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Chapter 434 15 Minutes of Silence End

In front of the red wolf is a desolate snowfield.

The sky was gray, without any light, and the heavy snowfall made it almost impossible for him to see the road in front of him. The coldness enveloped him, and even his breath turned into frost.

No family, no companions, no enemies, only him walking alone in the ice and snow.

The snow was very deep. Every time he took a step, his limbs would sink deeply into the snow. He felt that he would be submerged in the snow at any time.

He was surrounded by the lingering smell of blood, all of which originated from his body. He was covered in blood - even if he jumped into a river that was not completely frozen and completely immersed his head in the biting ice water to clean it, those

The blood stains were imprinted on his fur like a tattoo.

No matter what choice he made, no matter how hard he struggled, there was no hope at all.

If you go forward, you will be frozen to death by the cold wind; if you go back, you will be buried alive in the snow and suffocated to death; if you stand still...

He will die at the hands of his tribe or others of his kind.

Not knowing how far he had walked, a light suddenly appeared in front of his eyes. It was a wooden house from a fairy tale.

He didn't know where he got the strength to raise his front paws and lie down by the window to see clearly the scene inside the house.

Warm orange lights were lit inside the house, illuminating the entire house. This was a small wooden house, and the owner of the wooden house was the young Angstra. The little boy was standing on tiptoes, taking the hot food from the stove.

Take it.

There were several bloody cuts on the back of his hand, perhaps scratched by one of his pets.

The resurrected annoying golden retriever dog circled around the boy's feet, touching his body with its nose from time to time, and brushing his calves exposed under his shorts with its tail.

"Don't make trouble, I will give you food." The boy said.

The boy turned around and walked to the table, placed four bowls on it, and the dog sat on the chair to his right.

He poured the food into the bowls, bent down and picked up a small cage from below, and took out a Scottish cat from it.

Angstra stroked the cat lovingly, her movements as gentle as before.

He put the cat on the chair on his left, then lowered his head to compare the amount of food in the bowl, exchanged his share with the cat's, and said with concern in his voice: "Scotland, you are injured, you need to eat more to heal yourself."


The golden retriever immediately pushed his bowl towards his little master, sticking out his tongue in a flattering manner, and was patted on the head by Angstra.

"Thank you for your kindness, Bourbon, but I can't take your stuff."

Inside and outside the house are two completely different worlds for the red wolf.

As long as he pushed open the wooden door, he could get shelter and no longer have to face the harsh environment. He could also bite the dog to death and plunder all his food.

The red wolf stared for a long time, finally retracted his claws and fell back to the ground. The warm light of the wooden house no longer fell on his face.

He shook the snow off his fur and wanted to leave.


Angstra's voice suddenly brought Akai Shuichi back to his senses.

His fingers still felt a little stiff, but the biting chill had long since disappeared, and the warmth of the floor beneath his feet made the villa as warm as spring.

The dining table is a six-person table, with one side against the wall and an additional stool on the other side, allowing up to seven people to sit down and dine at the same time.

Scotch sat to Angstra's left, Bourbon to Angstra's right - the three who lived in the villa sat together, while he was alone across from them.

"Are you not used to eating bear's paws?" Angostela frowned, "If you don't like it, don't force it. There are other foods in the kitchen."

The frozen nose finally recovered, and Akai Shuichi smelled the aroma of food.

Everything that happened just now was just my imagination.

——He came to the villa to eat bear paws because of Angostela's email invitation. Scotland was injured in yesterday's mission, and Angostela gave the largest bear paw to the injured person to eat.

"No." He replied, "It tastes good, I like it very much."

Bourbon, who was in charge of cooking, snorted coldly, and Shuichi Akai suspected that he regretted not putting ten times the amount of potassium cyanide in it.

"That's good. Rai, follow me to the second floor after eating. I have a task to give you."

As soon as Angstra said this, Akai Shuichi raised his eyebrows slightly.

Bourbon was also stunned, his expression instantly hard to look at - his expression successfully entertained Akai Shuichi.

"Why did you take him?" Bourbon couldn't help but ask.

Hypocritical like Bourbon, I hate him to the point where I can't even hide it or pretend it in front of Angostela.

"You go too."

Angstra patted Bourbon's fist that was about to break the chopsticks.

"This mission requires going abroad. The three of us will go to the United States together first. Ley will transfer there and go to Toronto, Canada alone. Our mission and mission location are different."

Bourbon's expression suddenly became clear, and he glanced proudly at Shuichi Akai.

Akai Shuichi ignored this childish provocation. When he heard about the mission location, he had a bad premonition.

No matter what the organization asked him to do in Canada, he had to notify the FBI that Angstra was going to the United States.

It is impossible to catch them. Once they take action against Angstra and Bourbon, the organization will immediately suspect that he, who knows their itinerary, is an undercover agent. And with the strength of most people in the FBI, let alone confront Angost.

Alas, against Bourbon, it's all for nothing.

What he wants the FBI to do is to see and see the real Morohoshi.

When choosing an impostor, you must consider the appearance of the replacement. Morohoshi's hair color and eye color are exactly the same as his, and even his facial features are similar, so even if the organization has a photo of Morohoshi as a boy, it will

Didn't realize he was a fake.

But if they see a real person... then his true identity may be...

No matter how low the probability was, he had to take precautions.


Rei Fukiya felt a little disappointed that this mission was in the United States - he wanted more information and missions in Japan - but then he thought about it, this mission was in a foreign country, and even if he killed people, set fire to and dropped bombs, it would not affect Japan.

Relaxed again.

It's just that he's worried about Rai's mission.

The fact that Lai killed the son of an undercover police officer was a thorn in his heart. Even if the destination of his mission this time was also abroad, he could not rest assured.

Fang Guling finished clearing the dining table and looked towards the study room on the second floor.

Angstra was tolerant to them, but he also insisted on some bottom lines. He would not reveal the mission to others casually - Rye did not know why Scotland was injured on the mission, and they had no way of knowing what Rye was going to do.

Zhu Fu Jingguang was sitting on the sofa listening to the news on TV. After taking two injections last night and at noon today, his hearing returned to normal.

The next four shots will restore his vision.

On the TV screen was a commendation ceremony. Tokyo Governor Yuichiro Asakura was commending Matsuda Jinpei and Sato Miwako. This was a replay of the afternoon program.

Detecting prisoners, discovering bombs, protecting reservoirs... Even though the prisoners died, they still had a good mark on their resumes and got the opportunity for early promotion.

Looking at Matsuda Jinpei's stiff expression on the screen and his dry mouth speaking lines that sounded like he was forced to memorize them, Rei Fukiya wanted to laugh a little.

He was able to get the investigation report on this case and knew exactly what Matsuda did on the reservoir - he reached out to save the prisoner who killed Hagiwara Kenji.

Faced with the criminal who caused the death of others, he did not ignore the other person's death. Even though he himself would be in danger, he still reached out to save the person and wanted to send him to justice... Just like during the police academy, Zhu Fu

Jing Guang rushed into the fire to save his enemy Wai Shou Yi.

That's great, Matsuda.

Fang Guling's eyes fell on his former friend from the police academy.

You are still a good policeman under the sun.

Unlike us...as undercover agents, we can no longer do this.

This chapter has been completed!
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