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Chapter 432 The Conscience Karasuma Group

Mazda took the three people back to the villa.

Angstra helped the person sit on the sofa. He didn't bother to hug Qian Duoduo, who was meowing coquettishly at him. He took out the iodophor from the medicine box, asked Zhu Fu Jingguang to take off his coat, and then took out the iodophor from the medicine box.

He took out the syringe and medicine from his pocket.

Rei Fangtani put the suitcase next to the sofa and stood quietly watching the scene.

In the car, Angstra told him the reason why he did not send Hiro to the hospital. The chemical reagents used by Apero to make chemical bombs were newly developed by the organization. Ordinary hospitals and research institutes could not detect the ingredients inside.

If you can't find out, how can you treat it? So there is no need to waste time, just use the matching antidote.

The interval between each injection is 12 hours, and there are a total of 8 injections. Each injection can alleviate a little bit of the toxin.

Rei Fangtani watched Angstra perform the injection skillfully, and suddenly remembered the unknown medicine that tortured him and Rai and could produce hallucinations that were fake and real.

When he was injecting Rai, he actually secretly used tools to take some blood from him for testing... Unfortunately, Rai attacked him after he woke up and crushed the bottle of blood when he fell to the ground.

Although the blood flowed into the bag outside the bottle and did not leak out, the incident was not discovered, but the test value of the contaminated blood sample is not high.

There are too many strange drugs in the organization. If it wasn't Hiro who was injured this time, he would definitely find a way to take some drugs back to the police for testing.

The injection was completed quickly. Zhu Fu Jingguang frowned and didn't even bother to put his coat back on. He raised his hands to cover his ears.

"Scotland, how do you feel now?"

Angstra didn't hold it in his hands, but asked with a slightly higher volume.

"...a little better than yesterday."

A few seconds later, Zhu Fu Jingguang put down his hand. His eyes were still empty, but he answered - obviously he heard Angostela's voice.

"I can hear some sounds..." he said, and quickly added: "Only the loud sounds, the softer ones are still inaudible."

"Don't be anxious, this toxin needs to be relieved little by little." Angstra put away the syringe and empty medicine bottle, "I will give you the third injection in 12 hours. From now on, it will be 12 noon and midnight.

Inject until all 8 injections are given."

Zhu Fu Jingguang nodded to express his understanding.


A faint cat meow sounded, but Zhu Fu Jingguang showed no reaction. Jiang Gu Ling looked at Qian Duoduo. The tricolor cat ran away because its little owner ignored him. This meow was...

Angstra took out her mobile phone and pressed the answer button: "Hello?"

He didn't sit on the sofa. He held his cell phone and listened to the other party's conversation while walking towards the stairs.

Halfway through, Angostela came to his senses and turned around and said to Fangtani Rei: "I'll go to the study to answer the phone and write a report on this mission. You can take care of Scotland. We can just order a pizza delivery at noon."

"What to do with those bear paws?"

"We'll talk about it tomorrow...but I will inform Rai that he will be here at that time. There will be exactly one bear paw for each of them."


Toru Amuro looked at Angstra's leaving figure and felt intense uneasiness.

He was eager to find out what happened in New Taipei's Ze Village.

It wasn't until Angstra's figure completely disappeared and the sound of the study door closing was heard in the distance that Jiang Guling looked away.

Originally, he had some more detailed questions to ask Angstra, but he had to complete the mission report, so it was better to wait until later.

"Want to hear the news?"

Zhu Fu Jingguang had no objection, Jiang Gu Ling turned on the TV, switched to the news channel, turned up the volume, handed the remote control to Zhu Fu Jingguang, and sat on the side of the sofa.

The news about the Niigata Prefecture reservoir happened to be on the news, and this case attracted national attention.

Rei Fukutani saw the photo of one of the prisoners posted above, and recalled the information Yuya Kazami sent him before setting off in the morning.

Niigata Prefecture Police successfully closed the case with the accidental death of both prisoners. Rei Fukutani knew that this was the work of the organization, and also knew that both of them died innocently, and had no sympathy at all.

He remembered that Angstra had said that Apello was a relative of one of them, so he asked Kazami Yuya to investigate the background of the two prisoners and try to find out the identity information of this member who was said to be an explosives expert. Soon, There are results.

[Yamao Yosuke, male, Japanese, from Kitanosawa Village, Niigata Prefecture.]

[Graduated from Mihua University, majoring in ammunition engineering and explosive technology...]

[My parents died young, my family was poor, and I was raised by my grandmother.]

[I had excellent academic performance and relied on scholarships to complete my studies. After graduation, I entered a large company and was expelled due to workplace bullying and conflicts with my boss. Because I was unable to repay the loan, I was placed on a credit blacklist and was unable to find a regular job...]

[After becoming a dishonest person for half a year, I paid off all my debts at once. I currently have no job registration and my income is unknown.]

When the information read this, Jiang Guling frowned slightly.

Without a job, but paying off all the debts at once... Money cannot fall out of thin air. I am afraid that Apello joined the organization at this time.

The organization seems cruel and harsh, but beneath this darkness lies alluring wealth and power. This is the reason why many people will still jump into it even though they know it is a pit of fire - if there is only violence and coercion, there is absolutely no way. It is possible for a criminal organization to develop to this extent.

Moreover, what happened to Apello actually revealed a social problem in Japan.

Take the cheapest national university as an example. More than 20 years ago, the annual tuition fee for national universities in Japan was only 12,000 yen. Now it has reached 750,000 yen. The fees for public universities and private universities are even higher - including tuition fees. The most expensive private universities account for 75% of Japanese universities. Taking into account a series of expenses such as admission fees, examination materials, living expenses and rent, four years of university education requires at least more than 6 million yen.

At the same time, the total household income is declining compared with 20 years ago. It is a big burden for ordinary families to send their children to college. However, the number of companies recruiting people with high school degrees has been sharply reduced.

Thus the twisted scholarship system was born.

When studying at Jiangguling, on average, 1 in 3 people had a student loan. In private universities, the proportion is even higher.

Grants and scholarships are not the same concept. Grants are provided by private student aid institutions and are loan contracts signed with the students themselves.

Aid that is supposed to help students complete their studies has become a way for many people to make huge profits. The money is not so much a scholarship as a loan shark - its interest is higher than that of a normal loan, and the interest accounts for 10% of the monthly repayment. Not lower than that.

It has given many students the opportunity to enter college to continue their studies, but has also left them with millions of dollars in debt at a young age, and they have fallen into poverty as soon as they graduate.

If they can't repay the money, they will be on the blacklist of dishonesty, and more formal companies will not want them, and the debt will be transferred to their parents... They have to pay back the money no matter what, and if they don't, there will be debt collection involving gangsters. Companies come to your door, and there are many cases where a family has gone bankrupt due to financial aid.

It was not known whether Aperol joined the organization for money. He knew that after he joined the organization, he had indeed seen several members with good academic qualifications and who should have a glorious future joining the organization for this reason.

They are not inherently evil, they are just desperate and have no other way to survive.

While Furitanori was distracted, the Niigata Prefecture reservoir news had finished playing.

Zhu Fu Jingguang switched channels, and two high-rise buildings reaching into the sky appeared on the screen.

This is a twin-tower skyscraper in Nishitama City. It was built illegally by the Joban Group. Two officials died inside one after another. It was finally bought by the Karasuma Group.

Jiang Guling looked at the two buildings, and his frown gradually relaxed.

——The unreasonable financial aid burden has been partially alleviated since three years ago.

It’s not the Japanese government that lowers the high tuition fees of universities or gives more subsidies to students, it’s the consortium that takes action.

The Karasuma Group, which is richer than the Suzuki Group, has launched a financial company under its name to provide interest-free scholarships with a more generous repayment period, and the contract states that if you join the Karasuma Group or other companies it invests in after graduation, , they can appropriately reduce or even completely reduce the debt.

Obviously, most people still need to pay off millions of debts every penny. Just because the exorbitant interest rates are reduced compared to others, the boss can be the biggest conscience if he does not use this to make profits and squeeze.

Fangtani Zero stared at the two huge crows on the screen.

This is the logo of the Karasuma Group. Almost everyone in Japan knows that the crow is the symbol of the Karasuma Group.

The importance and influence of financial groups to the country and its citizens is self-evident. Most of the country's wealth is in the hands of these financial groups.

Karasuma Group, this originally low-key top consortium, has become more and more powerful in this country since a faceless chairman took over more than ten years ago - in all walks of life and in every aspect of people's lives. Every corner, everywhere.

Fortunately, the current chairman is not a shady capitalist... If the leader of a consortium of this level becomes corrupt, the consequences will be really unimaginable.

The sunshine at noon is even more dazzling, and a beam of warm golden light shines through the floor-to-ceiling windows and falls on the floor of the villa.

Under this sunlight, a deeper and richer black shadow was drawn out.

This chapter has been completed!
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