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Chapter 379 Akai Shuichi: I want to make Bourbon an FBI undercover agent

"At 10:23 yesterday evening, a sniper incident occurred on the express train No. 444 from Kyoto to Tokyo. The person who was shot and killed was 30-year-old American Bill Murphy..."

"... He is a former member of the U.S. Navy Special Forces and now serves as the assistant to the president of a military supplies manufacturing company. The president of the company disappeared the day before yesterday. At 8:32 this morning, the police recovered his body from the waters near Haizhuang Island...


On the huge LED screen on the street, the young anchor clearly reported on two recent cases.

In the shadow of the underground stairs, Shuichi Akai listened silently with a cigarette in his mouth. It was not until the host started interviewing the so-called experts that he took off his cigarette and slowly blew out a puff of smoke.

Sitting on a bench not far from him was James Blake in simple disguise.

He was sitting far away from all street surveillance. He was like an ordinary tourist who had just arrived and was full of novelty about everything. He held an unfolded map of Tokyo in his hand and kept mumbling.

Shuichi Akai looked around, put out his unsmoked cigarette in the trash can at hand, walked over and sat down next to James.

"...There is no suspicious person nearby." He said in a volume that only two people could hear.

James then breathed a sigh of relief and put down the map used for camouflage.

"Alas..." he sighed, "time is urgent, I can only meet you hastily like this."

Akai Shuichi did not look back, his eyes were still looking straight ahead, as if they were just strangers who met by chance.

"...Thank you for your hard work."

James immediately got the news about the murder that occurred in Japan late last night, and judged that this was a good opportunity for the FBI to come to Japan, so he immediately rushed here with his people.

Compared to his FBI colleague who took a 12-hour flight to come here, he took a normal rest last night and slept until he woke up naturally this morning...it seemed a little too leisurely.

"It's nothing compared to you.

Because Hoover and the CIA were exposed as undercover agents, the CIA kept a close eye on them - James felt that if they were willing to use this energy to find members of the organization, they would have collected more intelligence.

The FBI was forced to evacuate Japan. For the past six months, Akai had to face the organization alone without any assistance.

Thinking about everything that has happened in the past six months, Akai Shuichi himself is more relaxed than James, Judy and others who are far away in the United States.

"How are you doing there?" the FBI officer asked.

When he saw Akai again, James found that he was in exceptionally good spirits.

He once saw some undercover agents who had infiltrated criminal organizations. They were forced to do many things against their will and had to fight wits and courage with other people to protect their undercover identity. Under this kind of long-term mental pressure, most of them became more withdrawn or more withdrawn.

More cruel.

Akai Shuichi lit another cigarette with a match, bit it in his mouth and said vaguely: "I haven't touched any important tasks."

This was within James' expectation. A transnational criminal organization that has been entrenched for many years will definitely not trust members who joined later, especially Akai Shuichi who replaced him with an identity that was hostile to the organization.

"What about interpersonally? Have you met any new important members?"

"No, it's still what I said before."

Akai Shuichi's current life is really simple.

He has been staying in Yoneka Town for a long time. When he has no tasks, he does morning exercises during the day and goes to the training ground at night. The rest of the time he stays in the apartment or goes out by himself. At the end of every month, he goes to the next door town of Aipado to collect rent.

There were months during which he did not receive any organizational tasks - not even handymen - even so, Angstra still gave him a sum of money as organizational salary, plus another sum of money for helping to run errands and collect rent.


Angstra said that he could find an open job, and if it was difficult to find a job with a low education level, he would be willing to send him to a vocational school.

For this reason, Akai Shuichi went to the training ground of the lower-level members and asked. The instructor there said that other lower-level members did not receive such treatment. This was a benefit provided by Angstra himself to his subordinates.

...He came to the organization as an undercover agent and did not really become a member of the organization, so Shuichi Akai kept the money and declined to go to school.

James sighed again: "When you get the code name, you will be able to reach more people."

Akai Shuichi smoked quietly and did not answer for the time being.

After Scotland and Bourbon got their code names, they were still under Angstra's hands. With both of them, he probably couldn't escape either.

He has no problem with Angstra. This is a boss who will make countless capitalists call him a fool.

If he was really a member of the organization and not an undercover agent, this boy codenamed Bitters would be Akai Shuichi's first and only willing choice.

It's just that this little boss is very good from personality to everything, but his vision is hard to describe.

——It’s talking about the increasingly distorted Bourbon around him after getting the code name.

Akai Shuichi has never seen anyone as annoying as Bourbon... Amuro Toru since he was a child.

Most of the time, he did nothing. The golden retriever still made all kinds of criticisms and words, and looked murderous in front of him. Angstra turned around and smiled brightly. Her face changed so quickly that even the well-informed Akai Shuichi was amazed.


Gin is just vigilant, just be careful not to step on his sensitive spots. As long as he is calm, he will not find trouble for others at will; and Toru Amuro...

Akai Shuichi felt that the fact that he was still alive might be the biggest minefield for the loyal dog.

...This doesn't work. In the past, it was okay to just do odd jobs without a code name. Now that you have a code name, you are targeted everywhere, and your undercover identity is very easy to be exposed.

Is there any good way to permanently solve this big trouble?

James's body trembled, and he felt a murderous aura that was colder than the winter wind coming from behind him: "...Zhuxing? What's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing, I accidentally thought of something disgusting."

Shuichi Akai took a puff of cigarette and looked up at the sky. The winter afternoon sun was shining warmly on him. It was noisy in the distance, but the surroundings were quiet. It looked like a peaceful scene that had been quiet for many years.

But whenever he thinks of Tohru Amuro, he loses peace in his heart and only has the intention to kill.

Akai Shuichi was thinking about it, and suddenly he remembered an idea he had a few months ago.

——Toru Amuro is a very obvious mixed race. Can you do something to get the identity of an FBI undercover agent on him? Find another opportunity to sell him and climb up on the corpse of this loyal dog?

James didn't know what Shuichi Akai was thinking. He looked up at the time on the top of the display screen, stood up and left the stool.

"I have to go now."

Akai Shu nodded imperceptibly, knowing that he couldn't stay too long.

But when James was about to turn around and leave, Shuichi Akai suddenly stopped him again.

"The former SEAL who died on the train last night...where was he shot?"

"Hit the brainstem right." James replied, "According to the Metropolitan Police Department's calculations, the murderer fired the gun on another bridge 1,300 yards away, but the surrounding surveillance did not leave any clues..."

He didn't understand why Akai Shuichi would pay attention to this. As an undercover agent, there was no need to care about other murder cases...Wait a minute, could this be it!

James reacted suddenly. He looked at Akai Shuichi and saw him shaking his head.

"Not sure yet."

1,300 yards, at night, the target is sitting on a moving express train... Among the snipers he knows, only Angstra can do it.

But Angstra likes to hit people in the left eye. During training, he has never seen him hit other places. The middle part of the brain stem does not suit his habit.


In an office building in Abeido Town, Sakai Byakuya sighed out the window.

This office building and shopping mall are integrated. The second underground floor is the garage, the first to fourth underground floors are the shopping mall, and the fifth to 24th floors are the office area.

He rented out all the shops and offices below on every floor, and placed the information team on the 19th floor. They went to work every day among a bunch of ordinary social animals on other floors, and after get off work they went out among the customers in the mall.

It seems that the number of people I come into contact with has increased, but in fact the concealment has become higher, and it is less noticeable than sneaking in and out through the back door of the Internet cafe in the past.

[My ultimate distance is indeed only 1200 yards...]

Although the target was still dead after being hit in the brain stem, for Jing Baiye, who regarded his left eye as the real vital point, the sniper mission last night was a failure.

[...Host, although I know you are telling the truth, why do you sound so... deserving of a beating?] The system spoke quietly.

This chapter has been completed!
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