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Chapter 458 bitter wine, hope and dream

Jing Baiye hung on the glacier, and in his constantly shaking sight, he could still clearly capture the small black dot.

After his teacher died, he thought of him many times.

I will think of him when I hear someone calling me, I will think of him when I go to the wild to practice shooting alone, I will think of him when I find a place to camp alone, I will think of him when I go to the market alone for supplies, I will think of him when I huddle in my sleeping bag alone and eat nutritional ointment.

I will think of him. I will think of him when I put on a protective suit alone and go to the mission location. I will think of him even more when I see others holding children.

In the first life, Jing Baiye did not find any other regular partners. They occasionally cooperated, but after completing the mission, they went their separate ways.

He carried his luggage and gun bag alone and wandered around the only areas of human activity. He had no fixed residence, and the place he lived in was always the tent.

When the tent support was broken, he repaired it. When the tent was broken, he repaired it. He didn't want to throw away the home where he once lived with his teacher.

He held his hand and carried him through the eternal night, but he didn't even find his body.

The previous clips were a long torture for Jing Baiye, not only because he saw his home being destroyed again and again, but also because the teacher was so close, but he still couldn't raise his hand to touch him.


With a second choice, there will be no second answer.

Without any hesitation, Jing Baiye didn't even look up. He let go of the rope and fell down!

The feeling of the game was so immersive that he even had the illusion that he had really returned to his first life. The moment he landed, he rolled skillfully to relieve his force, and as soon as he stood firm, he opened his arms.

Jumped into the teacher's arms.

This embrace was familiar and warm, and Jing Baiye felt her left eye feel faintly hot.

Normally, my hands would never tremble even when holding a heavy gun, but now I couldn't even hold on to the teacher's clothes.


Teacher, do you know? Then I killed the robot that killed you. I beat it to pieces, but because I didn’t pay attention to the surrounding environment, I was torn to pieces by other robots. But it didn’t hurt at all. Death

I was very happy because I successfully avenged you.

Teacher, after I was reincarnated, I had a father and a mother. It turned out that the men and women in the picture album were not caregivers, but parents. Everyone has parents. But they were not good to me. They never hugged me or held my hand.

, my mother hanged herself, and my father took drugs and burned his cigarette butt on my neck. It hurt even more than the first time he died.

Teacher, I have died twice and have reached the third life. I have met many people along the way, including friends, people who love me, and people who deceive me...

Of all the thousands of words that come to my lips, there is only the simplest sentence.

"Teacher, I miss you so much..."



A huge electric current flashed, and the blond mixed-race man fell limply next to the game cabin.

The FBI officers who were frightened by his sudden attack just now looked at each other in shock. After a few seconds, they gradually gathered around him and started to make small comments.

"Mr. Sindora, does the game still have current defense?"

"Well, there is indeed this setting to prevent the game from being interrupted by external factors..."

"Will the electric shock be all right?"

"It won't hurt your life, but it will cause shock..."

"Hey, this man hasn't fainted yet!"

Toru Amuro fell to the ground. He saw that his hand, which had been freed from the handcuffs, was twitching slightly, and the muscles all over his body were sore and sore from the electric shock.

"Angstra..." He kept mumbling.

"...Dissociation disorder is a very rare mental illness. At present, psychological treatment is mainly used, and occasionally medication is used...However, some experts have suggested that electrotherapy can be used. Currently, electrotherapy is one of the main methods for treating other mental illnesses.


Recalling the words of the professor in yesterday afternoon's class in his mind, Toru Amuro clenched his fingers tremblingly.

He is not a human being, just a piece of consciousness, a disease acquired by an undercover agent who desperately tried to deny his feelings.

His death doesn't even deserve to be called death.


He raised his head with great effort and looked up at the closed game cabin.

He really wanted to protect him.

Use everything you have.


A lantern hung in the small gray tent.

Under the warm orange light, Jing Baiye sat cross-legged on his sleeping bag, slurping a nutritious ointment that tasted like lard soaked in bile, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise.

"No. 44, it's time to take a rest after eating." The teacher called him from the side.


Jing Baiye put away the empty nutritional cream packaging, put on the protective clothing that made his whole body feel uncomfortable and stinging, and got into his sleeping bag.

The teacher stood up and turned off the lights, and the tent instantly became dark, but it was not completely dark - because the sky outside was not completely dark, and there was a faint light on the horizon, which was the phenomenon of white night.

It was quiet inside the tent, but it was very noisy outside. The strong wind hit the tent's outer tent, lifting it up and down again.

There seemed to be other sounds mixed in with this sound, but Jing Baiye couldn't hear it. Even if he heard it, he didn't want to pay attention to it.

He finally returned home and didn't want to worry about other things that would bother him.

Jing Baiye wanted to close his eyes when he suddenly felt someone looking at him.

There were only two people in the tent, so he immediately turned to look at him. The teacher also got into the sleeping bag and was zipping it up. When he saw him looking over, he stopped what he was doing: "What's wrong?"

The blond hair was now dull. Jing Baiye looked at it for a few seconds before whispering: "...It's nothing."

The teacher didn't ask further questions and continued to zip up and lie down.


The call was so clear and loud that Jing Baiye couldn't pretend not to hear it and had to open his eyes again.

The teacher saw him and opened his eyes: "You can't sleep?"

"I heard someone calling me..." Jing Baiye chose to tell the truth in front of the teacher who didn't like others to lie.

"He's calling 'Number 44'?"


"But you only have this title. If you don't call me this, you are calling me."


Jing Baiye was silent for a moment, then spoke again: "You're calling me."

He paused and insisted: "You're just calling me."

There was silence in the tent, except for the sound of the wind blowing outside, carrying the calls that could not be ignored, reaching his ears.

"No. 44..." the teacher said softly, "Do you have a dream?"

"Why are you asking this?" Jing Baiye twisted in his sleeping bag and poked half of his head out to look at the teacher.

"Everyone should always have a dream, no matter whether it is big or small, there is always one."


Jing Baiye began to think.

His dream...

"I want to have a house that is very strong, will not leak from wind or rain, and will not be vandalized on purpose..."

"I want to keep cats in the house, and it's better to keep a dog. They will be my partners and my helpers. I will take good care of them and will not tie them up with chains..."

"I want to have people around me who are as good-looking as in the picture album, I want to eat delicious food, and I want to play with my friends at any time..."

"I want to make a lot of money..."

"I think...the teacher can always be safe and be with me forever..."

"These are not dreams, right? The dream should be bigger." The teacher said.

"But this is my dream." Jing Baiye said.

"...That is really a greedy dream." The teacher sighed, "If you are too greedy, you will have nothing in the end."

"Then I only need the last one, and I don't need the others." Jing Baiye said.

Without a house, you have to be displaced, you can't raise cats and dogs, the people around you have deformed faces due to war disabilities or radiation, and you can only eat unpalatable nutritious creams. Others are rejected and you can't find friends at all. You can only get a small bounty for completing tasks.

...None of this matters.

He wants a family.

In the darkness that was not completely darkened, he heard the teacher sighing softly.

"white night."

The teacher called his name.

"——You should go back."

This chapter has been completed!
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