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Chapter 395 Akai Shuichi: I'm not a man anymore

"Do you know Lone Wolf, Shuichi?"

In my memory, there is a man wearing a peaked cap and dressed a bit slovenly standing in front of the cage.

"Wolves are social animals. Occasionally, there will be some wolves wandering alone. Some of the wolves in the pack have died, and some have been expelled from the pack."

"Lone wolves are dangerous, very dangerous. The size of wolves is smaller than other carnivores. If a lone wolf wants to hunt, it must know how to lurk and do whatever it takes to hunt better than the wolves in the pack."

Akai Shuichi, who was only ten years old, looked at him and then looked into the cage.

A wolf was staying alone inside. When he heard the sound, his ears twitched and his eyes suddenly opened. A pair of wolf eyes stared at him with a faint and fierce light.

"Why is it being kept here?"

"A friend accidentally picked it up while hunting. After it recovers from its injuries, it will be released into the wild."

Akai Muwu stretched out his hand to support the iron fence. Akai Shuichi discovered that his father seemed to like the wolf inside.

"If you like it, we can raise it."

As the eldest son in the family, but still a child, Akai Shuichi had a serious face. He thought about the difference between raising a dog and a wolf - indeed, it was much more handsome to tame a wolf, and his neighbors and friends would definitely envy him.

Hearing this suggestion, Akai Muwu laughed, and he stretched out his big hand and rubbed Akai Shuichi's head.

"Wolves cannot be domesticated. Even if they can be domesticated, those kept in captivity are almost the same as dogs."

"A wolf only looks like a wolf in the wild."


This is Akai Shuichi's only feeling.

His body could not move, and his consciousness gradually became clearer. He recalled the feeling of Bourbon inserting the needle into his body.

The way Bourbon looked at him at that time made him suspect that this guy would deliberately inject air into his blood vessels and kill him in this way.

Akai Shuichi knew that Bourbon had always hated him. This hatred started when he first arrived at Angstra's side and reached its peak just now - the hatred that wanted to tear him into pieces.

I don’t know if it was because Bourbon mentioned [Father], but he actually remembered what happened when he was a child, before his father, Akai Mutake, disappeared.

It's a pity that this is not the time when he was recalling his childhood. The medicine Bourbon injected into him...what effect did it have?

Any undercover agent will undergo drug training. After being injected with drugs commonly used in torture such as truth serum confessional, people will appear in a trance and have a hazy state of consciousness. However, Shuichi Akai's consciousness was quite clear at this time.

After waiting for an unknown amount of time, his limbs gradually gained strength, and Shuichi Akai finally opened his eyes.

What comes into view is the flying snowflakes, and the white color spreads to the end of the field of vision, and the field of vision is a vast expanse of white.

Akai Shuichi's first reaction was that Bourbon threw his paralyzed body into the snow outside the training ground in an attempt to freeze him alive.

But soon, he ruled out this possibility himself.

Akai Shuichi slowly raised his hand... No, it can't be called a hand now.

Those are claws.

He turned into a wolf.


It is impossible for a human to turn into an animal, Akai Shuichi thought calmly.

If it was his family or Judy and others from the FBI who appeared, he might be tricked in a vague way... The current situation made him realize that he was under the hallucination effect of the medicine.

Akai Hide opened his mouth and tried to speak, but what came out was a howl exactly like a wolf.

...This medicine is quite powerful.

Transforming from a human to a wolf was a very novel experience for Akai Shuichi, so he silently waved his wolf claws.

The fur is thick and short, and the limbs are yellowish brown. Control the tail at the back and sweep it over to take a look... The tip of the tail is black, it should be an American red wolf.

Akai Shuichi assessed what species he was, and suddenly felt as if he had stepped on something under his paws.

He looked down and was stunned for a moment.

It was a very small wolf cub that looked like it had just been born. It appeared beside his paws at some unknown moment, and blood was pouring out of the right eye facing him.

This is the only bright color in this white snow.


In the shooting training range on the seventh floor underground, Jing Baiye felt uneasy after leaving Rai and Bourbon.

The system's character panel was open and floating to the side. Lay's interface was open on it. He stared at the body status column, fearing that the system would suddenly sound the same alarm as last time.


"Bang bang!!"

Even though he was absent-minded, Jing Baiye still performed steadily - rapidly firing at a moving target at 20 meters, and all 12 of his shots hit the target in 15 seconds.

The machine next to him displayed the results of this round. Jing Baiye put down the pistol in his hand without even looking at it.

There were three drug interrogations by three of his men, with different interrogators each time.

Ireland sometimes likes to do things based on his mood, but the supervisor of Scotland is Spiatus, so he will definitely not let off steam, but he will not deliberately make things difficult; Gin may seem cold and suspicious, but he will definitely deal with business matters and will not take personal matters seriously.

Emotions bring to important tasks.

And bourbon…

Thinking of the friendship between Bourbon and Rai, Jing Baiye felt his scalp numb.

...It’s not that he is biased against Bourbon, he truly feels that anyone in the organization is better than Bourbon.

Scotland noticed Jing Baiye's appearance: "Are you worried about Rai?"

"...kind of."

Jing Baiye sighed.

Because the information team will resume work next week, he stayed in the villa all day playing games today. Only Scotland went out once near noon to buy ingredients, and Bourbon did not come back until the evening.

"Bourbon is not in a good mood today. I'm worried that he will get angry at Ley during the interrogation."

Jing Baiye knew that Scotland was a friend of Bourbon, so he still told the truth.

Scotland raised the gun in his hand again. The scanner above sensed his movement, and the intact target was erected on the opposite side. He aimed at the nearest one and pulled the trigger.


The humanoid target was hit 10 times, and Scotland put down his pistol.

"He complained to me when we were making dinner today, saying that there was still no business from the detective agency today."

"This is the firm you gave him, so he cares about this job very much. He hasn't received a commission for two consecutive days, which is inevitably a bit of a blow to his arrogant heart..."

Scotland smiled helplessly, his expression and tone as gentle as ever.

"But you can trust him a little more. He won't go out to anger innocent people on such an important mission."


Jiang Guling vaguely glanced at the surveillance camera above, and only after confirming that the angle was really not captured, he took back the syringe.

He didn't tie the restraints too tightly at first. When Rai was half-way through the injection, he still turned over steadily. His whole body's lying posture became very strange - not like a human being, but more like some human being.

The posture of a quadruped animal lying down.

But Jiangu Ling didn't care so much, this was an excellent opportunity for him.

He took this opportunity to lift up Rai's clothes and injected all the remaining medicine in the syringe into his spine.

Intravenous injection acts on the central nervous system, while spinal injection acts on the spinal nerve roots - the latter can keep the person being injected conscious, but it can also stimulate a longer-lasting drug effect.

Going crazy while awake is much scarier than going crazy while hallucinating in a coma... Don't you think so, Rai?

This chapter has been completed!
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