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Chapter 367 Akai Shuichi: The bourbon at home is no longer fragrant

"Zoo" likes to recruit killers from all over the world. Pu Si Qinglan, as a serial killer with an increasingly high bounty on the international wanted list, fits their requirements very well, and her original code name is an arthropod.

The code names of Cognac and Armagnac have been assigned to each other, and the code name of Pusi Qinglan is Marc brandy.

The three of them are undercover agents who will not stay with him for a long time and need to infiltrate into other organizations. He tries to treat them equally.

He met Cognac and Armagnac as Black, and he agreed with the third Marc. There happened to be no surveillance in the interrogation room where Pu Siqinglan was detained.

From now on, [Blake] will be the contact person for these three bottles of brandy.

As for who will pick her up and help guide her to join the zoo organization... Jerez Brandy, get up and work.

After Bourbon got the code name, Jing Baiye and he stayed in France for another two weeks.

The two of them had no mission and were traveling to Paris and surrounding cities together.

Like a conscientious and perfect tour guide, Bourbon made a very detailed travel guide. He clearly checked out the delicious shops near each scenic spot, which made Jing Baiye have a great time.

Originally, Bourbon wanted to take him to other countries for a few more days, but because they received Gin's email, they had to give up this plan.

In early December, they ended their more than 40-day trip to France and purchased air tickets to return to Japan.

Because Scotland had to stay in the villa to prepare a reception banquet for them, Jing Baiye sent an email and asked Zhu Xingda to drive to pick them up.


At Tokyo International Airport, Akai Shuichi was waiting by the car. When he saw the two people walking towards him, he put out the cigarette in his hand.

Toru Amuro took all the luggage and still looked like he was looking for trouble: "You know that Angstra is coming soon, and you still come waiting for him smelling like cigarettes?"

As soon as Akai Shu looked away, a gust of wind blew past his ears.

He looked at Angstra's clothes and his expression became subtle.

The dressing style of the junior boss is very consistent with the organization. He often wears black or other dark-colored clothes. At this time, he was wearing a black sweatshirt with cartoon patterns printed on it.

It was a golden retriever with three heads.

The head on the far left has a serious expression and looks to the side with vigilance; the head in the middle has a little crow on its nose, smiling so hard that it narrows its eyes; and the one on the far right grins fiercely.

He looked at this neither scary nor cute pattern, and somehow it reminded him of a humanoid golden retriever next to him.

Seeing him staring at the clothes, Angstra raised his hand and touched the pattern on it: "This is a souvenir clothes I bought at a tourist attraction. This is a three-headed hell dog. It's very handsome, isn't it?"

Akai Shuichi: "…………"

He glanced at Toru Amuro, who had "You dare to say bad, I want you to look good" written all over his face next to him, and looked away again.

It's just that this time he was facing his less annoying little boss. It was impossible for him to ignore him and added in a calm voice: "It's quite interesting."

The three of them got into the Chevrolet and drove towards Miwa Town.

Because Amuro Toru was there, Akai Shuichi drove without saying a word.

He glanced back at the rearview mirror in the car, and it turned out that Toru Amuro had no intention of talking to him. He stayed on the plane for more than ten hours and continued to bark at Angstra and make noise.

He didn't know what code name this annoying guy got, but the more he looked at it, the more he felt that he fit the bill of Korea's rat wine made from skinned little mice...

If this was really the code name, he wouldn't mind giving him a few bottles.

"...Tomorrow is Saturday. I'll invite you three to go out for a big dinner together." The little boss didn't think Amuro was clingy and smiled at him: "Go back and rest early today. Thank you for your hard work these days, Bourbon."

Shuichi Akai suddenly stepped on the brakes at the intersection. The Chevrolet barely stopped in front of the zebra crossing, and the red light on the opposite side came on.

Fortunately, Toru Amuro caught his side in time to avoid hitting the headrest of the front seat.

"How do you drive, Morohoshida?!"

Akai Shuichi turned around, and in the car with only the front lights on, he looked gloomy, with most of his face buried in the shadows.

"...Bourbon?" He repeated the code name he just heard expressionlessly.

Amuro Toru was startled, then showed a malicious smile.

"Bourbon, that's my code name. Do you have any problem with that, Mr. Moroboshi?"

Hearing the pronunciation of "Zhongxing" in his mouth, Akai Shuichi knew that he was deliberately reminding himself that there was an identity gap between them.

But he didn't care at all about this lowest level of malice. He believed that Angstra would not let Toru Amuro do anything bad. Even if he did, he would be sure to fight back. At this time, his focus

It lies in——

Why is Toru Amuro, who has such a bad personality, bourbon?

As a wine, bourbon whiskey has a mellow and soft taste with a roasted aroma. It is his favorite foreign wine. How is it similar to this guy?

Thinking that Toru Amuro was bourbon, and thinking that he had drank so much bourbon in the past, Shuten Akai suddenly felt an unprecedented sense of nausea welling up in his heart.

For some unknown reason, he felt his stomach muscles twitching.

Seeing that Akai Shuichi was silent, Angstra came over and lay on the back of the chair, gently touching his shoulder with her fingers: "Zhuxing, are you feeling unwell? You look ugly."

"Mr. Morohoshi, you always have such a look that you don't even need to put on makeup when you go to horror movies, right?" Amuro said coolly.

"Bourbon, don't talk about him like that." Angstra frowned.

Akai Shuichi looked at the blond mixed-race man with cold eyes. The moment Angstra looked over, it turned into another innocent expression: "Okay, Angstra."

"Now among the four of us, he is the only one without a code name. We really need you to protect him more comprehensively..." Toru Amuro added with a smile.

...Did his brain get damaged in the explosion, or did this trip to France completely set him free?

Shuichi Akai didn't want to pay attention to Bourbon's intentional or unintentional provocation, so he drove the Chevrolet and drove the two people safely to the door of the villa at 6-chome 6, Mihua Town.

Originally, this villa had a Japanese-style courtyard, but after reconstruction it was transformed into a more Western style, and a vegetable garden was also divided for growing vegetables.

Toru Amuro got out of the car first and went to the back to get his luggage, while Angstra walked to the driver's seat.

"Your code name assessment is in January next year, that is, next month." He said to him, "Thank you for coming to pick us up. Please go to bed early when you get back."

Shuichi Akai nodded slightly. After seeing Toru Amuro unload all the luggage and put the trunk lid on the car, he directly stepped on the accelerator and drove away, leaving this bottle of nasty bourbon with a pile of car exhaust fumes.

The first thing he did after returning home was not to rest, but to flush all the remaining bourbon in the house down the toilet.

This chapter has been completed!
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