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Chapter 351: Falling Valley Zero: Suspecting that I went to the wrong studio

Tidy up the room, go out to buy things for lunch, and continue tidying up when you come back.

At 4 o'clock in the afternoon, Fanggu Ling and Angstra went out again.

The sun was not as bright and dazzling as in the morning. The two of them were sitting on the bus. Fangya Rei listened to the passengers around him talking in a language that he struggled to understand, and he sighed in his heart.

Learning a foreign language is really not that simple, and only three months of learning is simply not enough.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but glance at the little devil next to him. He was proficient in Japanese, English, French and Russian at the age of fourteen, and maybe other foreign languages. I really don't know how the organization trains... It's like cheating.


"How many stops do we have until we get off?" Fangtani Rei asked.

Angstra raised her head and looked outside: "This stop is here."

The two stood up and left their seats and walked to the rear door. An older woman looked at them in astonishment, seeming to be surprised that they were here, and mumbled a lot of words to Rei Fukitani.

Fangtani Rei was confused when he heard this, and subconsciously looked at Angstra next to him.

Angstra held the armrest with one hand and held Jianggu Ling's arm with the other. He turned and said something to her. She was stunned for a moment and nodded hesitantly.

After getting off the car, Fangtani Rei recalled the woman's expression. He was sure that it was not discrimination or disgust, but more like worry.

"What did she say?" he asked humbly.

"She accused you of being irresponsible and bringing me, a weak minor, to such a dangerous area. I comforted her and said that I came here on my own initiative and you are my bodyguard."

Dangerous area…

Fangtani frowned slightly. He said that it was a lie that he had gone abroad for the first time, but this was indeed his first time in France. Before that, he had done a lot of preparations, such as knowing which areas were safe and which were dangerous.


In some traditional dangerous areas, it is best not to go out at night, and it is best not to go out during the day.

But this is nothing to the members of the organization. Ordinary thieves and robbers will have to stop when they have guns. In other words, it is precisely because this place is a mixed bag, full of violence and crime, that it is suitable as a stronghold for the organization.

After leaving the bus stop, Fang Guliu and Angstra walked side by side on the road. He was more vigilant and observed everything around him.

The surroundings are still low-rise houses, without any particularly tall buildings. At first glance, they look similar to the District 5 where they live, but compared to the peace and tranquility of District 5, the atmosphere here seems weird.

Men, women, or children not much older than Angstra on the street made Feng Gulii feel uncomfortable all over.

A rotten, embarrassing... stench of crime.

A young man with a tired face walked towards them. He was astonishingly thin, his face was ashen, his jawbones were raised high, and his chin was covered with abscesses. As he passed by, he leaned to the side and used the cover of his body to

, stretched out his hand and grabbed Angstra’s pocket——


Angstra's expression didn't change, she grabbed his wrist and unceremoniously bent it outwards.

The young man didn't even have time to scream, before Angstra picked up his severed hand and threw it away like trash. He swung his body in a half circle and threw it into a path on the left. He fell heavily to the ground face down.

Falling valley is silent.

He didn't know whether he should be alarmed by how cruel he was to treat a thief like this; or whether he should feel sorry for why he could handle it so skillfully...

"There are a lot of drug addicts here, please be careful." Angstra's tone was calm, as if she was just brushing away a speck of dust.

After this interlude, the two of them walked for a while, and Feng Guling noted down the subway entrance because he remembered that Angstra said that they would take the subway back after the end.

One of the favorite places for tourists to complain about Paris is the metro. There are a lot of thefts and robberies there. Many people take advantage of the subway doors to close and grab things and run away, which catches people off guard.

If someone dares to rob Angstra, he might be pushed into the railroad tracks and crushed into a pulp?

No, Angstra doesn't like to involve innocent people. If something like that happens, it will affect the travel of innocent passengers. He won't be willing to do that... Is that a follow-up pursuit all over Paris?

When Jiang Guling's imagination was running wild, the two stopped in front of a ground-floor building on the bank of a river.

He put back his messy thoughts, followed Angstra, and together with him... walked into an inconspicuous phone booth on the street.

Jiang Guling was confused, but still followed in and closed the door.

The phone booth was not big, and it seemed crowded after two people were standing there. Fortunately, no passers-by saw this strange scene. Angstra picked up the phone and dialed 0858.

Seeing this string of numbers, Jiangu Ling's eyes sharpened. These were the first few numbers of the organization's boss' email number.

After dialing the last 8, the dial turned back to its original position, and the middle area slid down to reveal the fingerprint recognition machine underneath. Angstra stretched out her hand and pressed her index finger on it.

"Identity confirmation completed, entry allowed." A faint mechanical voice came from the microphone.

The ground of the phone booth suddenly trembled, like the sound of an old elevator operating, and the ground began to sink.

Falling valley is silent.

For some reason, he suddenly felt like he was on the wrong set...

The elevator disguised as a phone booth descended for a full minute before stopping in front of a corridor. There were no lights on it, only two ground light strips at their feet, which emitted a dim light and barely illuminated their path.

Jiang Guling tried his best to suppress his excitement and desire to explore.

As the person in charge of France, Rum actually stayed so deep underground, just like a mouse burrowing. He didn't know where the leader of this organization would be...


Jing Baiye and Toru Amuro walked forward, walked for about 5 minutes, and stopped in front of an electronic door. This time it was for palm print recognition.

After the identity verification was correct, the electronic door slowly opened.

There was another world inside the electronic door. The bright white light stimulated Jing Baiye to squint his eyes slightly.

He took Toru Amuro through another corridor. This corridor had many forks and closed electronic doors. If you didn't memorize the terrain here, you would definitely get lost. There were surveillance cameras at regular intervals, and the corridor was monitored without blind spots.

Directional shooting.

Several people dressed as researchers passed by them. When they saw Jing Baiye, they nodded as a greeting to him.

Jing Baiye stopped in front of a seemingly inconspicuous door and performed iris recognition. When the door opened, he saw Curacao and Irish whiskey.

"Long time no see, Angstra." Ireland held a stack of information in her hand and waved when she saw him.

"Ireland, Curacao." Jing Baiye looked at the two familiar members, and then at the door behind them, "Is Rum inside?"

"He's waiting for you inside." Curacao replied.

Jing Baiye turned to look at Toru Amuro behind him: "Wait for me here. Rum is very quick in doing things and won't keep me for too long."

Toru Amuro seemed a little nervous, his purple-gray eyes were astonishingly bright, and he nodded slowly.

This chapter has been completed!
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