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Chapter 436

12 o'clock in the evening, 6-chome Villa, Yoneka-cho.

Angstra was about to give Zhufu Jingguang the fifth injection, while Shiang Guling stood aside with Dora in his arms.

He always watched these injections because he was worried that Angostela would inject strange drugs into Faxiao - no matter how much Angostura cared about them, he would still have some reservations about them.



Fang Gu Ling looked at Angostela.

After taking a shower, he put on the animal plush pajamas given by Shirley. At this time, he was unscrewing the iodophor solution for disinfection, and Zhu Fu Jingguang also pulled up his sleeves.

——After Angstra came back this time, he felt a little uneasy.

He didn't know where this uneasiness came from.

"Scotland, this is the fifth injection. Starting from this injection, it will treat your vision. Your eyeballs will hurt a little after the injection. This is normal, but if the pain is so unbearable, tell me and don't bear it."

Zhu Fu Jingguang knew nothing about Fa Xiao's thoughts: "Okay."

The needle was inserted into the mouth of the medicine bottle and all the medicine inside was extracted without leaking. He also carefully checked whether there was any residue in the bottle before inserting it into the disinfected area.

The potion was slowly pushed in, and the needle was quickly pulled out. Zhu Fu Jingguang frowned, and the discomfort in his eyeballs made him close his eyes tightly, and physiological tears welled up in the corners of his eyes uncontrollably.

Someone next to him handed him a tissue, and Zhu Fu Jingguang reached out to take it. Suddenly, his eyeballs felt sharp pain, and his palms twitched at the same time. The tissue was firmly held in his hand, and he didn't even bother to wipe it.

Eyes...are they bleeding?

When this question flashed through his mind, a hand wiped away the tears on his face.

Zhu Fu Jingguang tried to open his eyes, and his world was no longer pitch black; but in the hazy water, he still could not clearly see the face and expression of the person in front of him.

He could only see the other person raising his hand, as if he wanted to reach out and hug him - but he didn't know what he thought of, and the other person slowly put it down. Zhu Fu Jingguang also closed his eyes again.

"...how do you feel now?"

Zhufu Jingguang heard Angostela asking him.

He didn't say anything, but slowly shook his head. This kind of pain was nothing to him... He sat there and relaxed for a while. After nearly half a minute, he slowly opened his eyes until he felt the pain in his eyes gradually lessening.

Open your eyes.

His eyes could feel the light, but the scene in front of him...

"Angstra?" Zhu Fu Jingguang called softly.

Angstra reached out again and hugged him this time.

"It's me."

Just like a few days ago in the snow, he lifted him up from the ground and held him in his arms. Zhu Fu Jingguang felt his hands tightly wrapped around his body.

"Does it hurt when the toxins are discharged from the eyes?"

"...Well, it hurts a little."

"The eyeball is a very important and fragile organ. These injections will indeed be painful, but if you don't get the injections to remove the toxins, your eyes will continue to feel uncomfortable in the future... So please be patient these days."

Angstra's chin rested on his shoulder, almost leaning against his ear to remind him.

Hearing Angstra's coaxing tone, Zhu Fu Jingguang smiled.

"I listen to you."

Toru Amuro stood nearby, watching this scene quietly.

The body of the demon bear in his arms was shaking like chaff, and it was trying desperately to get out of his arms. After Toru Amuro lowered his hands, it flew towards the second floor as if it was running for its life.


Fukitani Rei glanced at Dora's flying figure in a strange way. The pair of small bat wings behind it had left an afterimage.

He didn't care about this little thing. He looked at Angstra again and sighed in his heart.

Angstra sometimes really treats them as darlings, and has to remind them even about small things like getting a good injection... But this is the kind of boss he is, and he experienced this firsthand when he was injured and hospitalized.

If it were anyone else, he would definitely wonder if this was a warning or a test to them.


At the same time, in an apartment building in Kyoto.

"The chairman Entaro Yashiro, his daughter Takae Yashiro, his son-in-law Hideto Yashiro, and his younger brother... a total of twenty-two people."

"They will go to an ancient house in Kyoto to hold a family banquet tomorrow afternoon, and then embark on the maiden voyage of the Yatsushiro Foundation's new luxury cruise ship. Most of the people participating in this voyage are well-known upper-class people in Japan's political and business circles."

Kobayashi Kiyoshi, male, 22 years old, police officer from the Metropolitan Police Department.

His current name is Saito Kiyoshi, and his identity is a new undercover agent who was infiltrated by the police into a criminal organization.

He took the temporarily collected intelligence and reported it to his current organizational boss.

After finding that he could not resist, Kobayashi Kiyoshi temporarily surrendered.

He is very familiar with the methods of the public security and is not afraid of resigning at all. However, his father-in-law is a university professor and his wife is a teacher at a well-known private elementary school. They both need to have no stain on their resumes.

Once you are slandered by the police, even if you are finally cleared of suspicion, you will be expelled from school and will never be able to find a decent job again.

The police did not deliberately fabricate his identity. This can be seen from his name - his name has not been changed, and his surname is his wife's old surname.

In fact, Kobayashi Kiyoshi had thought about becoming a son-in-law before registering for marriage - anyway, he had been trained by the Saito family with money and energy since he was seven years old, and he had long been regarded as the family's son - he didn't mind taking his wife's last name at all, and even felt closer to him this way.

But his wife firmly refused.

Unexpectedly, being an undercover agent fulfilled one of his regrets, and Kiyoshi Saito was indeed better.

Kobayashi Kiyoshi came to Kyoto, and in the afternoon he established a good relationship with a low-level member whose identity had been known to the police and was kept for fishing, and he was invited to join the organization.

The next day, a member with a code name came to Kyoto and went to the training ground to select people from among the lower-level members... He became his subordinate. In addition to him, there was a man named Yukimura Sanku.

The next day, they received a very important task.

"We can't let people know that these people are responsible for us. Someone suggested that I use bombs..."

After hearing Kiyoshi Kobayashi's report, his current boss, a man codenamed Daijili Cocktail, scratched his hair impatiently. To show his superiority, he slapped the table hard, and the items on the table shook, but his own hands were also shaking.

He paused, and at the same time the corners of his mouth twisted a little - it hurt.

He forced himself to calm down and continued: "...You two, do you have any suggestions?"

Kobayashi Kiyoshi secretly glanced at Yukimura Sanjiu. He originally wanted to hear his answer, so he imitated and said something similar... After all, he had not received any undercover training, so he didn't know what to say as an undercover agent.

As a result, when I looked at it, I found that he was in a daze at the sexy swimsuit poster on the wall not far away, and the corners of his mouth were grinning almost to the base of his ears. Dai Jili in front of him didn't notice it at all.


Kobayashi Kiyoshi was speechless, but he did not reveal this.

In the past, at school, because he had a pair of parents who were famous murderers in Japan, he was bullied and reported many times. He had experienced these things himself, so he didn't want to become that bad person himself.

"Saito, what do you think?"

The undercover police officer who was named was helpless. He thought seriously, and suddenly a light flashed through him——

"How about sinking the cruise ship?"

The best way to hide a few trees is to hide them in the woods.

The best way to hide several corpses is to hide them in a pile of corpses.

As long as the cruise ship sinks and everyone is guaranteed to die inside without any chance of survival... then won't it be difficult for the outside world to know who they are heading for?


The previous chapter was revised a bit

This chapter has been completed!
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