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Chapter 448 The crime that cannot be tried

Neither of them spoke.

Toru Amuro sat there blankly, his hands maintaining their original position.

He looked at Angstra helplessly. He hoped that his little boss would show the same smile as before in the next second, pull him and say, "Amuro, let's go together!"... But his hope was in vain.

Angstra didn't look up at him.

Angstra, who was always kind and gentle when facing him, lowered her head as if facing something she didn't want to face, holding her fork tightly with her fingers.

During this period, he carefully glanced in his direction, and as a result, their eyes collided. He quickly lowered his head, inserted a piece of bacon with a fork and put it into his mouth, chewing it mechanically, showing no signs of usual enjoyment of delicious food.


Tohru Amuro could see it, and Angstra herself was in a bad mood after saying these words.

An almost suffocating silence filled the entire space, and it was Toru Amuro who finally broke the silence.

"I understand, Angstra." He said gently.

Even though Angstra couldn't see it, Toru Amuro still looked at him with the same gentle and submissive eyes as in the past. On many nights, he also used this look to look at every photo in his treasured photo album over and over again.


"When will you come back? Do you want me to cook for you?"

The suite not only has two bedrooms, but also a fully equipped kitchen. Toru Amuro was worried that American fast food was unhealthy, so he had already prepared to cook for him. He even looked at the supermarkets near the hotel.

"No, I don't know what time I'll be back. Just order the hotel's set meal...I've finished eating."

Angstra put down his fork and stood up. When he passed Toru Amuro, he paused.

"I'd better take you to school. It's easy for newcomers to get lost when they first enter..." he whispered.

Toru Amuro's eyes lit up instantly!

"...I will go to the cemetery after seeing you off." Angstra added.

Amuro Toru's eyes dimmed, but he didn't want to show off to his little boss. He showed his usual smile and said in a relaxed voice: "Okay, I will finish breakfast right away. Please wait for me a moment."

Angstra's hand hanging by her side moved, as if she wanted to raise her hand to do something.

Toru Amuro was very familiar with those hands. The palms were covered with calluses from practicing shooting, and they were a little rough. They didn't look like the hands of a teenager at all, but he knew how warm these hands were when hugging others.

In the end, Angstra made no next move and lowered his hand.

"...I'm going to send you a detailed map of the school and the schedule of open classes for the past few days. Remember to receive and save them."

After saying that, he walked towards the bedroom. With a bang, the door was closed.

It wasn't until he couldn't see his junior boss that Toru Amuro slowly looked back.

He still kept that smile on his face. This smile was solidified on his face like a plaster mask, and it took a long time for it to break.

He finished his breakfast bit by bit. After finishing, he got up and cleared the plates on both sides, and also tidied up the living room. The special status of the members of the organization meant that they would not order room service other than meal delivery, and the room was so messy that he


At half past nine, Toru Amuro knocked on Angstra's door. They left the hotel and walked to the university.

Boston is much livelier in the morning than at night. The road in front of the hotel is full of traffic, there are hurried office workers carrying bags on the street, and there are old people walking their dogs slowly and leisurely. This is a city different from Tokyo or Paris.

Toru Amuro walked beside Angstra and listened to him introduce him to the basic situation of MIT.

He listened carefully to every word, and Angstra would intersperse some past campus experiences in it. Through these words, he sketched in his mind a picture of his junior boss's past studies.

A building with a dome appears in front of you. This is the most historic and representative building at MIT - the McLaren Dome.

Angstra suddenly stopped.

Toru Amuro also stopped. He did not speak, but looked at Angstra in front of him and turned to look at him.

"Just come here and go in by yourself."


Toru Amuro nodded.

Angstra was about to leave, but when he turned around, Toru Amuro suddenly shouted: "Angstra."

"What's wrong?" he asked strangely.

Toru Amuro raised her finger and pointed at her ears. There was an obvious piercing there, which was left last year.

"You gave me a bug earring in the past."

Amuro Toru spoke faster and his tone was urgent, as if saying this would make Angstra immediately agree to his request.

"You can only use your fingerprint to unlock or close. With it, you can listen to my every move at any time and know what I am doing..."

"Can you put it on for me while we're apart?"

He will not be annoyed that he is being monitored, just like a loyal dog will not resent the collar around his neck that his owner has put on him.

Faced with his fervent words, Angstra looked at him steadily.

The crimson eye fell into the sunlight, and tiny rays of light flashed inside, but the light only flickered away and soon disappeared, returning to its previous appearance.

"I wouldn't use these things on you in daily life."

Angstra rejected him.

Fangtani Ling is sitting in the classroom.

There was a laptop and a recorder in front of him. Because it was an open class, many outsiders came to observe.

The professor on the stage stood in front of three large blackboards. There was also a large display screen hanging above the blackboard to ensure that people sitting at the end could see it clearly. He was already used to many people from outside the school coming to attend lectures. He was on the screen.

Today’s course content is released.

Rei Fukutani just had some problems with reading English - Japanese people can understand it, but people from English-speaking countries can't understand it - there is absolutely no problem with reading and spelling, he understood the meaning of the title at a glance.

——OxyContin, the crimes of the Sackler family.

This is America's worst case of drug addiction.

OxyContin is an opioid analgesic drug whose active ingredient is oxycodone, which is very similar to heroin and therefore highly addictive.

However, Purdue Pharma, which sells the drug, concealed this fact and claimed that the addiction rate was less than 1%. It even bribed U.S. Food and Drug Administration officials to label it safe and began selling it in large quantities.

Relying on this drug, the Sackler family made a lot of money and became one of the richest families in the United States. Since the drug was released, about 7 million people have become addicted to the drug, and more than 200,000 people have overdosed.

And death.

After the truth was revealed, Purdue Pharma declared bankruptcy and no one in the Sackler family was charged. They paid sky-high compensation, formed another drug company, and then continued to produce OxyContin under strict government supervision.

Once capitalists do evil, the blood on their hands may be unmatched by even the worst criminal organizations.

Rei Fukutani is very concerned about this kind of incident. It’s not that he has much sympathy for Americans, but as a person who deeply loves his country, this kind of incident will sound an alarm for him, making him vigilant and prevent this kind of thing from happening in his Japan.


The professor released the lawsuit, which was more than 270 pages long. As Reitani looked at it, he suddenly thought of the situation in Japan.

Karasuma Group, the richest company in Japan, also started out as a pharmaceutical company, and since more than ten years ago, their scale in the pharmaceutical industry has been growing.

——So big that it has a complete monopoly on many life-saving drugs.


Jianggu Ling pressed his heart and suppressed the inexplicable uneasiness there.

He turned to look out the window. Several crows gathered on the branches outside. This kind of bird has footprints all over the world.

He didn't know where Angstra was now. If he just went to the cemetery to visit an old acquaintance, it shouldn't take much time... When he came back, he still had a question to ask him.

Why did he suddenly look back in his direction after they separated, and mouthed "I'm sorry"?

Who is this apology addressed to?

Toru Amuro is sitting in the classroom.

The professor spoke fast English, and most of the people around him communicated in English. He also heard a few words in Spanish... He was in a strange language environment, and even though there were people sitting next to him, he formed a natural connection with them.

Isolating barrier.

Toru Amuro looked up at the fonts on the screen and couldn't help but think of the last time he went to France.

It was not like this when I went to France. At that time...

——It's okay, I will accompany you... This time is just an accident. Under normal circumstances, the organization will not let members who are not proficient in foreign languages ​​go to other countries.

——Actually, you can try to communicate with me in French. You will not make progress if you keep using your mother tongue...

——You speak very nicely, a little jerky, but your pronunciation is very standard. I will slow down my speaking speed to communicate with you in the future so that you can gradually get used to it... Don't be shy, I know how serious you are in studying this month and how hard you have worked.

I see everything, and I will accompany you to improve and make progress.

Angstra was by his side at that time.

At that time, Angstra also once said...

——Thank you for staying with me...Don't be afraid, wait for me to come back.

——I said, I will not abandon you.


The sunlight outside shone in and fell on Toru Amuro, who was sitting alone at the table. He felt an uncontrollable chill all over his body.

This chapter has been completed!
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