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Chapter 397

The white snow covers all sins.

Shuichi Akai figured that Angstra might be coming from behind, so he turned around and ran away.

He moved forward quickly on the snow, and quickly ran behind a higher snowdrift, quietly wiping the snow on his back - this is the bad thing about the American red wolf. As the name suggests, the color of its fur is not conducive to hunting at all.

Hidden in winter.

After doing all this, he carefully poked his head out and found that Angstra had indeed gone around to the back of the house.

The bright red scarf is still there, but the more popular gray Scottish cat and the basket full of delicious food are missing.

The nine-year-old Angstra was much smaller than his fourteen-year-old self. He stood there and looked around, moved the piled wooden boxes, pushed over the higher snowdrifts to look below, and stood on tiptoes to check the blocked snow.

The barrel at the back door...

Akai Shuichi watched him keep doing such useless work, and his eyes glanced at the ground under his feet.

Seeing that the place where the loyal dog's body was buried was trampled back and forth by his beloved little master, Akai Shuichi felt a slight pain in his conscience for the boy, and at the same time, a certain dangerous pleasure also flashed through him.

Soon, Angstra searched the back of the house, but he still found nothing.


The boy's voice echoed over the snowy field, and he stood there at a loss.

"You said... you said you wouldn't betray me!!"

He almost shouted this sentence, and this time there was a hint of crying in his voice.

Akai Shuichi was stunned. He had never seen Angostela like this.

In his memory, Angstra had a simple personality. He lived every day seriously and happily in this criminal organization, and brought warmth beyond darkness and blood to the people around him.

Akai Shuichi no longer deliberately hid, he walked over quietly, but Angstra, who was not far from him, did not notice him.

The boy who usually loved to laugh burst into tears. Akai Shuichi could not see his expression and could only hear his words coming intermittently.

"You lied to me. I thought you were different from..."

"Why don't you confess to me..."

"...If you tell me in advance, I will be willing to let you go..."

"Why...you all have to lie to me?"

The boy cried heartbrokenly.

A strong wind blew by, rolling up some snowflakes, and the rustling sound covered up the most important words in the middle.

Looking at the trembling body, Akai Shuichi frowned.

Angstra's sadness at this time may not only be for the missing Bourbon, but also for another existence that he doesn't know about.


Akai Shuichi turned around silently, not wanting to stay here for a long time. Even if he longed to find a place to stay in the cold weather, he could not replace the loyal dog who would devote everything to Angstra. He simply could not do it.

To that point.

He didn't know whether Bourbon had deceived Angstra; but he was indeed deceiving him, and [Zhuxingda] itself was the biggest lie.

And he knew very well... wolves cannot be domesticated.

Akai Shuichi left the hut quietly with the smell of blood in his mouth and the extremely cold ice and snow on his back.

He ran towards the woods, and before he was about to enter the woods, he turned back and glanced at Angostura from a distance.

The cries gradually disappeared, but the red color was still clearly visible. This was the only bright color in the world, which stung his eyes slightly.

While in the hallucination, his memory was clearer than when he was awake. Akai Shuichi suddenly remembered the funeral five years ago.

Angstra also looked sad once - at the funeral of his elderly Chinese neighbor.

At that time, the FBI continued to pay attention to the only surviving young victim. Shuichi Akai secretly went to the funeral. He stood behind the tree and watched Angstra squatting in front of the tombstone with her knees in a daze. The boy took his adoptive mother away

The apples left for him were carefully cleaned and placed neatly in front of the tombstone together with the flowers.

Even if the old man's biological children are gone, he still remains there, a small ball in front of the tombstone.

Akai Shuichi, who has excellent eyesight, saw his mouth move slightly, and he knew lip reading and read what he said——

I will avenge you.

Soon after, another murderous case shocked the United States after the Ogre case. Three policemen were beheaded in a police car. Akai Shuichi was surprised to find that the three deceased were the murderers who caused the death of the old man.

Is it a coincidence?

...Or, is this what you did?

At that time, Shuichi Akai couldn't do anything. He couldn't convict anyone with a single remote lip reading, let alone the person speaking was a child. His suggestion of this suspect would only get the blank stares of his boss and all his female colleagues.


It was from then on that he had a keen interest in Gray Crow - even though he was only nine years old at the time.

Akai Shuichi withdrew his gaze and entered the woods in front of him. The sky began to snow again.

The woods in winter are completely silent. The land covered with snow, the bare trees, and the rivers frozen into ice are all a desolate scene. There are no birds or animals, and it is so quiet that only a lone wolf walks through the snow.

, making a very slight creaking sound.

Akai Shuichi, who was alone, wanted to find his kind.


In the interrogation room, Fang Gu Ling glanced at the recording equipment and clicked his tongue in dissatisfaction.

This was given to him by gin when he went to get medicine in the afternoon. It was completely different from the common recorders on the market, and there was no way to manipulate it.

The process of new drug interrogation is actually very simple. The person in charge only needs to inject and record the drug, and there is no need for leading questions.

Just like last time, Gin didn't ask him any tricky questions, and he didn't even speak during the whole process - this could be heard in the post-recording - but this drug is far more dangerous than ordinary confessional drugs, and is affected by hallucinations.

He almost blew himself up.

And Rai...

Nearly twenty minutes have passed and he hasn't said a word.

Jiang Guling has experienced it himself, so he knows better than anyone else how terrible this medicine is. Even if the thing that a person fears most is not their weakness, it will affect their mentality to some extent - he does not believe in the medicine that almost caused him to fall.

, will be of no use to Rai.

...Did he inject it in the wrong place?

Rei Fukiya pressed his fingers heavily on the opponent's carotid sinus, regretting that he wasted half of the medicine on his spine. But things had already happened, and no matter how unwilling he was, he could only watch helplessly as Rai passed the test safely.

Lay's eyes were closed tightly on the chair. This man, who usually had an aura as good as Gin's, did not open his eyes even when his vitals were being held down, showing a posture of letting others take advantage of him.

The image of his senior's son being shot appeared again in Fang Gu Ling's mind, and he couldn't help but reveal murderous intent.

The murderer was right in front of him, and even though he had such a good opportunity, he couldn't kill him.

...No, not just Rai, but also Keir.

He clearly knew about their involvement and had told the police about one of their masterminds and one of their accomplices, but he knew that the public security and police would not catch them immediately.

Because not many people know that they are the murderers of this case, once they both "disappear" and are secretly arrested by the police, the organization will most likely suspect him.

For an ordinary police academy student with a mediocre family background and only one undercover father who died in the line of duty, the undercover agent who finally took root and started to stand out faces the risk of being exposed...

It's not worth it.

And in the final analysis, Zhu Xingda is just an executioner. Without him, others would be organized to do it. The most hateful thing should be the organizer and the person who issued this order.

Just as Fang Guling was about to take back his hand, a chill suddenly ran up his back. This feeling of being stared at by a wild beast made his hair stand on end!

He turned around and saw a pair of eyes that he didn't know when to open.


Fang Guling was astonished and did not call out the code name, but instead called out the other party's name.

Rai woke up and found that he couldn't get up and that his body was tied with restraints. He let out a low roar and struggled with his upper body to exert force - he actually planned to break away from the restraints with brute force!

Jiang Guling was stunned by this sudden turn of events.

He also struggled during the last interrogation, but it was not like Rai's... completely irrational appearance.

The interrogation room was well lit, but Rai's eyes were buried in the shadows between his eyebrows, faintly exuding a suffocating murderous intent.

At this moment, Fang Guling felt that the person in front of him was not a human being.

This is a beast.

A crazy beast that has already become red-blooded with its enemies, and the slightest disturbance will send it into a frenzy of killing again.


The sound of the cotton webbing breaking woke up Jiang Guling. He couldn't believe that Rai actually broke free within a few seconds with brute force!

An unprecedented sense of danger rushed straight into his brain, and he stepped back suddenly, but it was too late - Rai stood up, put his left hand together, turned his fingers into a knife, and stabbed his left eye hard!

This chapter has been completed!
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