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Chapter 360 Drop Valley Zero: What did I do??

Dai Jili's pupils trembled when he heard this invitation.

He stared blankly at the smiling Toru Amuro, his mouth trembled a few times and he couldn't say anything.


The electronic door of the interrogation room opened, and Dai Jili finally reacted after hearing the sound. He said "I'll report to Rum" and left almost as fast as he could escape.

Toru Amuro watched as Daijili left in a panic and almost bumped into Curacao, but was avoided by the aloof female member with a look of disgust, a contemptuous and indifferent smile appeared on his face.

Then, he caught Curacao's gaze, which was looking towards him.

"Miss Curacao."

Toru Amuro maintained this smile as he greeted this member who had disliked him when traveling in Hakone Hot Springs.

Curacao looked at him, and then glanced at the prisoner behind him who had stopped struggling in the sink.

She had already seen everything that happened in this room through surveillance, and now that she was at the scene in person, she had no fear at all.

"Someone will take care of the body." She retracted her gaze and looked at Toru Amuro again, "Now you can go to the lounge next to it..."

"Can I borrow the kitchen here?" Tohru Amuro said suddenly, "I want to prepare dinner for Angstra. He will be starving when he comes back from finishing the task."

"...Okay, the kitchen is opposite the lounge." Curacao said, "You can get ready now."

"You mean..." Amuro Toru felt happy.

Ireland took away his communication headset before leaving, and he did not dare to disturb Angstra by sending an email to him on the mission, so he had no idea what the situation was like with his junior boss.

"He has already taken care of the gangster. He only needs to deal with the mission target and then he can come back."

After Curacao finished speaking, he turned and left.

Looking at her leaving figure, Jianggu Ling finally woke up from a dream.

He felt that his mind went blank for a moment. He stood there blankly for a second, and suddenly turned back to look at the sink. After seeing clearly the prisoner who was drowning head down and died in a miserable state, he subconsciously took a step back.

What's going on here?

What did he just...do?


There were no lights on in the command room, and Rum's communication headset was removed and set aside.

He sat behind his desk and stared respectfully at the man with black hair and red eyes on the screen in front of him.

"...Harlem Madan."

The boss in Japan softly pronounced the name.

He lowered his eyes, and Rum couldn't see clearly the emotions in those crimson eyes. He could only see his hands stroking the folded-eared cat in his arms one after another.

Angstra's reminder came first, and Tohru Amuro's subsequent interrogation confirmed this. After knowing who was behind the attack, Rum immediately told the boss.

This time is really no small matter - a country's largest secret base is almost exposed, and someone is coveting underage members of the organization - even if he is the second-in-command in the organization, he must report it as soon as possible.

After confirming that the man behind the scenes was Harlem Madan, Rum was not surprised that the location of the base was almost exposed.

The construction of this place started when Panno was still alive, and it was not officially completed until mid-April this year. Even if Panno has not been down there in person, he knows roughly where it is.

Rum's expression twisted for a moment when he mentioned the mouse that he personally picked out based on his appearance and sent to the boss' beloved Angstra.

Sure enough, there is no good thing about being an undercover agent!

"Madan wants to kill Angstra?" the boss asked casually.

"No, he wants to capture him alive."

Rum was not surprised that this guy wanted to capture Angstra alive.

The world of adults is not as black and white as that of children. No matter how sanctimonious they say, they will always value their own interests more in their hearts. With Angstra's talent, the benefits brought by recruitment are the greatest.

is far better than sending him to jail or killing him outright.

"Angstra has cleared away the gangsters he hired, but it's still unclear why he can capture Angostura's specific location at any time..."

This is the weirdest thing about rum.

Angstra was very keen on bug transmitters and was sure that Toru Amuro did not betray him. So how did Harlem Madan locate his residence and where did he run?

The boss continued to stroke the cat in his arms without speaking.


Paris at night shows a different style than during the day.

The Eiffel Tower standing on the Champ de Mars is brightly lit. As one of the landmarks of Paris, there is still an endless stream of tourists at night.

On the viewing platform on the top floor, a young couple stood next to the glass window. The girl among them was using a telescope to enjoy the night view with great interest. The boy had a camera hanging around his neck and followed him with little interest.

This is the second time he has been here. The last time was six months ago with his ex-girlfriend.

Seeing that his new girlfriend didn't notice him, he secretly took out his cell phone and took a look.

"There was an unexplained explosion in District 10, suspected to be related to gangs...?"

The boy frowned at the poor security in Paris. Before he could click on the title of this breaking news to see more detailed reports, his arm was pulled hard.

"Look, there's a helicopter there!"


The boy choked for a moment. Instead of looking at the night view of Paris, he came here to stare at a helicopter that was hard to see clearly at night...

And are there so many helicopters in Paris? Last time he came here at night, he saw a helicopter flying precariously in mid-air a certain distance from the platform, looking like it might crash at any time.

He walked to the telescope, the girl gave way, and he looked down.

In the telescope lens, I saw a helicopter heading here. Suddenly, a green light flashed across like a meteor and hit the helicopter directly!


The boy was shocked by this sudden turn of events, and the tourists nearby who also observed this scene with binoculars exclaimed.

The helicopter fell from a height of 100 meters and hit the ground with a huge sound that could be heard even from here.

When he saw the fire and smoke caused by the explosion, the boy's first reaction was not to worry or take out his mobile phone to call the police for an ambulance. He was excited about this rare event. He found that the crash site was not far from the tower and immediately grabbed his own

camera running towards the elevator.

When we got to the ground, there were already many tourists watching the fun.

He struggled through the crowd and almost tripped over a guy who was looking for something. He turned around and cursed angrily, and then continued running forward.

Jing Baiye didn't pay attention to the noise around him.

He lowered his head in the crowd and searched hard on the ground.

When he was riding the green light of his skateboard to catch up with the helicopter, he saw Harlem Madan holding a palm-sized monitor in his hand. He thought this instrument looked familiar.

[It should have fallen here...]

After being bumped into by a boy who was holding a camera and running as fast as a reporter, Jing Baiye finally found him.

He bent down and picked up the instrument. It fell from such a height, but it didn't break.

Not only was it not broken, its screen was still on, showing a clear floor plan densely covered with white dots—exactly the same as the system map floating around him at the moment.

Jing Baiye was stunned.

...Why did the machine he gave to Panno in the past appear in the hands of his boss?


This machine appeared in Chapter 265.

This chapter has been completed!
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