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Chapter 451 The first undercover agent in the organization

Seeing that Bai Ye didn't speak, the boss at dusk didn't force him, but just touched his head again.

"If you are tired, take a break," he said, "or find something to vent to. Don't embarrass yourself so much."

Jing Baiye felt the gentle touch on her hair and couldn't help but look up at the person in front of her.


"Fenrir." Dusk boss interrupted him, "Gray, I am not the manager of the organization. If you want to call me, just call me by this name."

Japanese and Korean cultures have a strict culture of elders and juniors, seniors and juniors. This can be seen from the cumbersome honorifics. Juniors must not call their elders by their names. That is a great disrespect. However, the United States or France are not so harsh.


Dusk... Fenrir is a French-American. Even though his body has become the leader of a criminal organization that originated in Japan, he still has not accepted the slightest influence of Japan's feudal customs.

Jing Baiye's eyes fell on the wolf-shaped totem on the left side of his neck, and he suddenly asked: "Did you get this tattoo based on your name?"

"No, this is not a tattoo." Fenrir replied, "I used to be a believer, and there are regulations that prohibit tattoos."

"...So that's what it is."

Jing Baiye said something as if talking to himself, and he didn't ask any more questions.

Fenrir didn't seem to want to talk more about this issue: "Are you here to find him? Then you have to wait a little longer."

Dusk is a taboo time in Japanese culture for encountering demons, and it is also the time for the alternation of two souls in this body. Jing Baiye knew this. He originally came to see Spiatus, but now he suddenly wanted to meet Fen.

Lille also has a chat.

Although they have the same body, Fenrir and Spiatus give people completely different impressions. One is gentle to the point of being cowardly, while the other is a well-deserved master of the crows.

Most people in the organization who know the true identity of the boss will not confuse them.

Take Gin as an example. He is respectful and loyal to Spiatus, but towards Fenrir, he is only superficially acceptable. Even if he protects him, it is only to prevent Spiatus from using his body later.

Once Jing Baiye was curious about how gin and wine could be divided so widely, and even ran up to him and asked him this question directly.

At that time, he had just joined the organization, and Gin had just turned twenty. He was far from as calm as he is now... No, now he will not be calm and patient when he encounters people who are disrespectful to Spiatus... Not at all

Giving people a chance to explain, he immediately glanced at Jing Baiye with the look of a traitor.

He didn't stab him in the cheek with a gun like before, but directly grabbed his face and lifted him up from the ground.

"You were specially brought back by that gentleman...and you couldn't even recognize him?"

Jing Baiye's feet were swaying off the ground. This was the first time he felt real malice from Gin. His eyes really wanted to kill him.

In fact, Gin misunderstood his words at that time, and he recognized it.

——He can distinguish people who look exactly the same without relying on systematic labeling, and he can also identify different souls in the same body.

It's just that he can not regard one person as a substitute for another person, and completely transfer his feelings for one person to another person; but for the time being, he can't distinguish so clearly between people who share the same body, and sometimes he will

Mixed together.

...In fact, this should be thoroughly understood.

Jing Baiye clenched his cell phone and did not reply to the email from Scotland. He asked: "Fenrir, have you ever encountered undercover agents before? What do you think of them?"

During last year's trip to Hakone, he asked Spiatus a similar question; now facing Fenrir, he wanted to ask it again. Because they are different existences, their attitudes towards certain people and certain things will be different.


"Well... I met one a long time ago."

The gentle smile on Fenrir's face faded a little.

"That was an FBI undercover agent. I remember it very clearly... He was the one who transferred a batch of experimental subjects, including me, from the American laboratory to Japan." He paused briefly, "Not a single one was missed."

Jing Baiye was stunned.

Fenrir noticed his expression and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

At this moment, his expression looked very much like that of Spiatus, as if he could hardly tell them apart in the white night.

"Your expression seems to say, 'Why didn't he save you? He is obviously not a real member of the organization'..." He said softly, "Why do you think an undercover agent would do such unnecessary things?"


"Undercover agents are different from ordinary police officers and agents. Their job is not to save people, but to collect and transmit information. Rather than rescuing a group of people, he should understand the purpose of the human experiment, the scale of the experiment, and the progress of the experiment.

The situation...or when necessary, hand over the results of the experiment to the institution behind him."

Fenrir raised his head and stared at the statue in front of him.

His tone was as calm as if he was telling a story that had nothing to do with him, without any anger or hatred, but Jing Baiye knew very well that he was one of the people who had experienced it personally.

Not expecting this answer at all, Jing Baiye remained silent.

He didn't quite understand the working process of an undercover agent, but judging from Pan Nuo's ability to contact so many real colleagues, as long as the undercover agent wanted to, he could intercept the batch of human experiment victims from the organization's hands.

After all, the United States is the headquarters of the FBI, so he should be able to do it.

"What happened to him?"

"My identity was exposed, I was tortured for information, and then I was sent to a laboratory... He died after not surviving even one experiment."

There was another moment of silence.

"Then what's his code name?"


The still gentle voice was in Japanese, and the tone instantly changed to that of another person.

Jing Baiye was stunned and turned to look to his side.

I saw that dusk had long faded outside the window, and under the spreading night and moonlight, Spiatus stared at him with his crimson eyes, a familiar shallow smile on his face.



Toru Amuro, who was sitting on the sofa waiting, heard the sound of the door card being swiped outside the door, and instantly stood up and looked towards the door.

Angstra stood at the door, maintaining the posture of opening the door, and looked at him.

The lights in the hotel corridor were kept on twenty-four hours a day, and Toru Amuro could clearly see Angstra's expression at this time. He seemed to have not expected anyone to be waiting for him, and was obviously stunned for a moment.

Then he heard his voice: "Why haven't you rested yet?"

"I said, as long as I live with you, I will wait for you to come back." Toru Amuro said in a calm voice.

He didn't have a pitiful tone to try to please his junior boss. This was a very common thing for him - just like no one would show off to the people around him that he could breathe.

When Angstra walked into the house, he noticed the shopping bags placed on the island cabinet in the kitchen area and the plates in the sink. Toru Amuro only took out the honey for making croissants and placed it next to the bags.

Toru Amuro didn't speak anymore, he just waited quietly for Angstra's next instruction.

"No need next time."

Angstra finally spoke, his voice as light as a feather.

This chapter has been completed!
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