Turn off the lights
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Chapter 406: The Yangou Alliance in the Organization

In the morning, inside a villa in Miwa Town.

It was getting late in the winter, so Zhu Fu Jingguang turned on the light as soon as he entered the kitchen. He skillfully put on his apron and opened the refrigerator. He hesitated for a moment while making Japanese or Western breakfast, and decided to take care of his little one's preferences today.

As soon as he took out the tofu for making miso soup from the refrigerator, he heard two knocks on the door.

He turned around and saw Rei Fangtani standing at the door of the kitchen.

Rei Fukitani used to have the habit of sleeping naked, but after living with Angstra, he now wears a complete set of pajamas to sleep. At the moment, his pajamas are messy, as if they were put on in a hurry, and the buttons on the chest are all buttoned

A few are crooked.

Taking a closer look, Zhu Fu Jingguang saw that there was a dark circle under his right eye.

"Didn't you get a good rest last night?"

Zhu Fu Jingguang was in disbelief. He put down the ingredients in his hands and walked towards him.


Fangtani Ling leaned against the door and pressed his temples hard. Because he only slept for two or three hours for two consecutive nights, and in order to coax Dai Jili to tell him the information, he himself drank some wine, and now his head

It hurts like it's about to burst.

Fortunately, all his hard work was not in vain.

The bold test last night was successful. He got a lot of important information - such as the organization's change of leader, cooperation with other gangsters (suspected to be Angstra's family), and human experiments.

The boss was changed more than ten years ago, and the current leader is not the original founder of the organization...

Although the facts need to be further verified, it is better than nothing.

"Breakfast will take a while, you can continue to rest for a while."

Zhu Fu Jingguang could tell at a glance that Jiang Gu Ling was trying to be brave because he was not in good condition. He was about to reach out and pull him out of the kitchen to let him rest, but suddenly he seemed to have thought of something. He frowned and said in a low voice: "

Did you know something last night..."

Hearing Zhu Fu Jingguang's words, Jiang Guling remained silent.

It was already past 2 o'clock in the morning when he came back yesterday, so he did not immediately tell Zhu Fu Jingguang the news he heard, and chose to do a preliminary sorting out by himself.

Apart from the organizational information, what concerned him the most was another sentence Dai Jili said.

——In his eyes, Harlem Martin, who saved his life, was the biggest protective umbrella for the gang that had been rampant in France for many years and had never been eradicated.

Fang Guling thought of the organization he was lurking in.

This crow-like organization has existed for a long time, and its power spans multiple countries. It has incredibly strong internal funds, possesses a large number of military weapons, most of its members have hidden identities, and its internal medicine and technology are more advanced than what the senior leaders of the intelligence agency have ever imagined.

Sanctuary gangs are much more powerful and dangerous.

Will there be any big figures in such an organization who are hard to shake?

So after so many years, it still hasn’t been solved?

Thinking of this possibility, Xianggu Ling felt uneasy.

It is not uncommon for high-level government officials to collude with gangsters, and it is more harmful than ordinary gangsters. Once detected by an undercover agent, the undercover agent will either be bribed to join the conspiracy or be sacrificed quietly, making it almost impossible to defeat the other party in turn.

It is more tragic for an undercover agent to die like this than to be killed by a criminal organization when his identity is exposed.

Seeing Fa Xiao's worried expression, Fang Guling reluctantly stood up straight.

"It's nothing... we'll talk about it later." He replied in a low voice as well.

That's just a possibility. He hasn't even seen the boss now, so there's no need to think about it for so long - thinking too much is just swaying himself.

Zhu Fu Jingguang still frowned, but he did not continue to say anything.

Fangtani Rei planned to rest for a while after they left. After staying in the hospital for several months, he knew that good health was the basis for all tasks.

"What time do you leave?" he asked.

Morofushi Jingguang glanced at the quartz clock in the kitchen: "Go to the station at 11 o'clock in the morning. Angstra said that Apero will go there directly. We will meet him first, and then take the Shinkansen to Niigata Prefecture. Zecun, New Taipei.”

Hearing this brand new code name, Jiangu Lingqiang cheered up.

Aperol aperitif, produced in Italy, has a bright orange color, a citrus flavor mixed with a bit of bitterness, and an alcohol content of only 11%.

When Angstra mentioned this member the day before yesterday, he used "he", which shows that he is a male member. He also said that he is an explosives expert in the organization.

"Does Angstra know Aperlo?"

Mentioning this, Zhu Fu Jingguang's expression became a little subtle.

"He said he was his... biggest confidant in the organization."

Jianggu Ling: "...?"


Jing Baiye looks better at faces.

Originally, this was normal. In this world, there are some who are lustful, some who are greedy for money, some who desire power, some who care about their families, and some who regard love as everything... Spiatus once said that people who have no desires or desires are more terrifying. They There is no motivation to move forward, and once they fall into the abyss, there is nothing to hold them back.

At first, Bellmode didn't take it seriously, because she just took him away with a few words based on her face; Gin didn't pay attention at first, and it didn't matter that he couldn't even remember Rum's face.

But as his reputation as a naughty dog ​​spread more and more throughout the organization, they couldn't sit still.

——They worry that his appearance will become his Achilles heel.

They tried to "correct" him. For example, they usually went to the training ground to arrange uglier sparring partners for him, and separated him from his beautiful adoptive mother and temporarily handed him over to other lower-level members. Belmode saw him less, and Gin asked Vodka to pick him up. he……

During that time, Jing Baiye had a very painful time and almost had nightmares at night.

Such painful days did not end until a member from Japan came to the United States.

That person is none other than Apello.

"...Apero is a member of the action team. He is not strong in physical fitness and combat, but not many people in the organization are willing to fight one-on-one with him. Sometimes Gin will not point a gun at him no matter how angry he is."

Jing Baiye sat in the passenger seat of Lexus and introduced this member to Scotland.

Scotland wondered: "Does he have a special status?"


Jing Baiye denied his statement.

"Apero is the most powerful explosives expert in the organization. The decorations on his hair rope, the temples of his glasses, a button on his clothes... including the steel plate that was put into his leg after he fractured are all enough to damage him. A bomb that exploded into pieces within a radius of ten meters."

"Previously, Gin wanted to assassinate a congressman in the United States, and Apello came to help. Gin planted bombs on the streets where people were coming and going. Apero felt that doing so would cause too much trouble, so he moved the bombs and let them It exploded somewhere else - Gin was very angry afterwards, but he didn't even use force on Apello."

"What a terrible member." Scotland smiled dryly, "That time he went to stop Gin because he didn't want to affect innocent people?"


Jing Baiye shook his head: "He just felt that a street was bombed into a mess, and it was filled with all kinds of broken limbs. Such a scene would only be bloody, without any sense of beauty."

Apello is a willful member in the eyes of many.

——He will buy art collections that others cannot appreciate because of their solidified beauty. He will blow up various buildings because of the beauty of instant destruction. He will also lend a helping hand to humans because of the beauty of life they show when they are trying to survive.

A handful.

He doesn't care about wealth, or killing people, he just pursues all kinds of beauty.

But these are not the point, the point is...

Apero, who cares so much about beauty, is also a pretty girl!

This chapter has been completed!
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