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Chapter 374 Akai Shuichi's Connector

Shuichi Akai is in the interrogation room. There are currently five people in the room.

Gin and Scotland are confronting each other, and the injured... or more accurately, mentally stimulated golden retriever is seeking comfort from Angstra, who seems so out of place here that it's unnecessary.

But he didn't say anything, just looked at the four people calmly.

Needless to say, Gin knew what kind of person he was when he was in Hokkaido. It was unexpected that Scotland would show such a tough look.

Bourbon was still close to Angstra, and for the first time he was so vulnerable - real vulnerability, not the kind that was deliberately fake.

If it were normal times, Akai Shuichi would definitely laugh at him, but now he only cares about what is going on with that drug.

With Gin's character, there was no need to deceive them in a place like this. Coupled with Bourbon's appearance at the moment, the effect of that hallucinogenic drug was definitely real.

Seeing the thing you fear most...just listening to the description, it's a bit like the weapon used by a villain in American comics.

Akai Shuichi quietly looked at Bourbon and wanted to draw several large bags of his blood for testing.

Or even more extreme, find a psychiatrist to hypnotize Bourbon and ask him what the hallucination experience is like... Next month will be his code name assessment, and he may have to go through it. It would be nice if he could collect information in advance.


Bourbon seemed to have noticed his gaze, and his body suddenly trembled.

His hands were still holding Angstra reluctantly, but his head turned towards them. The moment he looked at Shuichi Akai, he frowned slightly.

"...Weren't you beaten into a sieve?"

Because Bourbon's throat was hoarse, the volume of his words was not loud. Unfortunately, several people present had excellent hearing, and they all heard clearly.

Akai Shuichi: "…………"

...Okay, he can be sure that that hallucination is absolutely as real as being there.

Akai Shuichi was not narcissistic enough to think that Bourbon was afraid of [his death]. His death in the fantasy might just be brought out by the other party's subconscious mind - just like the small candied date given to him before being beaten with a stick.

Gin had no interest in this kind of conversation. He threw the recording equipment in his hand to Scotland and turned to leave.

"Don't interrogate my men with that thing again!" Angstra shouted to him.

Bourbon, who had already encountered misfortune, stiffened his hand. Akai Shuichi, who was defended straightforwardly, raised his eyebrows. Gin snorted but did not express his position clearly.

He continued to walk forward, and when he was next to Akai Shuichi, he paused.

"Next month it will be you, Zhuxingda... You are the person I gave to Angstra, so I will personally supervise your code name assessment."

Akai Hideo had heard about this from Angstra early in the morning. Facing those gloomy eyes, he calmly said: "It's my pleasure."

The electronic door finally closed after Gin left, and the atmosphere in the room was noticeably relaxed.

Angstra's face was terrifyingly gloomy, but when he looked at Bourbon, he showed a gentle smile.

"Bourbon, we are going back...can you stand up? If your legs feel weak and weak, I can carry you."

Bourbon shook his head repeatedly: "It's okay, I can walk by myself."

Hearing his hoarse voice, Scotland frowned: "You should talk less."

Bourbon reached for something on the round table next to him. The first thing he picked up was the car key. Shuichi Akai noticed a cracked keychain hanging on it. He stroked it carefully and gently as if it were some kind of treasure.


"I have medicine to treat my throat. Drink some when I get back and you will be fine tomorrow." Angstra comforted her.

Bourbon nodded, got off the chair, and put the other key and cell phone back into his pocket.

His mobile phone was placed on top of a receipt. After the mobile phone was picked up directly, the thin white paper was lifted up, then fell off and floated to the side. Shuichi Akai caught it.

The FBI sniper with excellent eyesight scanned above: bourbon, Angostura bitters, cocktail shaker, cocktail glass...

After looking at the bourbon on the receipt, and then at the bourbon next to him whose eyes were getting more and more sinister, Akai Shuichi returned the receipt to the other party.

The four of them left the interrogation room together and took the elevator back to the ground.

Akai Shuichi deliberately walked a step slowly and followed Popen. Obviously, the illusion still had a great impact on him. He could see that he was extremely uneasy and held Angstra's hand tightly.

He sat in his car and watched the Lexus in front of him leave first.

I don’t know what code name he would have. The FBI undercover agent died before he could get a code name. They didn’t even know if there was any pattern in how the organization gave code names.

Just look at Angstra with a bottle of Scotch and a bottle of bourbon next to him...maybe he will also be some kind of whiskey in the future?

There are many types of whiskey, I hope it's not rye whiskey, he is quite disgusted with the spicy taste.

He doesn't want to be the person he hates the most.

After his junior boss and the others left, Shuichi Akai also drove back to his apartment.

After he returned, he did not rest immediately. Instead, he first checked to see if anyone had sneaked into the room. As an undercover agent, he had to be cautious and tireless. After making sure that the surrounding environment was safe, he took the ashtray to the study and sat down.

He turned on the computer, lit a cigarette and held it in his mouth. He subconsciously touched the side with his hand, but found nothing. There was only a computer on the desk without a wine bottle.

Akai Shuichi touched the air without any embarrassment and withdrew his hand as if nothing had happened.

...Almost forgot, he flushed his favorite bourbon down the toilet.

Sure enough, it was Toru Amuro's fault. If he hadn't gotten this codename, he could still drink a glass of bourbon every night to lighten his mood.

Turn on the computer, enter your password, and log in to the secret mailbox. There is an email from Judy in it.

[James will try his best to find a way to transfer the FBI to Japan again...but before that, he must arrange a trustworthy contact person for you. Do you have any candidates? I can come over if necessary.——jodie]

Shuichi Akai looked at the email, quietly took out his cigarette, and shook off the ashes from the front end in the ashtray next to him.

There is no doubt about the importance of undercover street people. As his girlfriend, Judy was originally a suitable candidate. At least he could trust her loyalty, but...

Thinking of Angstra's preferences, Akai Shuichi fell silent.

While traveling to Hakone, he learned more about Angstra's fondness for good-looking people. Even if he just looked at someone casually in the crowd, he could clearly remember the person's appearance, which was even more ridiculous than his younger brother's memory.

On the contrary, he seems to have installed a filter in the eyes and brains of passers-by who are ugly or mediocre in appearance, leaving no trace behind.

So according to this characteristic of Angstra...

There are not many people in the FBI who can speak Japanese, and there are even fewer who can be trusted 100%. Shuichi Akai thought for a moment and typed a name.

【Andre Cameron. He is more suitable.】

...At least it looks relatively safe.

This chapter has been completed!
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