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Chapter 318 Watch the ashes and fireworks with you (two-in-one chapter)

Jing Baiye put down her phone, and almost at the same time, the door to the ward opened.

Futo Kyousuke walked out of the room, closing the door behind him when he left. He walked up to Kei Baiye and Scotland, who were both standing up.

"Mr. Angstra, I need to talk to you alone if I have something to say... Could you please come to my office for once?"

Jing Baiye was stunned for a moment. Why did he feel that what Kyosuke Futo said was not a good idea?

Whenever doctors in movies and TV shows say similar words with this expression, it often means that the patient's condition is quite serious.

"What's wrong with Amuro?" Scotland's expression was serious.

"Well...it's actually a very common question among organization members." Kyosuke Futo used the words very vaguely.

Scotland frowned slightly and wanted to continue asking, but was stopped by Jing Baiye.

"You stay here with Amuro. If he is not in good health and he has any emergency, call the doctor immediately." Jing Baiye looked at the doctor and suppressed his worries: "Doctor Fengdo, let's go."

Jing Baiye followed Fuudo Kyosuke to the thirteenth floor.

The president and vice president of this hospital are all members of the organization. There is no clinic on the thirteenth floor for ordinary patients. Doctors working for the organization will have a second office here for them to discuss their conditions with members of the organization.

This floor is very quiet. Doctors don't come here every day, and there are people cleaning it regularly.

They entered the office and Fuudo Kyosuke closed the door.

"Please sit down." He motioned to another chair next to the desk.

"Is Amuro's condition serious?" Jing Baiye asked impatiently.

Kyosuke Futo is a surgeon who has passed the psychological counselor qualification examination. He is specialized in surgery and diagnosis of psychological problems.

"No matter what the disease is, the prerequisite for diagnosis is that the patient is willing to tell the doctor what's wrong with him, and Mr. Amuro was very repulsive to me."

Fudo Kyosuke sighed softly: "There are many members of such an organization. After all, you have many secrets. Some secrets are not something I, a doctor, can hear. I understand what he did..."

Jing Baiye knows the special nature of the members of the organization, and they are much more defensive than ordinary people.

"You want me to persuade him to tell the truth?" He frowned.

Futo Kyosuke denied: "No, psychological problems cannot be forced. Forcing will cause bigger problems."

As he spoke, he rested his hands quietly on his legs. Jing Baiye saw a long, light-colored wound on his left hand that almost spanned the entire back of his hand.

The surgeon's hand is very important. Without Spiatus' treatment, he would never be able to pick up the scalpel again with such a hand injury.

"What should we do?"

Jing Baiye was very worried. Although psychological problems were invisible and intangible, they had to be taken seriously and treated seriously.

"Please don't worry. I have seen a similar case like this under the guidance of Mr. Spiatus..."

When mentioning Spiatus, Kyosuke Futo's eyes and tone changed obviously.

“Have you ever heard of ‘dissociation disorder’?”

...dissociation disorder?

Jing Baiye, who didn't know this professional term at all, shook his head honestly.

"Dissociation disorder is a mental illness with a very low incidence. There are two common causes. The first is severe physical trauma, and the second is huge mental pressure."

"This type of patient's self-perception will be confused, and they will look at themselves as if they are looking at another person. Each personality is complete, and the switch is very sudden. No matter how good the actor is, he cannot imitate it perfectly, so

People around you—especially acquaintances—will quickly notice something strange..."

"Patients often suffer from amnesia. Sometimes they feel that time passes quickly, and sometimes they cannot remember what they have done."

The more Jing Baiye listened, the uglier his face became, and his hands slowly tightened.

He doesn't understand much about dissociation, but he understands every personality and realizes the seriousness of the problem.

Extremely severe physical trauma, this refers to the explosion that Amuro encountered last night.

As for mental stress...

Jing Baiye recalled that he probably didn't put any mental pressure on Amuro. He found that he was afraid of the police and killing people, so he tried hard to prevent him from encountering or performing such tasks... Could it be that he was frightened when he interrogated the cadres of the Mud Association and dealt with Qin Feishi in the past?

Have you ever been to him?

"Then how to treat it?"

"This is a very long and tortuous process." Futo Kyosuke looked at him, "Multiple personalities are dominated by strong excitement points. The transformation between personalities is the transformation between multiple excitement points."

Strong excitement?

What is Toru Amuro’s strongest point of excitement?

Jing Baiye was confused and listened to the doctor in front of him continue: "Dissociative patients are highly susceptible to suggestion. They are easily hypnotized, and different personalities may have completely different personalities, preferences, and beliefs... including their views on good and evil.


"Such a patient is very dangerous to himself and his teammates, like a time bomb."

"Mr. Angstra, as a doctor, I will save every patient; from an organizational standpoint... I would like to advise you to give up this member."

Kyosuke Futo's voice was gentle, and he made suggestions seriously.

But his words hit Jing Baiye's heart like a heavy hammer.


Jianggu Ling, who was on the hospital bed, turned his head hard when he heard the sound of the door opening. It was Zhu Fu Jingguang who came in.

He saw Zhu Fu Jingguang alone: ​​"Where is Angostela?"

"...Doctor Futo called him away."

Zhu Fu Jingguang walked up to Jiang Gu Ling. From the time he saw the news last night to now, he hadn't closed his eyes for a moment. He was even in a state of nervousness, but he didn't feel tired at all.

He looked at Jianggu Ling, who was covered in bandages, and raised his hand to press his forehead. He felt so troubled that he didn't know what to say.

The only thought is to be glad again that their boss is Angstra, who will not abandon the injured Fa Xiao casually...

Jianggu Ling had a bad premonition.

He maintained absolute vigilance, making sure that he didn't say anything he shouldn't have said, but now he has intermittent amnesia... Could it be that he said something outrageous when he had no memory?

"Relax, mental tension is not conducive to self-cultivation."

A familiar voice sounded around him. Zhu Fu Jingguang sat down next to Jiang Guling and shook his hand vigorously, as if he wanted to convey his feelings through this action.

"You are not alone..."

Zhu Fu Jingguang made mouth movements, turned his back to the door, and shouted a silent "zero" to his hair.

"You still have me here, and I will accompany you to treat your illness."

Not only me, Angostela will also accompany you... But looking at Jiang Guling's expression, Zhu Fu Jingguang did not say the last words.

The two waited for about half an hour before Angstra returned to the ward with the nurse who delivered the meals.

Zhu Fu Jingguang carefully observed his expression and found that his little boss's expression was almost the same as when he left.

The nurse put the dinner on the empty table next to her and left without saying anything. The door to the ward was closed with a click, and the whole room fell into an eerie silence.

The first person to break the silence was Zhu Fu Jingguang.

"That doctor...what did he say to you?"

Feng Guling was equally nervous. He was really worried that he said something he shouldn't have said when he had no memory.

"...He said that the patient rejected him, which hindered his diagnosis."

Angstra walked over to the bed and gently held his hand.

Fangtani Rei was very uncomfortable having his hand held by the little devil. His fingers were stiff, and he wanted to persuade him to eat and let him go quickly, but when he looked at him in the next second, he swallowed all the words of persuasion alive.

Amuro Toru held his hand back: "I will cooperate with the treatment..."

The pale face of his little boss already made him feel distressed, but now with such a look in his eyes, he wanted to jump to the ground immediately, hug him and say that he was fine.

"The doctor said that you can't be forced to do it, you have to be completely voluntary."

Angstra leaned over, hugged him gently, and said firmly: "Don't worry, medical technology is so advanced now, as long as people don't die, most diseases can be cured... You have to have confidence

, I will always be by your side."

"I will never leave you alone. We will still live together in the future..."

Toru Amuro felt his little boss's head resting on the crook of his neck, and his hair touching his cheek from time to time, which made him full of joy.

It seems his presence was noticed by doctors.

It's not surprising, he felt the same kind of aura in that doctor - underneath that gentle and honest appearance, there was another scary guy.

He didn't think he could destroy him. The only person in the world who made him give up everything and die was Angstra who was hugging him.

Of course, you can't say too much. He is weak now. In order to protect himself, it is better to be honest for the time being and hide in the dark to accumulate more power... This is easy. He is getting stronger as his emotions increase.


But before that, he had something more important to confirm.

——The thing that he was very concerned about when he got the answer from Curacao from the fireworks display.

Zhu Fu Jingguang and Angostela had a normal dinner, but Jiang Guling was seriously injured and could only eat liquid food.

After dinner, the nurse came to put away the dishes. Doctor Fudo sent a new physical examination report. Zhu Fu Jingguang looked carefully at the psychological/spiritual column and found that it said that the patient did not cooperate with the treatment.


Does this count as no result, the best result? At least it is better than Fa Xiao not being asked for important information during his amnesia...?

Zhu Fu Jingguang looked at the report with mixed emotions.

"Scotland, when will you go back?" Angstra looked at his face, "If you are tired, go back and rest early. You have to come here early tomorrow morning."

"...I'll leave in a moment."

Zhu Fu Jingguang knew that Angostela was like an ordinary office worker. He went out every morning from Monday to Friday and asked them to pick him up in the evening, but he still hadn't figured out where he went or what he did.

"Do you want me to pick you up tomorrow afternoon?" he asked.

"No, I'll come here myself." Angstra added, "There's no need to prepare lunch for me."

Zhu Fu Jingguang left the hospital at around 8 o'clock, by which time it was completely dark.

Angstra went to take a shower, and when she came out she was still wearing normal clothes that were suitable for going out.

"You don't want to change into pajamas?" Fang Guling was surprised.

"I'll be by your side at night, and I won't sleep in the nursing room."

Angstra sat down on the chair next to the hospital bed, which was where he would rest tonight.

"You don't have to do this. It's very uncomfortable to sleep sitting up like this."

Fangtani Rei advised that he didn't want this little devil lying next to him and staring at him. He would definitely not be able to sleep at night.

"It's okay, I can sleep on my stomach." Angstra smiled at him.

"You suddenly had trouble breathing in the afternoon. I'm worried that you will have such a sudden situation again at night. If I sleep in another room, I might not be able to hear you. It's safer to watch closely."

"I will hold your hand. If you feel uncomfortable at night or want to drink water, just touch my hand. I will feel it immediately and wake up."

Angstra took his hand after speaking: "I will take good care of you."

Such a smile hurt Jiang Guling's eyes a bit.

His eyes flickered, his lips moved, and finally he swallowed what he was about to say.

"...Then you should go to bed early. You didn't sleep all night last night."

Because of his begging, Angstra stayed in the dangerous building despite being able to escape early. Not only did he dismantle bombs, he also treated many injured people. After sending him to the hospital, he waited for him to finish.


Like Hiro, he hasn't slept a wink since last night, and he has to sleep next to the hospital bed tonight... He doesn't even need a bed, just because he's worried that he won't feel well at night.

If it were a former friend from the police academy who did this, Feng Guling would not be so awkward, but it happened to be Angstra.

It was Angstra, whom he regarded as a little devil who was trapped in the darkness, who treated him like this as an undercover agent walking on thin ice in the darkness...

It was clear that Angostela did not have any malice, no murderous intent, and was not as extreme and crazy as in the past. She showed him the tenderness and consideration that the injured needed most, but it made him feel more uncomfortable than Gin's cold muzzle.

Fang Guling tried his best to calm down his emotions so that Angstra could not see the strangeness in his expression.

"Wait a minute, there will be fireworks at the Tokyo Tower." Angstra maintained his posture and looked out the window not far away.


Why did Angostura want to watch the fireworks with him?

"I was participating in the Rebirth Festival in Hakone Town before. I refused you to follow me. You seemed very sad at the time. I have to apologize to you, because the reason why I refused you at that time was quite... maybe you couldn't accept it."

Angstra showed an apologetic expression and squeezed his hand.

Amuro Toru was silent, and he felt his hand being held tremble slightly.

This is a question that has been pressing in his mind since the fireworks display, and it may be answered today.

"...Can I ask the reason?"

He tried to calm down his surging emotions and tried his best to make his tone less weird.

The ward was as quiet as a tomb.

In Tohru Amuro's field of vision, he saw a stream of light rising into the sky outside the window and exploding above the Tokyo Tower, illuminating this iconic building in Tokyo and making it more beautiful than the fireworks in Hakone Town.

But he was in no mood to appreciate it.

His heart felt like it was soaked in ice water, making him awake, making him suffer, and making him open his ears to listen to the thing that he might not want to hear.

Angstra replied in a calm tone: "It's because of Panno."

"He is my former partner, an... undercover agent from the French General Directorate for External Security."

This chapter has been completed!
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