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Chapter 480 Zhufu Jingguang: Am I Exposed?

"Welcome to Mihua Supermarket. There are currently many customers in the store. Please wait patiently..."

On Friday afternoon, as the weekend was approaching, the supermarket held a special discount event, and there were long queues in front of the checkout counters.

Zhu Fu Jingguang walked behind the team pushing a shopping cart filled with various ingredients.

Angstra had already sent him a message, saying that if the flight was not delayed, they would arrive in Tokyo around six o'clock in the evening, just in time for dinner, so he went out to do shopping in the afternoon.

As he walked forward, he glanced at the shopping cart from time to time, recalling whether there was anything he missed.

Miso, tofu, wakame, this is used to make miso soup; and beef, potatoes... By the way, you have to give more money to buy cat food.

Zhu Fu Jingguang turned the direction of the shopping cart and headed to the pet area.

He pushed the cart through the shelves. Most of the people who came to buy at this time were housewives of all ages. He, a young adult man, seemed a little out of place among them.

Zhu Fu Jingguang came to the pet area, looked up at the cat food piled on the shelves, and reached for the one that Qian Duoduo usually eats most. At this moment, his eyes suddenly stung.

He stretched out his hand for a moment, then took the cat food and put it in the shopping cart as if nothing had happened.

These days, he is almost used to this kind of stinging pain. It is fine during the day, but the attacks are more severe at night, and the attacks do not affect his vision...

Therefore, he did not regret doing that, nor did he regret switching the antidote.

"First the cat food, then..."

Zhu Fu Jingguang thought for a while and took two more toy balls.

Qian Duoduo lives in a cage these days. The cage is not big, and the ball he used to play with took up too much space, so he had to change it to a smaller one.

Two small balls, one gray and one blue, he placed them next to the cat food.

After making sure that nothing else was forgotten, Zhu Fu Jingguang pushed the cart back to the checkout counter.

The queue was still very long, so he didn't go out of his way to find one with a shorter queue, but just found a queue and stood at the end.

Zhu Fu Jingguang put his hands on the armrests of the shopping cart, looked around, and took out his mobile phone from his pocket. The latest messages were the exchanges between him and Angstra.

[Bourbon Rai and I will arrive in Tokyo at six o'clock in the evening.——Angostura]

【Do you need me to pick you up?——Scotch】

[No, I saw you had dark circles during the last video call. You haven’t had a good rest these days, so don’t drive. Safety is more important. I just applied for my reimbursement quota for this month on the intranet, and it said

After receiving your card number, you can go to a nearby supermarket to buy some ingredients and daily necessities.——Angostura]

[If it’s not enough, tell me and I’ll transfer it to you again.——Angostura]


Zhu Fu Jingguang looked at the penultimate email, and only he knew what he felt in his heart.

He first came to Angstra to pick up and cook things, but now, Angstra doesn't even let him do the delivery work - because he is afraid that he will have an accident while driving while tired.

He knew that Angostela had no ill intentions and said this out of concern for him.

It’s just that I look like this, really...

Zhu Fu Jingguang smiled bitterly in his heart, put away his cell phone and looked at the queue in front. The pair of middle-aged women in front of him were chatting.

"Your husband is an engineer of Yashiro Group? I remember that Yashiro Group was..."


After hearing their words, Zhu Fu Jingguang did not doubt whether the organization was here to test his antidote.

Because in the days when Angstra and Zero set off for the United States, he would hear about this topic whenever he went out. Watching TV and browsing the web, he would also see relevant interviews or netizen discussions.

——The Karasuma Group annexed the Yatsushiro Group.

The wife, whose husband was a former Yatsudai Group engineer, sighed and sorted out the things in her handbag. There were several boxes of high-end Wagyu beef that were not cheap.

"When I first learned about the annexation, I was worried about whether there would be a wave of layoffs. My family is quite young, and they were almost exhausted from working overtime and staying up late for the company. If we were really laid off, this family would be

What will the young and old do with their lives..."

"Fortunately, the new chairman said that everything will continue as usual, but there will be internal staff adjustments." The lady said this, smiling sheepishly, "The overtime pay for the original Yashiro Group people has also been increased, and the welfare benefits are also the same.

People in the Karasuma Group are on the same level.”

"That's really nice!" sighed another.

While they were talking, someone in front of them finished paying and left. They walked forward, and Zhu Fu Jingguang pushed the cart to follow.

While they were talking, they mentioned other topics. Only Morofuku Jingguang continued to think about the Karasuma Group and the Yashiro Group.

An assessment was made more than ten years ago that Japan's largest chaebols own 60% of Japan's assets and 20% of its employees, and now this ratio will only be higher.

Originally, Yatsushiro Group was one of them. They were developing well in the electronics, petrochemical, automobile, shipbuilding, energy and other industries, with more than 60,000 employees.

If it really collapses, I'm afraid it will cause a lot of trouble. Just the fact that a large number of people will be laid off, and a large number of unemployed people and families behind them may appear in the society, will be enough to cause headaches for the people above.

In particular, the Yatsushiro Group also owns Energy and Power Company, which recently successfully won the bid for the government's offshore wind power project. Japan Electric Power Company is a completely private enterprise, and the frequencies of the power systems in the east and west are even different——

The government can limit the price of electricity, but it cannot completely manage it. Once an accident occurs in one place and a large-scale power outage occurs, other areas may not necessarily support electricity.

The Karasuma Group can easily acquire and annex the Yatsushiro Group. Its financial resources are probably far greater than those of the Suzuki Group and Ooka Group, and it is involved in mostly livelihood-related industries, such as medicine, energy, education, etc.

A bad suspicion flashed through Zhu Fu Jingguang's mind.

The Yashiro Group and the Karasuma Group were bidding not long ago, but the people from the Karasuma Group had to withdraw due to an accident. This incident caused a stir, and many people suspected that the Yashiro family was behind the bidding. But then, a group of Yashiro family members had an accident.

, this was done by the organization. Now that the entire group has been annexed, the projects that had failed bids in the past have naturally returned to Karasuma's hands.

Is this a coincidence? Or...

"Mr. Midorikawa!"

A burst of shouting came from behind Zhu Fu Jingguang. When he heard his pseudonym, he looked back.

Seeing this, he was stunned.

He was one of the tourists he rescued last time in New Taipei's Ze Village, a boy with a loud voice.

After waking up from the explosion, Zhu Fu Jingguang did not specifically ask about the whereabouts of those college students. Now that he saw one of them standing safely in front of him, he felt relieved.

"Thank you very much for saving us last time!" He ran over and said.


Zhu Fu Jingguang was happy that they were okay, but he didn't want to say anything more to him. It was better to do this kind of thing secretly. Being discovered by other members could easily arouse suspicion, especially the article that encouraged the hunting of undercover agents just appeared on the intranet.


"It's great to see you're okay. The way that boy came over to hug you last time shocked me. You just sat there with no reaction. I thought you..." The boy stopped awkwardly and touched

He touched his nose and said, "Anyway, you're fine."

Hearing this, Zhu Fu Jingguang's heart moved: "Did that young man say anything at that time?"

"No, he seemed to be frightened." The boy said, "We also told him what you did."

Zhu Fu Jingguang was stunned.

The smile on his face disappeared and he looked at the boy.

"……What did you say?"

This chapter has been completed!
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