manhattan's choice. Being affectionate and righteous is better than having a bad heart, and having people or things you care about is better than having no desires or desires... People who don't care about anything are the most uncontrollable."

Gin listened in silence. He didn't understand why the boss was sometimes tough and sometimes soft. He only knew that what the boss said was right.

"What are your plans for Hunter?"

"If he is willing to continue to pick up a gun, give him a code name; if he does not want to continue to kill people, then go to the training ground and become an instructor."

Gin did not comment on this arrangement. He mentioned another member who was hospitalized: "Amuro Toru was seriously injured. He may have gone to the Mihua Municipal Building last night..."

He paused and his tone became cold: "Do you want to clean him up?"

Spiatus did not answer directly: "It depends on Angstra's attitude. This is his person."

Gin thought of Toru Amuro and the appearance of a certain mouse.

Among Angstra's three subordinates, the one he disliked the most was the blond mixed-race Toru Amuro.

Scotland was the one he chose from the beginning as Angstra. She was originally only a driver, but was promoted to a senior nanny because she knew how to cook;

He also gave Morohoshi Dai to Angstra. Although his eyes were not pleasing to the eye, Gin felt the same kind of aura in him.

There is only Toru Amuro, this person was chosen by Angstra herself.

Gin originally thought that it would be good if Angstra didn't express his anger, and he would be happy that the brat didn't learn the bad habits of his guardian. Unexpectedly, he was willing to accept Tohru Amuro as his subordinate, and even allowed him to live with him.

Could it be that the kid was missing the mouse that died by his hands and then found a substitute?

Does he regret killing him?

Thinking of this possibility, Gin's eyes turned cold.

He has a very good impression of Angostela and thinks it is a rare piece of jade, but now he has been tainted by a rat...

"Angstra will not use others as stand-ins at will - even if someone wants to be, he will be able to tell the difference clearly."

Spiatus seemed to see through what Gin was thinking again, his voice was low and gentle.

"Don't conflict with Angstra. His men were injured while protecting him. He is in a very bad mood now."

Gin was silent, knowing that this was a reminder from the boss.

Remind him not to mess with Angstra who is in lunatic mode.

After a while Vodka came over, Gin stopped talking, and the three of them entered the hospital together.

There were not many people at the entrance of the hospital at this time. When a nurse guarding the front desk saw them, she stood up and said something to her colleagues around her, then walked quickly towards them holding a folder.

Gin recognized this as one of the lower-level members of the hospital.

There are a lot of doctors, nurses, and pharmacists among the bottom members of the organization. Except for the occasional injured members who are sent to treat them, they usually have no contact with the organization, and the organization will not let them kill people.

"Please follow me." She handed the splint to Spiatus.


Spiatus politely thanked him, took down the report on the first page, and handed the plywood to Gin.

Gin glanced at Tohru Amuro's ward number to confirm, because the boss handed it to him and he didn't hand it to Vodka.

The special elevator reached the top floor, Spiatus went to Ward 1401 where Timothy Hunter was located, and Gin and Vodka went to Ward 1402 next door.

Considering what the boss just said, Gin did not open it directly like before, but knocked on the door in advance.

"Come in." Angstra's voice came.

Gin gave Vodka a look, and the driver understood it and stepped forward to open the door for him.

The VIP ward was very large, with a refreshing light color overall. The two men in black, Gin and Vodka, looked out of place when they walked into it. He saw Toru Amuro on the hospital bed at a glance.

The blond mixed-race man closed his eyes tightly, and when he saw his face, Gin looked away in disgust.

Toru Amuro and Panno look very similar, except that their eyes are different colors. When they close their eyes, they are even more similar.

Gin ignored Scotland, and his eyes fell on Angstra, who had his back to them. He was sitting there obediently, holding one of Toru Amuro's hands.

This underage member was wearing very simple clothes. It didn't look like the childish clothes Shirley bought, nor did it look like Belmode's flashy style. They were probably spare clothes from the hospital.

Angstra turned around: "Are you here for anything?"


Gin, who had brought the boss to the hospital, didn't answer. He looked down at him.

Angstra's only eye was staring directly at him, and her tone of voice was quite calm. Gin could not hear any emotion in him.

Gin thought he knew Angostura, he had known him since the first day he entered the organization.

Angstra is very talkative most of the time and has such a good temper that she doesn't look like a member of the organization.

Being targeted by the female ogre, he was not angry and still regretted that he would not be able to eat her cake in the future;

When he was in France, he was looked down upon because he was too young. When he encountered others taking drugs and selling drugs, he was just unhappy and had no real anger. He would be fine if he maimed or killed those people afterwards.

But Angstra is not so soft and temperless.

On the contrary, his rage was so terrifying that anyone who knew it would avoid messing with him.

In seven years, Gin had only seen Angstra angry three times.

The first time was to kill the policemen who were kidnapped from Jerez, the imps who were too tall to reach the recorder and had to step or jump on the spot. They avoided all the key points with ease and patience;

The second time was to kill the American gangster policemen who killed his neighbor's old man. He bit into the apple pie he bought from another dessert shop and said it didn't taste good while typing on the keyboard to search for the identity information of the gangster policemen.


And the third time... he climbed up the Eiffel Tower with bare hands, scattered Panno's ashes, and jumped from the top.

Angstra is different from normal people when she is angry. She does not turn red in the face or roar loudly. Instead, she is calm as never before.

Along with the calmness, he used more extreme and cruel methods than usual.

"There is a mission that requires a sniper." Gin said.

"I can't leave, you can find someone else." Angstra touched Toru Amuro's hand, "Calvados, Chianti... If it doesn't work, you can do it yourself, your sniper range is farther than theirs.


Gin looked at him condescendingly, and finally stretched out the hand on his coat - pulled out the Beretta and pointed it at the blond mixed-race man on the hospital bed.

Scotland was startled and wanted to step forward to stop him, but Vodka pulled out a gun and pointed it at him.

"...What are you doing?" Angstra asked calmly.

"This guy is just a low-level member, Angstra, don't forget your identity." Gin reminded him coldly.

"I haven't forgotten, I just don't have time for the moment. Is this task urgent? If it's not urgent, wait until Amuro wakes up and makes sure everything is fine, then I will go with you." Angstra frowned, "Don't be like this.

Point it at someone else and be careful of the gun going off."

Angstra, who had been poked in the face by Beretta for many years, warned Gin for the first time to be careful about the fire.

He raised his right hand and gently held Gin's left hand holding the gun. The pale back of his hand was covered with a black glove. His index finger, middle finger, little finger and ring finger were both closed together to form a claw shape, jamming the gun with a weird gesture.

Then in the next second, he suddenly tightened his fingers——


There was a crisp sound, and black gun fragments fell from the overlapping hands of the two men.

Scotland opened his eyes wide and Vodka was shocked: "Brother!!"

Gin was the calmest one. He watched Angstra let go of his hand and looked at him calmly. His gun was broken and his left hand was intact.

"Sorry, I broke your gun."

Angstra apologized to him, with a calm expression on her face: "I will compensate you."

This chapter has been completed!
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