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Chapter 330 Your Name

In order to fulfill the wish, the original owner must hand over his body.

Jing Baiye and the system bid farewell to the original owner's soul in his inner world.

Whoever controls the body, the inner world is the color of his soul.

The world of the original owner was flawless and pure white, and Bai Ye was a little uncomfortable when he stayed in it before; but after he temporarily took over the body for revenge, the inner world of the body suddenly transformed into a pitch black one, like

The day turns to polar night.

Jing Baiye stood in this dark world, and the original owner stood opposite him. The boy's body gradually glowed, and the system turned off the microphone considerately at this time, leaving room for them to communicate.

[I have accomplished your wish.] He said to him.

【Well, thank you, Brother Devil.】

The original owner lowered his head and looked at his glowing body. He had no fear, and he thanked Jing Baiye seriously.

Jing Baiye felt that his expression was dazzling, just like he couldn't adapt to the pure white soul of this boy. He was not used to the gratitude of the person whose life he took away. He was more used to facing the hatred of the deceased before death.


When encountering the kindness of others, he will feel overwhelmed and even afraid.

...Perhaps he has been suitable to stay in the darkness and be scolded as a devil since his birth, right?

[Brother Devil, can you squat down?] The boy ran to him and raised his head.

Jing Baiye was confused, but he still did it. The moment he squatted down, the boy opened his arms and hugged his neck tightly.

[What are you doing?] Jing Baiye was stunned.

[This is Shun... Someone once told me that when you want to comfort someone, you can hug the other person, which will make the other person feel warm.] The boy put his chin on his shoulder and pressed his soft cheek to his face.

Rub it.

【When I am sad, he will hug me, so I will hug you like this too.】

...Him? Who is he?


【Why do you want to comfort me?】

You are going to die. As for the ending, shouldn’t I be the one to comfort you...? Jing Baiye was very puzzled.

【Because I feel you are sad.】

The boy gave an answer that made Jing Baiye even more confused.

He let go of his hand and stroked Jing Baiye's eyebrows - only then did Jing Baiye realize that he had frowned unconsciously - facing his confused expression, the boy showed an innocent smile.

【I’m leaving, Brother Devil... By the way, I haven’t asked your name yet!】

【My name is...】

The boy's soul became brighter and brighter, and the white light made Jing Baiye almost unable to open his eyes, but he still instinctively stretched out his hand to grab him, as if subconsciously trying to save something... His hand was empty.


The light disappeared, the boy disappeared without a trace, and the whole world returned to darkness.


He...hadn't even had time to tell him his name.

Jing Baiye didn't know what she was feeling at this time. Lost? Regretful? Or was it what the boy said...sad?

But he doesn't understand what it feels like to be sad. In his first life, his teacher sacrificed him without shedding a single tear. In his second life, he died in front of Pei Zi and Fuyuhiko. He still remembers their expressions when he was dragged away for execution.

Jing Baiye slowly lowered his hand that didn't grab anything.

【...Good night, Baiye.】

He looked at the place where the boy disappeared and murmured like this.

The dream was interrupted, and Jing Baiye woke up.

The surroundings were dark, but it was not his inner world, but Toru Amuro's hospital room.

Gu Xiu

He sat up carefully and glanced at Toru Amuro, who was sleeping in front of him. Seeing that he was not awakened by his movements, he continued to hold Toru Amuro's hand with one hand and took out his phone from his pocket with the other hand. After unlocking it, Check the time quietly.



He went to bed at around 11 o'clock last night, and has only slept for about 5 hours now, and he is not sleepy at all.

[System?] He shouted in his mind.

【I am here.】

No matter what time or place, the system bound to his soul can always respond to him immediately.

[I just dreamed of the day when I helped the original owner take revenge...] Jing Baiye put the phone back and leaned on the back of the chair, [Every detail is very clear, as if I have returned to that day.]

[Before disappearing, he smiled at me and hugged me.]

Jing Baiye recalled the dream he had just had. He could clearly remember every expression of the boy before he disappeared.

The system is silent for a moment.

【...That's a good boy.】It said after a long time.

Comparing the people who were approached by colleagues, there was a very high proportion of newspaper workers whose minds were twisted by hatred. That child...that child, who was also named Jing Baiye like his host, was really a breath of fresh air.

Jing Baiye sat there quietly, his eyes falling on the wall opposite, his eyes blank.

After the original owner left, he completely took over everything.

The police took away the two corpses. He was not afraid that they would suddenly go to the autopsy. The ingredients in the medicine in the system store could not be detected at all, and they would not overturn a case that had been closed by accident.

Because no one would leave a seven-year-old child alone in a haunted house, the police began contacting relatives.

Seeing the cordon surrounding the place, nearby neighbors came to watch the fun, including Kuroba Chikage.

Jing Baiye remembered that the original owner liked her very much because she was one of the few people who showed kindness to him.

When she heard about this incident, she lost control of her expression on the spot. She opened her mouth and said, "Have a good death!" - then she faced the strange look in her neighbor's eyes and was caught by the police and gave her a lesson.

The police checked around and found no relatives they could contact, so they had no choice but to send Jing Baiye to an orphanage.

Before Belmod found someone to go through the adoption procedures, Kuroyu and his wife would often visit him. Kuroyu Pianyi also taught Jing Baiye some initial disguise and voice-changing techniques.

A few weeks later, Ms. Crowe came. She completed the adoption procedures, and Jing Baiye was given the name "Gray Crowe", and then she handed him over to Belmode.

Belmode took him to meet the boss, and he officially joined the organization.

When he learned that this was a transnational criminal organization, former high school-level criminal Sui Baiye accepted it well.

The boss wanted to hide his identity from most of the organization, so he allowed Jing Baiye to call him Spiatus and let him live in the bedroom next door.

Jing Baiye said he wanted to learn a musical instrument, so the first gift Spiatus gave him was a violin worth 1.3 million US dollars.

When receiving this gift, Jing Baiye's hands trembled slightly, and then he began to calculate.

1.3 million US dollars, converted into Japanese yen, is about 160 million yen, and the value of this kind of collection will only increase... He sold himself to Belmode for 8 million yen, so this violin can be bought for at least 20 Him.

Such an expensive gift was given out on demand. It seems that the organization is quite wealthy.

Jing Baiye touched the violin and sighed. He didn't expect that he would find a good job so quickly in this third life.

At the same time, he was also glad that the original owner had left.

——Otherwise, with that child’s pure soul, he would never be able to accept joining a criminal organization.

Jing Baiye sighed.

He didn't know where the original owner's soul would go.

He has asked the system several times in the past, but the system did not give him an accurate answer.

He killed so many people and didn't go to hell. That child whose soul was a hundred times cleaner than his... wouldn't end up in a worse ending, right?

This chapter has been completed!
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