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Chapter 35 Internet Cafe Sake

Jing Baiye poked at the system, but it still didn't give him a response, so he temporarily gave up communicating with the system and began to carefully observe the house. He walked around, and the more he looked at it, the more he liked it.

Like the safe house, this three-bedroom apartment has a kitchen and a living room connected together. The living room area also has floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the entire Miwa Town. The Toto Tower is right in the center of the field of view, just in case some criminals go crazy one day.

During the attack, he could enjoy the live broadcast while standing by the window.

In addition to the living room, the bathroom area also has floor-to-ceiling windows - at such a high floor, you don't have to worry about people peeping from outside - this is rare for Japan. He has seen many Japanese-style houses where the bathrooms don't even have small windows.

There are a total of three empty rooms that can be used as bedrooms. Currently, he only has one person, so there is no need to decorate them all into bedrooms. He plans to use the largest one as the master bedroom where he usually lives, the smallest one as a guest bedroom, and the medium-sized one as a study.

The organizational computer will also be placed in the study room. In addition to reading, it is also a place for working.

Jing Baiye likes reading, ranging from classics to popular novels. Her favorite novel at the moment is the Night Baron series by a Japanese writer.

After he finished the visit, he returned to Gin: "I like this place very much, and I don't know what style Daijili Cocktail Club will decorate it in."

It's shameful to say that if he hadn't casually browsed the social group in the car, he would have forgotten what a Daiquiri cocktail looks like. This colleague who is twice his age but got his code name later than him cannot say that

Ugly can only be said to be an average-looking person, completely in line with the stereotypes of Asians in European and American countries.

In fact, there are only a small number of people who are good-looking or ugly, and most people are mediocre in appearance, which will not bring them any bonuses, nor will it lower their status.

"Just discuss it with him." Gin didn't care about this trivial matter at all. He reminded him in a sarcastic voice:

"Don't bring anyone you can't trust here in the future. Even if Midorikawa comes to pick you up, just ask him to wait for you downstairs. Don't tell him which floor you live on and what the room number is. There are hundreds of families living here.

Crowds of people are troublesome, and they can also be a kind of cover for you... If someone inquires about where you live, be more careful."

After that, he added coolly: "If your place is destroyed again, no one will buy you a new one."


Jing Baiye wanted to refute that there was no need for him to be so delusional, but when he thought of his house in Paris that was gone on the day of acceptance, he still nodded honestly.

There are some things that don't cost ten thousand dollars. At present, he has a good impression of Midorikawa Xin and is willing to help him as his boss, but he doesn't trust him yet.

After looking at the apartment, the two returned to the Porsche downstairs. Jing Baiye, who sat back in the back seat, put the apartment key in his commuter bag, picked up the lunch box on the side and looked at it. He found that there was no sign of being eaten, and put it in again.

Hold it in your hand.

Gin saw his actions through the rearview mirror. Without saying anything, he said to Vodka next to him: "Drive, go to the Internet cafe."

"Internet cafe?" Jing Baiye felt that he heard wrongly.

"The people in the information team work scattered in various places. There are not many in Mihua Town. Counting you, there are exactly ten people. The size of the office is smaller than the pharmaceutical company where Shirley works." Gin would not ask Shirley what she was researching, but

She still knows exactly where she works, "The first to third floors are the Internet cafes, which will receive ordinary customers and are also one of the meeting points of the organization. The fourth floor is where you work."

There is a big difference between the information security team and the drug research team. Conducting research and experiments requires many scientists to observe and discuss together. The information team can communicate on the computer if there is anything. Remote work or working from home is both feasible. There is no need to have a bunch of people.

People gather together.

Jing Baiye has never been to a Japanese Internet cafe. I only know that the Internet cafes here are a little different from other places.

Most Internet cafes in other countries have rows of computers. You can see what other people are doing on their computers by turning around or passing by. However, most Internet cafes in Japan have single or double cubicles, one next to the other.

At the same time, you can lie down and sleep directly as soon as the door is closed. It is a mixed bag and has a certain degree of concealment.

"Who will take care of the Internet cafe?" Jing Baiye asked again.

"It's up to you." Gin looked out the car window without looking back at him, "You can recruit people or go into battle yourself. That house will be under your management."

It was already 11 a.m. when the three of them arrived at their destination. Jing Baiye got off the bus with a lunch box and commuting bag.

The system still didn't speak. Fortunately, other functions could still be used. He used the system map to check the general situation of the four-story building in front of him.

The first floor is the front desk and single cubicles. There is a drink vending machine next to the front desk. The cubicle door has a lock. The floor is covered with tatami mats and soft cushions. It is large enough for a person other than a sumo wrestler to lie down easily.


The second floor is a double compartment plus a comics area. There are about a dozen bookshelves in the comics area. There is a single sofa and a glass low table in the middle. There is a fast food vending machine on the wall, and there are microwaves and microwaves on the table next to it.

Hot water kettle, as well as self-service beverage machines common in several restaurants, with beverages ranging from milk tea, coffee to brewed juice;

There is a bathing area on the third floor. The outer door of the shower room can only be opened with a key. There are also coin-operated washing machines and dryers outside. On the other side is the smoking room and employee lounge.

The stairs leading to the fourth floor and basement are very hidden. The stairs to the fourth floor are in the staff lounge on the third floor. You need a password and fingerprint to enter. It is a relatively small spiral staircase;

The stairs in the basement are in the innermost compartment on the first floor. If you remove the mat above, you will find an open secret door. After opening, there will be a life ladder going down. There are many weapons in the basement. There is an elevator that can go directly to the fourth floor.

, all stops on the middle floors.

Jing Baiye didn't expect that there were so many things here. Apart from the basement and the mysterious fourth floor, other facilities were found in other normal Internet cafes. This kind of Internet cafe is more like a small hotel than an Internet cafe in the traditional sense.

He stood next to Gin and looked up at the name hanging above: sake.

In English, sake refers to Japanese sake, and when used as a noun, it also means "profit"; in Japanese, sake refers to wine, not just sake, but wine and other foreign wines can also be referred to as sake.

The three of them walked into the Internet cafe. The waiter at the front desk didn't look aggressive. He wore black-rimmed glasses and looked honest. He also had a bit of cowardice that could easily be bullied. But when he saw Gin, he nodded to them.

His expression became a little serious, and Jing Baiye immediately understood that this was one of the members of the organization.

Nowadays, most of the guests are surfing the Internet in their own cubicles, and no one realizes that there are several dangerous people here.

This chapter has been completed!
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