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Chapter 424: The troubled reservoir


The wheels rubbed across the snow and left two long traces. The car swung its tail and accurately stuck into the parking space.

Matsuda Jinpei used to be very good at drag racing, and he adapted well to Sato Miwako's drag racing skills. He unbuckled his seat belt and got out of the car first, turning to look at the distribution of vehicles in the parking lot.

The car of the person who the reservoir staff said came back first to check on the situation happened to be parked nearby, and there was no one inside.

Miwako Sato got out of the car immediately, and they ran to the reservoir together.

New Taipei's Sawamura Reservoir is one of the newly built reservoirs in Japan in recent years. It is a famous tourist attraction there. It is arched as a whole. The control room is located at a higher position in the center of the arch, where you can see the entire reservoir clearly.

The whole picture.

Due to the snowfall in recent days, a thick layer of snow has accumulated on the water behind the reservoir. From a distance, it looks like a wide snowy plain, but Matsuda Jinpei knows that this is just the surface. If something unexpected happens to the reservoir, it will look like this

The raging water under the seemingly harmless white snow will instantly swallow up the entire village below.

There was a "Visiting Suspended" sign hanging in front of the door. They first paid attention to the situation inside at the door, and after making sure there was no one ambushing behind them, they quickly ran into the reservoir.

The interior of the reservoir is quite empty. The first floor is very high and there are basically no furnishings inside. The lights fall from a very high place and the environment is much darker than outside. Miwako Sato looked around and found a person lying face down in front of a drainage pipe.

Seeing the words "Kitazize Reservoir" printed on the man's back clothes, she immediately understood that this was an internal employee of the reservoir, and ran forward to check.

"Hey, wake up! Cheer up!"

Matsuda Jinpei ran over and squatted down next to the employee. He lowered his head and looked around, and found that the employee had no obvious trauma, only two very small burn marks on his clothes that could easily be ignored.

"It was an electric shock device. Someone attacked the employees of the reservoir."

Matsuda Jinpei looked ugly. In the car, he made some guesses about the missing reservoir employees, but he didn't expect to get the worst one.

He reached for the gun on his waist, pulled it out and held it in his hand.

The police are one of the few special professions that can legally hold guns and are allowed to kill in critical moments. However, there are strict restrictions on whether they can shoot. If they use it in violation of regulations, they will most likely be punished or even suspended for investigation.

After Matsuda Jinpei joined the search class, he basically manually subdued criminal criminals who tried to escape. He rarely needed to shoot. Instead, he held a gun more often at the police academy and training ground.

"Matsuda, be careful!"

Miwako Sato also pulled out a gun and reminded Matsuda Jinpei aloud.

Matsuda Jinpei, who is a very helpless person in the Japanese workplace because of his seniority. He is older than Sato and has less seniority than Sato in the Search Division. Hearing the reminder from his senior, Matsuda Jinpei tightened his grip on the gun in his hand and nodded: "I know."

The situation was urgent, and they were short of manpower and unable to carry out further rescue of the employee. The two continued to rush to the control room above.

The building was three stories high. They ran up the stairs, and only their hurried footsteps echoed in the empty space. The two quickly ran to the top floor, and in front of the door of the control room, they leaned against the door, one on the left and the other on the right.

They looked at each other and Miwako Sato nodded slightly.

Matsuda Jinpei clenched the gun in his hand, turned around and kicked open the door.

The fragile door panel crashed to the floor with a clang, and Matsuda Jinpei raised his pistol and pointed it inside.

When they saw clearly the scene inside, they were both stunned.

The control room was small, and it was in a mess. Files, water cups, and recording pens were dropped in the shadows, and the heater was crooked on the floor. There were only two reservoir employees inside, one lying face down on an instrument, and the other

A male employee wearing glasses was sitting on the cabinet, also unconscious.

Sato Miwako temporarily put down the gun and went to the glasses employee to check: "This one was also stunned by an electric shock device."

Matsuda Jinpei stood behind her, carefully lifting another employee and letting him lean back on the chair to avoid accidentally touching any switch by continuing to lie on the machine.

He frowned, and things turned out to be far worse than he imagined.

The bombing of the hotel was not just an attempt by Yamao Keisuke to silence him, but more likely an attempt to detain the two police officers who were living in the hotel. If the red-haired man did not lie, then the mastermind of this incident was other than Yamao Keisuke.

There was a man who took him in after he was released from prison.

——And that person is most likely the murderer who killed Kenji Hagiwara in the past.

Yamao Yosuke didn't tell him the appearance of his college classmate, he just made a judgment based on a quick look at the graduation photo.

Most of the people in the first row of graduation photos are teachers, and the first few rows are girls. The taller boys will stand in the back. There is no rule about who is on the left or right, and most people will stay with people they have a good relationship with.

Therefore, the person standing next to the bomber who died three years ago was most likely the prisoner.

Thinking of this, Matsuda Jinpei gritted his teeth, his expression became uncontrollably ferocious, and he held the gun tightly in his hand.

For three years, he had been dreaming about finding the damn bomber. After his application to be transferred to the Special Crime Department was rejected, he once wanted to resign and pursue the investigation on his own. However, his boss transferred him to the search class...

He will never let that bastard go.

Sato Miwako didn't notice his ugly face. Seeing that the reservoir was in critical condition, she quickly called the Niigata Prefectural Police again. As she narrated, Matsuda Jinpei quickly calmed down and then realized a more important issue.

Yamao Keisuke previously robbed a jewelry store and killed people for money, and the bomber planted bombs in the apartment building to threaten the police for money. So what is their purpose of attacking the reservoir employees this time?

There are reasons for committing crimes, and there are only a few newspaper criminals or pleasure criminals who commit crimes randomly.

After a light snowfall, the sky began to clear up. Sunlight fell into the control room through the window and shone on Matsuda Jinpei's body.

But he couldn't feel any warmth, and a bad premonition came to his heart.

"Please come here as soon as possible! This is most likely another crime committed by the suspect in the Tokyo tunnel bomb case!!... Not to mention the heavy snow has blocked the road, now that the weather is clearing, you can take other routes!!"

Sato Miwako was still arguing with the Niigata Prefectural Police, and Matsuda Jinpei captured the key words inside.


He almost rushed to the window, opened it with a swish, and stuck his head out to look out.

The cold wind outside blew on his face, as sharp as a knife cutting his skin. Matsuda Jinpei looked up, his eyes widening in disbelief——

On the light gray exterior wall more than ten meters away, several black bombs that were very familiar to him and had seen them yesterday were installed there.

"Sato! Let the Niigata Prefectural Police send the mobile team here - those two bastards planted bombs on the reservoir!!!"

His voice was so loud that Miwako Sato did not need to explain it. The operator on the other end of the phone heard directly: "What?!"

Matsuda Jinpei was in an extremely unhappy mood. He turned around impatiently to take the phone. As a result, the moment he turned back, he saw a sneaky figure flashing outside the control room door.

In just a moment, he saw the other person's appearance clearly.

Slender face, middle parted hair, a pair of black-rimmed glasses...

This is exactly the face of the person standing next to the bomber in the graduation photo.


Try to finish the 15 minutes of silence this week. The next task is Bourbon and Ley...

This chapter has been completed!
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