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Chapter 465: One Person's Fireworks

Four days later, Jing Baiye returned to Boston.

It was obviously morning, but the sky was gray. The weather forecast said it had snowed heavily yesterday, the temperature was very low, and there was still a lot of snow on the roads. As soon as he left the airport, he went straight to the station and took a bus to the hotel.

In fact, Jing Baiye is not short of money at all now.

Winning a sky-high lottery ticket, a large number of rental properties in Cupido Town, and the newly acquired American IT giant Sindora Group... these made him the richest man in the organization second only to Spiatus, the chairman of the Karasuma Group.


But this does not prevent him from continuing to save money. When there is no one to pick him up, he can take cheap public transportation.

When the bus arrived, Jing Baiye got off the bus. He did not go back to the hotel directly, but went to a nearby supermarket to buy ingredients for lunch and dinner.

He couldn't cook, so he had to buy many things according to the recipes. The shopping basket was filled with shopping, he paid the bill and walked towards the hotel carrying two large paper bags.

The doorman at the door opened the door for Jing Baiye, who had difficulty with his hands: "Welcome back, Mr. Crowe."

Wearing a slim-fitting black suit, he bowed slightly, and the shirt cuff link exposed was a small crow.

This is a hotel under the name of an organization. From the doorman who can see all the guests clearly, to the waiters who can reasonably enter all rooms to deliver meals or clean, to the chefs in the backstage who prepare everyone's food, they are all the bottom members of the organization.

They always wear black clothes and have crow decorations on their bodies during work, which has not changed in the past fourteen years.

Jing Baiye nodded slightly to the doorman, turned around and walked towards the elevator.

The two arrived at the hotel in the morning and waited until the afternoon.

Feeling unbearably hungry, Jing Baiye had no choice but to put down the half-opened photo album on her phone and go to the living room outside to make a call to the guest room.

"Mr. Crowe, what do you want to order?"

"One afternoon tea requires two teacups, thank you."

"Okay, we'll send it to you right away."

This hotel is a classic British afternoon tea, and the style has not changed for more than ten years.

Thirteen years ago, in this hotel room, Rum killed Amanda Hughes, a capitalist who had long-term cooperation with the former leader. When he did it, she and a shogi player who was unfortunately involved were in the room.

Enjoy this afternoon tea.

Afternoon tea was served quickly, and Jing Baiye paid the tip as usual. He didn't omit this part just because he was a member of the organization.

British afternoon tea has three layers. The formal way to eat it is from bottom to top. The bottom layer is sandwiches with different flavors, the middle layer is freshly baked scones, and the top layer is macarons and chocolate cake.

They were all Jing Baiye's favorite things to eat. He didn't monopolize them, but divided them into two portions as evenly as possible.

He picked up a sandwich, took out his phone, and continued to browse the photo album he had just finished. Perhaps because he was too focused on the photos, he kept stuffing the sandwich into his mouth until his cheeks were completely bulging, and he couldn't even swallow.

becomes difficult.

He chewed hard and stared at the beautiful photos of fireworks in the album.

The fireworks that burned to the extreme in an instant illuminated the fairy tale dream castle. He was standing on the left side of the photo, and the right side was empty. These were his fireworks alone.

Suddenly, his phone emitted a meow, and the fireworks photo turned into a number he was very familiar with.

Jing Baiye answered the phone and said vaguely: "Hello?"

"...Are you eating?" The other party's voice was a little surprised.

Jing Baiye glanced at the sandwich in his hand, silently put it back on the plate, swallowed it in one gulp, picked up the black tea and took a sip, moistening his throat before answering: "It's ready.


"You never answered the phone while enjoying delicious food before." Fenrir's tone was, "Did something happen to you?"

"No, this is the BOSS's number after all." Jing Baiye replied.

"I remember that you have always treated everyone equally in this regard. Neither he nor Rum... Speaking of which, Gin is the one who doesn't answer the phone the most..."


Jing Baiye was silent for a moment, turned to look out the window, and said in a calm voice: "It's nothing."

The room was quiet except for his voice.

Jing Baiye doesn't put everything in the system backpack, sometimes he likes to carry it by hand.

He carried two large paper bags alone, took out his room card and swiped the sensor at the door. With a gentle beep, the door opened inward.

There was no one in the room, and the sofa was empty.

Jing Baiye went to the door, put the purchased ingredients in the kitchen, and then went to the two bedrooms to put the luggage respectively.

He booked a two-week cleaning service for the senior suite before departure, and the interior was very clean, almost exactly the same as when they left.

In the smaller bedroom, he put the unfinished copy of "The Little Prince" on the bedside table, and placed a cracked keychain next to it.

He carefully checked whether the sheets and quilt were clean, and made sure that the waiter had just changed them before making the bed. He took the blond mixed-race man's body out of the system backpack and carefully placed it on it. He pulled the quilt up to prevent him from accidentally catching a cold.


Toru Amuro has been sleeping since that day.

The system panel showed that his physical condition was normal, so Jing Baiye did not send him to the organization's private hospital, but stayed by his side.

He has sufficient experience and even more patience in caring for patients on the bed.

He didn't make a fuss or do any other radical behavior.

Because he knew he would wake up and see himself the first time he opened his eyes.

Jing Baiye thought this and felt much better.

"A few days ago, Amuro and I... Bourbon, bourbon whiskey, a very popular drink here in the United States... went out to play together, so I never contacted Spiatus."

"We went to the university to attend open classes together. His English was not good, so I had to help translate and explain professional terms."

"We went to New York to go shopping and eat cheesecake in the park, to Niagara Falls, to Yellowstone Park, and to the northernmost state of Alaska... Unfortunately, I got the most basic common sense wrong, and now there

Without the white night phenomenon, our trip would have been in vain."

"But he was not angry with me. He has always been very nice and gentle. I agreed with him that we would see him again in the summer."

"We took a lot of photos, all on my phone. If you want to see them, I can show them to you."

He said in a brisk tone: "So it's really nothing. I was very happy those days."

There was silence on the other side for a long time.


Fenrir likes to call White Night Gray, while Spiatus likes to call White Night or Angstra. This is also their difference.

"Do you know why most undercover agents in the organization have codenames of some kind of whiskey?"

This chapter has been completed!
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