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Chapter 311 Matsuda Jinping: Where's the Golden Retriever? (two-in-one chapter)

Miwako Sato was driving a Mazda and stopped at a red light.

Matsuda Jinpei, who was sitting in the passenger seat, was flipping through the documents. He took out one of the documents and placed it on top, comparing the actual photo with the first version of the design.

First the Toto Ring Line, then the Mihua Municipal Building. This explosion is the most serious explosion in Tokyo in recent years.

The bombing caused serious panic among the people. Under the pressure of public opinion, the superiors urged the Investigation Division to solve the case as soon as possible. Officer Megure called in Kudo Yusaku early in the morning to help.

It turned out that Matsuda Jinpei was a little dissatisfied with this move and felt that the police should not tell outsiders the details of the case, but Kudo Yusaku was really capable. After reading the details of the two bombings and several recent arson cases,

, it was concluded that it was most likely done by Teiji Moritani - because the buildings in these cases were all his early works.

"I once attended his afternoon tea party and saw photos of these buildings, including the award-winning bridge. He deliberately placed them at the innermost position."

"He is a strict artist. Such a person is somewhat paranoid and will be more intolerant of flaws in his works than ordinary people..."

Kudo Yusaku's calm speech helped the search section find a direction. Some people went to check the whereabouts of Moritani Teiji, and some people went to other buildings he designed to check the situation.

Miwako Sato and Jinpei Matsuda are responsible for the villa at 6-chome 6, Yoneka-cho.

Before departure, Kudo Yusaku also specifically reminded that this villa needs to be treated with caution by the police.

"The buildings that are currently burned or bombed are all works he designed before he was 30 years old. They are completely different from the British style he adopted after he was 30 years old. Although this villa is a British-style symmetrical building as a whole, due to development

Shang made some modifications to the courtyard due to his creative ideas."

"So I suspect that this building that he designed not long ago, but is also asymmetrical by mistake, will also be his target."

So Matsuda Jinpei brought bomb disposal tools.

He also had in his hand a photo of the ring wire and the bomb in the municipal building. Bombs made by the same murderer would not be too far apart.

"How long does it take to get to the villa in 6-chome 6?" he asked.

"About 10 minutes." Miwako Sato answered while looking directly at the traffic light.

Matsuda Jinpei lowered his head and continued to check the information about the house.

It is said that the owner who bought the house is a foreigner, the payment account is a foreign bank, and the developer said that a foreign man inspected the house.

However, the police called the contact number left by the buyer, but the other party never answered.

Matsuda Jinpei had a headache. Without a search warrant, the police had no right to break into a resident's home. It would be even more troublesome if there was no one in the villa, especially if the owner of the house was most likely a foreigner. If there was trouble going up...


Sato Miwako suddenly braked hard, and the strong inertia caused Matsuda Jinpei to fall forward and was tightly held by the seat belt.

"There's black smoke there!"


Her words made Matsuda Jinpei forget to say anything else and leaned forward to look into the distance.

The villas in this area had just been built recently, and because of their high prices, the occupancy rate was not very high. On the way here, he checked whether there were famous brands in front of the nearby villas, and found that there were only a few villas.

The high fence can block the eyes of clumsy thieves or passers-by on the street. The thick smoke rising upward is particularly eye-catching under the blue sky.

Sato Miwako gritted her teeth, realizing that it might be a step too late, and immediately stepped on the accelerator, and the Mazda flew out; Matsuda Jinpei was pulled hard by the inertia and hit the back of the chair. He clicked his tongue and quickly took out his mobile phone.

Notify other colleagues staying at the Metropolitan Police Department.

The flower of the Metropolitan Police has first-class drag racing skills, and the two of them quickly arrived in front of the target villa.

As soon as the Mazda came to a stop, Matsuda Jinpei got out of the car with the bomb disposal tool. He looked up and found that the iron door was open.

The homeowner forgot to close the door at home? Did passers-by get in out of curiosity? Or is the prisoner still inside?

At this moment, many speculations flashed through Matsuda Jinpei's mind.

Black smoke rose from the back of the building, roughly the backyard. He smelled the pungent smell of gunpowder smoke in the air, and stopped Sato Miwako who was about to rush inside: "You are here, I will go in first."

Sato Miwako was startled, and her suspicious eyes fell on Matsuda Jinpei.

"There may be a bomb inside, leave it to me." He completely restrained his usual casual attitude, "I have informed Officer Megure and the others. You stay here and stop them if any strange people appear."

Miwako Sato looked at the open iron door, nodded, took out her cell phone and called an ambulance in advance.

The incident happened suddenly. Matsuda Jinpei did not wear explosion-proof clothing. Because of the urgent time, he entered the villa in front of him without much hesitation, which may contain more explosives.

The garden and buildings in front are in a very typical British style. When standing at the entrance, they are completely symmetrical and almost exactly the same as the design.

Without any further delay, he quickly walked around the building and rushed towards the direction of the explosion, and then——


Matsuda Jinping suddenly tripped over something, staggered and almost fell, but luckily he stabilized his body in time.

He looked back and saw someone lying face down on the corner.

Matsuda Jinpei had seen the photo of Professor Moritani Teiji. The body shape was completely different from the fallen man. Look at the back of the head... Why did he feel that it looked familiar?

...It seems to be the boy who was hugged by Jiang Gu yesterday and wouldn't let go?

The explosion occurred in the backyard, which is a typical dry landscape garden - mainly made of sand and stones, unlike Western-style gardens with many green plants - there was no fire after the explosion, but a piece of pitted land was blasted there.

The situation was not bad, so Matsuda Jinpei reluctantly took a few more seconds to look at the boy.

Black hair, thin build, over 1.7 meters tall, round profile...

He had a good memory. After staring at the back of the head and the side face for a few seconds, he became more and more certain that this was the person he saw yesterday.

Matsuda Jinpei was even more surprised when he realized this.

Why is this boy here? Is this villa his home?

Why is he lying here alone? Where is Fanggu who was with him yesterday?

While making various guesses, Matsuda Jinpei ran to the boy and squatted down. He found that there was no blood on his body. It did not look like he was injured by the explosion, so he carefully turned his body over.

This was a face that was younger than he expected, probably around the age of a junior high school student.

Matsuda Jinpei looked at him and frowned slightly.

This young man is staying with Rei Fangtani, who is working as an undercover agent. Yesterday, Rei Fangtani made such an action just to prevent him from seeing him... This proves that he is most likely related to a criminal organization.

Then as a police officer—especially a police officer at the same time as Fang Gu—coming into contact with him, it might cause some trouble for him and that golden-haired bastard.


Matsuda Jinpei stared at the unconscious black-haired boy. His face was frighteningly pale, his head was tilted to one side, and his breath was extremely weak.

He was still in the explosive ordnance disposal class a few days ago. The biggest pain and setback in the two years after graduation was the death of Fa Xiao. The most common thing he faced was bombs. It was not like the search class where he faced vicious cases and all kinds of human ugliness.

Unlike an undercover agent, you must be cautious every step of the way and cannot give away your trust easily.

He himself is not good at handling tortuous workplace relationships and is too lazy to flatter others. He likes to express himself directly and is not afraid of offending others.

Therefore, except for the four friends from the police academy, Matsuda Jinpei didn't make many new friends after becoming a police officer.

His duty told him that as a police officer, no matter how troublesome a kid is, he should not save him. Even if he is a criminal, he should be handed over to the law for trial instead of ignoring his safety.

Just like Zhufu Jingguang two years ago, he rescued Wai Moriichi, the man who killed his parents, from the explosion. He didn't just watch him being bombed to death... even though this guy escaped from prison a few weeks ago and his head was cut off and hung in a police car.

Go up and die even more miserably.

What's more, this kid doesn't look like a cold-blooded juvenile delinquent. Yesterday at the station, as a minor, he went to comfort Fang Gu Rei, an adult. He didn't notice how cold Fang Gu's eyes were at that time, like a complete idiot.

Bai Tian...

Finally, Matsuda Jinpei finally said: "Hey, are you okay?"


Dying on the spot is definitely the most embarrassing skill that Jing Baiye has acquired.

The biggest effect is to scare the people around you, and it is useless elsewhere. Even if you spend 10,000 reward points to upgrade to level 2, the activation probability will only drop from 4.44% to 1.44%, and there is still the possibility of triggering.

Just like this time, after the courtyard was bombed, he pushed open the door and ran in. When he saw the mess, the skill was instantly triggered and he fell to the ground again.

If there is any improvement, it is that after the skill upgrade, he can observe everything happening around the body - just like when he observed the original owner seven years ago, the soul stays aside as a bystander.

Jing Baiye floated to check, and he was relieved when he found that it was not serious as he thought; but when he opened the system map and saw that there was a bomb very close to the house on the map, he immediately became anxious.

While beating the corpse of the bomber, he poked the system several times: [How can I wake up?!]

[…Hear the keyword, or wait for the skill effect to pass naturally.] The system said weakly.

[How long will it take?] Jing Baiye looked at the red square on the map and spoke to the system in such a rude tone for the first time, [There are still 10 minutes until another bomb is going to explode. Do you want me to watch the house personally?

Got bombed again?!]

If Jing Baiye was still in his body, he thought his eyes would have turned red.

This feeling - this feeling of seeing the house about to explode and being unable to do anything about it, is really terrible.

He seemed to have returned to the day of his 14th birthday, and everything that happened in front of him gradually overlapped with that day.

He would rather be cut 444 times again, this time with his internal organs removed, than have his house bombed again!

This house was bought to him by Belmode as an important gift from her to him - and he will live in it with Scotland and Toru Amuro in the future!

Jing Baiye was so anxious that he was spinning on the spot. He completely ignored the body lying on the ground and stared at the location of the other bomb with splitting eyes.

He should upgrade this damn skill again. The probability of 1.44% is still too easy to trigger for someone like him who sometimes has excellent luck and sometimes extremely bad luck.


Just when Jing Baiye was worried, the iron door of the villa in the distance was pushed open hard. He subconsciously looked there and saw a man in a black suit running in.

The man ran around the corner and stumbled over his fallen body. After staggering a few steps, he steadied his body and looked towards him.

Jing Baiye floated over and shouted in his ear: "Leave me alone - bomb, there is a bomb over there!"

However, the man couldn't hear his voice at all. He squatted down beside him and turned his body over: "Hey, are you okay?"

[System, can you let him hear my voice?] Jing Baiye asked anxiously.

[...Sorry, it can't be done. Unless you draw soul-related skills, others will not be able to sense you in this state.] The system sound became weaker.

At this time, another person ran in from outside, this time a short-haired woman wearing professional formal attire.

"Why did you come in?" the man asked in surprise.

"I called an ambulance. I came in to take a look if I was really worried." The woman squatted down next to him, "What happened to this boy? Was he injured?"

"I don't know, he fell here when he came in."

The man stood up and took off his suit jacket, folded it and put it under his head: "You take care of him first, and I'll check if there are any other bombs in the courtyard."


The woman readily agreed. She raised her hand and touched his breath and pulse for a preliminary check.


Jing Baiye stared at this scene blankly, not knowing what he was feeling at this time.

Great sorrow and great joy? Great ups and downs?

Because his whole person... his whole soul was stupid, Jing Baiye did not follow the man to watch him defuse the bomb. He stayed where he was, looking at this short-haired, good-looking woman.

He saw her take out her cell phone, put her face on her shoulder, and continue to move his body with her hands.

"Matsuda and I have arrived at Yoneka Town 6-chome 6. An explosion just occurred here. An unconscious teenager was found at the scene. Matsuda is searching for bombs and needs an explosive ordnance disposal squad..."

"——Sato, no need, I found it."

The short-haired woman paused and changed her words: "Matsuda said he had found the bomb."

Explosive Ordnance Disposal Squad...are they the police?

Jing Baiye glanced at Sato, then quietly drifted through the black smoke and came to the side of the man named Matsuda, squatting down to watch him defuse the bomb.

Matsuda opened the lid, checked the circuit inside, showed a confident smile after scanning briefly, and then opened the bag next to him.

"How about it, Matsuda - can it be dismantled?" Sato asked on the other side, raising his voice.

"Okay...cough." Matsuda originally wanted to answer Sato loudly, but the black smoke nearby had not dispersed yet, and he was choked and coughed repeatedly, "It's okay, trust me."

Jing Baiye stared at that face, because a man with strength and confidence is indeed the most handsome, not to mention that this man himself is good-looking, and when he saved his house, he was so handsome that he was covered with holy light.

[System...] He poked at the system, [When Amuro recovers, I want to take him and Scotland to thank the policeman.]

【…………】The system was strangely silent.

[But Amuro is afraid of the police...] Jing Baiye denied his decision, [Then I'll talk to Scotland. He has a gentle and polite personality, and he will definitely be happy to do it. ]

This chapter has been completed!
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