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Chapter 411 Two taboos in the winery

On the Shinkansen from Tokyo to Niigata Prefecture, Miwako Sato was watching the live broadcast of the press conference on her mobile phone.

"The gangsters used plastic bombs, and they also used remote control to start the timer..."

The camera was focused on Toshiro Odagiri, Chief of the Criminal Division of the Metropolitan Police Department, and Officer Megure from the 1st Investigation Section. They were the police spokespersons this time. Facing the dark crowd in the audience, Officer Megure first picked up the investigation report.

"Regarding this timer, some witnesses said that they saw suspicious people at the emergency parking corner in the tunnel 5 minutes before the bomb was discovered. Calculated based on the approximate time when the ceremony ended and the speed of the subway, If the bomb is not discovered, the subway will face the power of the explosion, resulting in irreparable tragedy."

The big screen behind him appropriately showed pictures of the subway, tunnels and bomb locations, so that others could more clearly feel how dangerous this time was.

The reporters in the audience had distorted expressions and began to whisper among themselves.

One of the male reporters sitting in the back row raised his hand: "Excuse me, police officer, how did you find the bomb?"

Miwako Sato, who was familiar with Officer Megure, noticed that his expression was a little stiff.

...Also, regardless of whether the other party has good intentions or malicious intentions, it is impossible to tell the outside world that the Metropolitan Police Department's computer has been hacked.

"A well-intentioned person sent a message to the Metropolitan Police Department, and the police who stayed behind urgently notified colleagues involved in security work at the scene to terminate the ceremony and arranged for bomb disposal police to enter the tunnel to defuse the bomb."

As soon as this statement came out, the audience started talking again.

"Judging from the result, everyone present, including the governor of Asakura, was unharmed. This is a blessing in the misfortune of this attack..."

Matsuda Jinpei sat by the window next to Sato Miwako. He rested his chin on his hand and had no interest in the so-called press conference. His attention was entirely on the small robot in his hand.

This is a "little gift" he picked up at the scene.

At that time, other police officers had not yet arrived, so Matsuda Jinpei, who was born in the explosive ordnance disposal squad, naturally entered the tunnel first to check the situation.

In the darkness, he saw a firefly flying in the air. He caught it out of curiosity, and then discovered that it was not a real bug, but a lifelike insect-shaped robot.

After returning to the Metropolitan Police Department, he disassembled the small robot, which was only as big as a knuckle, for inspection. He took out the camera in the eye and the transmitter in the body, leaving only the light bulb at the tail, and carefully put it back as it was. I don’t know. Is it not installed properly somewhere? Its butt is not bright anymore.

This robot is very sophisticated and its level far exceeds the current technology in Japan.

If Gray Crow alerted the police to the bomb, could he have left this little robot behind?

After all, Fang Gu had said that this young man was very talented in computers and mechanics. With that guy's character, he would not just casually praise someone as a genius. He would definitely say it after seeing it with his own eyes.

Matsuda Jinpei held the robot tightly and looked up at the scenery outside the window. The Shinkansen was about to arrive at the station.

He always felt that it was definitely not an accident that Zhufu and Gray Crow went to the ceremony site in the morning. The organization behind them might have some connection with the bombing.

...Maybe he will meet the other party again during this investigation.

"Thank you all passengers for choosing to take the Shinkansen. This train is Nozomi and is bound for Niigata Prefecture..."

The radio sounded in the car, and Matsuda Jinpei came to his senses, put the small robot back into his pocket, and packed his things with Sato Miwako.

"Matsuda, because the location of this investigation is Niigata Prefecture, we have to investigate the case together with the local police." Sato Miwako is one year younger than him, but joined the investigation class earlier than him. At this moment, she spoke to him in a senior tone.

Even though Matsuda Jinpei doesn't like rules and regulations, he still understands the basic rules: "Then they will pick us up at the station?"

"No." Sato Miwako denied, "Because the Niigata Prefectural Police Station is far away from New Taipei Nozawa Village, they asked us to go to the village to find a place to stay first, and then send someone over tomorrow morning."

Matsuda Jinpei was silent for a few seconds. As police from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, they came to other places to deal with the case of attacks on Tokyo officials. It was normal for the police here to be disgusted with them, so they didn't say anything more.

The train stopped slowly at the platform. He stood up, picked up his things and got off the train with Miwako Sato.


At six o'clock in the evening, after the sun set, Jing Baiye and his party arrived at Zize Village, New Taipei.

The hotel they came to was very close to a lake. Because there were natural hot springs nearby, the lake was not frozen. When they got off the car, they could see swans flying over the lake.

The Lexus stopped in the parking lot next to the hotel, and they got out of the car with their things. Scotland took the initiative to take all the luggage for him.

"Are you going to stay on guard tonight?" Scotland asked casually.

Jing Baiye shook his head: "Let's talk tomorrow. You are tired after driving for such a long time. Have a good rest tonight."

After learning the target's name and appearance in Apello's villa, Jing Baiye locked the target on the system map.

Yamao Keisuke is not in this village, but he is driving at a relatively fast speed—probably driving—from Mikawa to Niigata Prefecture. The route he takes is exactly the same as Scotland. He is probably planning to come back.

There are no red dots or red squares on the map of Niigata Prefecture, so the location of the bomb cannot be found; the man suspected of being an accomplice of Yamao Keisuke is near the reservoir. The name [Nakata Joji] is in white and has not been judged as an enemy for the time being.

The target was not there, the accomplices were not sure, and the weather was cold and it was getting late... So Jing Baiye decided to rest in the hotel for one night and go to the snow festival to relax and think about the mission tomorrow.

【After I got rich, I seemed to have fallen a little bit.】

Jing Baiye sighed in his heart.

If he was still living in the safe house last year, if he encountered this kind of mission, he would wait all night for Yamao Keisuke to come back, give him veritaserum and ask him about the plan and the location of the remaining bombs, then kill those who should be killed, and defuse those that should be defused. etc. After everything is completed and the reward is received, you can go to sleep peacefully.

[You still take the mission seriously, which is not considered a complete depravity.]

The system paused and comforted: [You are just a proper balance between work and rest, the real degenerate...you can look behind you.]

Jing Baiye turned back curiously.

I saw Apello standing by the hotel window, admiring the blurry reflection above with an intoxicated face, and raising his hands to arrange his hair.

"...Sure enough, no matter how you look at it, my face is perfect in all directions! If I want to find someone who is on par with me in appearance, I'm afraid I can only marry the other me in the mirror!"

Jing Baiye: "..."

After not seeing each other for several years, he seems to be becoming more and more narcissistic.

His property, Apello's face - these are two taboo items recognized in the organization, and must not be touched.

Seeing this scene, Scotland was silent. He carried the luggage in one hand and pulled Jing Baiye's clothes with the other hand, pulling him away from Apello as if he was isolating some virus.

This chapter has been completed!
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