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Chapter 389 Gin: Bourbon is a Snake

At 8:50 in the evening, our hall Yinghai arrived at the appointed bar ten minutes early.

This is her second time here. This small bar is not far from her apartment, a fifteen-minute walk away. It is one of the organization's meeting points in Cupido Town.

She quietly watched at the door for a while before pushing the door open and entering through the main door.

The overall area of ​​the bar is not large. Apart from the bar counter, it can only accommodate two or three round tables. There is also a secret door in the back.

The light in the store was dim, and there were no other customers inside at this point. There was only a blond bartender standing in front of the wine cabinet, slowly wiping the wine glass in his hand.

Hall Yinghai looked at the only person present.

His skin was a darker wheat color, and he was wearing a black shirt and a gray slim-fitting vest that outlined his thin and strong waist line. The buttons were fastened to the top button meticulously, and underneath that was a pair of

Black tie with matching shirt.

Hearing the sound at the door, he slowly raised his head and looked towards her.

The moment our hall Yinghai looked at him, he knew that this person must be from the organization.

There was a smile on that handsome face, as warm as the sun, but deep in those purple-gray eyes, there was the opposite coldness.

This is the arrogance and malice unique to the members of the organization, and they do not take others seriously.

Our host Yinghai is not a handsome guy. She usually works in a TV station and has seen a lot of handsome guys and beauties. When she saw a guy with a temperament that fit the organization so well, she had no appreciation at all and was only wary in her heart.

The gin wine hadn't arrived yet, and the main hall Yinghai came to the bar, randomly picked a chair and sat down.

"Miss, what would you like to drink?"

The blond bartender smiled, put the glass down and handed her a drink list.

Hondo Yinghai took over the action naturally and no longer looked at the other party's expression.

In the organization for more than half a year, she has seen all kinds of weird, murderous and malicious guys, especially Gin. Sometimes he would point a gun at her for trivial matters. She would not be willing to fight for a bartender she had never seen before.


On the wine list are some wine names that are familiar or unfamiliar to Hondo Eumi. She seldom drinks alcohol, and many bars have exclusive special cocktails as their signatures. Although this bar is the meeting point of the organization, when the members are away,

It will continue to operate as usual and is open to ordinary people.

"Do you want me to introduce you to the new products here?" the bartender asked when he saw that she had not placed her order.


The main hall Yinghai raised his face and looked at the bartender standing in front of him.

"New product?" she asked, raising her eyebrows.

"It's a new cocktail I made recently." The blond bartender showed a distressed expression, "The previous gentleman gave it a high praise, so now I want to hear the opinion of the lady."

Our hall, Yinghai, was silently calculating the time for the gin to arrive. After ordering the wine, she might not drink it, not to mention that this was a person from the organization - he might have some other meaning when he invited her to drink.

"Then make me a drink."

"Okay, please wait."

The blond bartender turned and walked aside to get a drink from the wine cabinet. Hondo Yinghai looked at his back and turned to look at the door of the bar. It was now five minutes before nine o'clock sharp.

She is usually very busy at work, and the organization gave her a lot of resources after she got her code name. Many programs that she was not qualified to participate in were given to her to host. It seemed that they wanted to train her to become a well-known female host in the industry.

In five days, she will go to the police academy to interview this graduating class, and tomorrow afternoon, she will have to interview the new mayor of Tokyo in front of the recently rebuilt Mihua Municipal Building, where the opening ceremony will be held.

Judging from the identity alone, the mayor is the easier target of the organization, but Ginjiu said that the target is at the police academy... Could it be that he wants to target some important second-generation police officer?

While Hontang Yinghai was thinking, the blond bartender put a glass of wine in front of her, interrupting her train of thought.

"This is the wine I mixed specially for you, Miss Keel."

Hearing his code name out of the blue, the main hall Yinghai subconsciously raised his head.

The bartender standing in front of her lowered her head and looked down at her. His blond hair was still dazzling under the dim light. She could not see his expression clearly, and could only see the raised corners of his mouth.

He was smiling, and that smile was like thick and sweet honey, gently and slowly pouring into her trachea, making her almost suffocate.

"Please enjoy it." He said softly.

Only then did our hall Yinghai come back to his senses and reach out for the wine glass.

Just when her fingers were about to touch the wine glass, she finally saw the full picture of this special cocktail. A chill rushed straight to her forehead, causing her brain to go completely blank at that moment.

——At the bottom of the translucent red wine, there is a mouse!

"Most cocktails are made by mixing different Western wines, but I was whimsical and thought about whether I could use local wines from Asian countries and mix them with foreign wines."

"The base wine is kiel, which is a mixture of white wine and blackcurrant fruit wine, and the flavoring wine is a kind of wine from Korea - rat wine."

The blond bartender picked up a glass reagent bottle from the side and placed it in front of Hondo Yinghai.

Bentang Yinghai stared at the bottle, an alarm sounded in his mind.

Temptation! This is most likely a temptation!

Regardless of whether this man came by himself or Gin sent him, she must calm down and deal with it!!

The glass reagent bottle was small and filled with transparent liquid. Hontang Yinghai smelled a rather pungent smell of alcohol. At the bottom of the bottle, countless corpses of rat cubs were piled up.

"When the little mice were born, they were thrown into the liquor and drowned alive before they even had time to open their eyes. The brewers would let their corpses pile up to fill the bottom, and then they would seal the bottle and put it in a dark place to let the contents inside

The wine slowly ferments until the corpse liquid bubbles out, and then it is ready to drink."

"It's a very cruel technique, the skin is soaked until it turns white, and the internal organs are faintly visible..."

"...It's a pity that this is the fate that a mouse's child deserves. Do you think I'm right? Miss Rena Minami?"

The blond bartender looked at her expectantly, as if waiting for her to give a satisfactory answer.


Hondo Yinghai, who was also a CIA undercover agent like his father, promptly controlled his inner rejection, fear and disgust, and showed a cold smile that befitted a member of the organization.

"you're right."

There was no tremor in her voice. She raised the wine glass and drank it in one gulp as if she were tasting a glass of ordinary wine.

The corpse of the rat cub poured down with the wine, touched her lipsticked lips, and then quickly separated - she placed the wine glass in front of the blonde bartender.

"Children of mice deserve to die," she replied, suppressing her nausea.

However, the blond man was not satisfied with this answer.

He winked at her, put the wine glass back in front of Hondo Yinghai, and said in a gentle and coaxing tone: "Miss Keel, why don't you eat this little mouse? The baby mouse in the traditional mouse baby wine

Baby, it’s edible, right?”

"Are you too timid to eat? Or..."

The blond bartender said word by word: "It reminds you of yourself, you can't bear to eat it?"

The hall's Yinghai's pupils shrank, and he almost lost control of his expression. At this moment, a cold male voice suddenly interrupted.

"Have you had enough, Bourbon?"

The two of them looked towards the source of the sound, and Gin slowly walked out from behind the secret door.

He held the Beretta in his left hand, and the safety on the gun was opened, ready to be loaded and fired at any time. No one knew how long he had been listening there, and what he thought after hearing these words.


The bar was eerily quiet.

Bourbon stood up straight and spoke first to break the silence.

"Enough fun for now."

The blond mixed-race man answered with a smile. He seemed to be in a good mood.

Gin temporarily put away the gun, walked to the seat next to Kil, and sat down. He was in a bad mood now.

In the morning, he received an email from Bourbon, saying that he met the suspicious Geel in Cupido Town and wanted to test it out. Gin, who was very suspicious, did not refuse.

He watched with his own eyes as Bourbon used rat baby wine to deliberately threaten Kiel, who was considered his subordinate, and he didn't feel any anger in his heart.

——He is not Angostela, who will feel so distressed that he suddenly dies on the spot if his subordinates are even slightly disfigured; nor is he someone who will pity the fragrance and cherish the jade, unless the "fragrance" and "jade" are his bosses.

What really made Gin feel angry was Bourbon's murderous intention due to his selfishness.

He tested Kiel not for the sake of the organization at all, but probably more because Angstra once fell in love with the beautiful Kiel and wanted her to be his subordinate... So he did what he usually does with Zhu Xingda,

Deliberately looking for trouble for her.

He is simply a vicious dog that bites anyone he sees his owner approaching.

"Just this once, Bourbon."

"Don't let me find out that you are attacking other members of the organization at will."

Gin coldly warned Bourbon standing in front of him.

This loyal dog who was extremely docile to Angstra looked at him with no respect in his eyes, but still had the same smile on his face.

"Of course... this time is enough."


It wasn't until the man codenamed Bourbon left and the real bartender of the bar returned that Hondo Yinghai relaxed.

When she first joined the organization, she never imagined that one day she would be lucky to have only Gin by her side - Gin's targeting had a cause, but Bourbon's malice was unreasonable and even worse.

"What's the mission this time?" she said straight to the point.

The glass of wine soaked with rat carcasses made her feel very uncomfortable in her stomach, like drinking gasoline mixed with wine. She just wanted to know the mission quickly and then go back and have a good rest.

Gin took out a photo from his pocket and placed it on the bar.

"In the interview program five days later, the man in the photo will be led to the door of the Metropolitan Police Academy, and a sniper will be responsible for shooting him."

Hong Kong Yinghai picked up the photo, which showed a young man wearing a police school uniform.

"Children of mice deserve to die."

Ginjiu sneered coldly and repeated what our hall Ehai had just said.

"——Let his blood be used to embellish the two 'policemen' symbolizing justice on the house number at the back."

This chapter has been completed!
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