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Chapter 489 Bitters: I don't understand!

"Come, Angstra, this is the last decoration."

Jerez took out the crow brooch with his white-gloved hand, took off the round buckle at the back, and put it on Jing Baiye's chest.

Jing Baiye watched his expression, his eyes were very focused, as if he was performing a sacred ritual.

The brooch was put on quickly. Jing Baiye lowered his head and looked at the brooch, which looked very expensive at first sight, and suddenly felt that the clothes on his body were extremely heavy.

Is he going to attend a banquet wearing such an expensive item? There are so many small diamonds on it, what if one or two fall off without noticing?


"Just wear it like this, that's what the gentleman ordered."

As soon as he opened his mouth, Jerez seemed to have guessed what he wanted to ask and interrupted him directly.

"If you have anything else to ask, you can feel free to ask. I will answer them one by one within the scope allowed by that gentleman." He raised the corners of his mouth, and his tone was the same as before, but the title was unknowingly changed to an honorific.

Jing Baiye didn't bother to persuade him to change his title. Now he indeed had many things to ask, but he didn't know how to say them.

He remembered what he said just now - the sooner you are exposed, the sooner you will be relaxed.

... Could this be the truth of this fourth-level undercover agent?

Jing Baiye has known Jerez for eight years. He met him a few days after he joined the organization. Speaking of which, he was the first undercover agent he knew.

His initial impression on him was his good looks and easy-going personality - he would come over to pick him up when he couldn't reach high places, share the strawberries on the cake with him when enjoying afternoon tea with him, and let him ride on him.

The two of them were walking in the corridor together on their shoulders, squeezing his face and complaining that Gin was so cruel.

But at that time, Gin, Belmode and Rum all reminded him not to underestimate Jerez.

Gin, in particular, said bluntly: "He is just a poisonous snake who likes to pretend to be dead. His mouth is full of venom and his body is disguised. He looks harmless, but he is always deadly."

"That gentleman didn't send him out as an undercover agent for no reason. That guy has the ability to deceive others."

The brief recollection ended, Jerez Brandy still stood in front of Jing Baiye, seeing that he was silent and did not speak to urge him.

Jing Baiye looked at Jerez's face again. He was wearing a pair of thin-rimmed glasses with no prescription, his hair was neatly combed and not messed up, and he looked particularly elegant in a black suit and white gloves, like a

A polite butler.

They had known each other for eight years, but had only a few contacts. In those limited contacts, he had never seen him pick up any weapons.

"Is undercover work hard?" Jing Baiye asked.

His female subordinates with three bottles of brandy are still too immature. Friedman and Jerez are the senior undercover agents of the organization, especially Jerez in front of him. As a multi-faceted undercover agent, he must know better than anyone what it means to be an undercover agent.

"If it wasn't hard, I wouldn't always want to come back early." Jerez sighed.

"While you were working as an undercover agent..." Jing Baiye paused and asked the question he wanted to ask, "Will you make friends with people over there?"

"I have good relationships in those three places."

"Do you really mean it?"

Jing Baiye looked at him seriously, her red right eye facing the amber eyes behind the lens...

"Do you really treat them as good friends, not just to take advantage of them?"

Jerez looked at him, slowly smiled, and asked without answering -

"Would you really make friends with people from hostile forces?"


There was a knock on the bedroom door, and Jerez turned to open the door.

Spiatus was standing outside. He had also changed his clothes. He was wearing an all-black suit like Jing Baiye.

Time has long stopped on him. He is not at his most beautiful age like Belmode, but the shallow lines around his eyes and mouth when he smiles make him look more gentle and elegant.

"What's the matter, Angstra?" he shouted, "Shirley is coming soon. It would be very rude to make your female companion wait."

Jing Baiye came back to his senses and looked at Spiatus: "I'm sorry, I'll be right over."

After saying that, he looked at Jerez again: "I will contact you after the dinner."

Jerez nodded, turned and left the room.

After he left, Spiatus walked up to Jing Baiye. He had no decorations on his body, not even basic accessories such as tie clips and handkerchiefs.

Pleasant charm is not achieved by decoration. If a person is the richest person in the country, even if he wears a beach shirt and shorts to attend a high-end dinner, others will find 101 reasons to praise him.

"Have you gained any new insights from your contact with Jerez?" he asked.

Jing Baiye lowered his head and hesitated for a moment before saying: "Jerez has poison hidden in his mouth."

He did not mention the issue of his communication with Jerez, but mentioned the dangerous objects he had scanned using the upgraded map.

The second-level map can activate bombs, and the third-level map can contain more dangerous items, such as knives, pistols, poisons, deadly chemicals, etc. He used this to discover the pills in Scotland's mouth, and also found the mouth of Jerez.

The mystery inside.

Some of his teeth were false and contained deadly poison.

Gin said that it was true that Jerez was full of venom, but the poison was not used to deal with enemies.

It was to himself—the self that was really unfortunately exposed.

"That was something he put on before he went undercover. He was eighteen years old at the time. When he sat in the dental chair and pulled out his healthy teeth, he was still wearing his high school graduation uniform."

Spiatus stretched out his hand to straighten the brooch for Jing Baiye, and continued to add: "The position is very clever. Even if the enemy blocks his mouth with something to prevent him from biting his tongue, he can still push those teeth to swallow the poison."

"What if he was accidentally hit in the face while fighting with someone?" Jing Baiye couldn't help but ask.

"Then his dentures will also become loose, and all the poison will leak out." Spiatus said calmly with an affirmative tone.

Jing Baiye frowned.

He really doesn't understand.

I don't understand why it has to be done to this extent, and I don't understand why Spiatus can talk about this kind of thing so lightly.

"No need to sympathize with him, this is the consciousness of an undercover agent."

"Whether it was Jerez who hid poison in his mouth, or Friedman who killed his comrades for many years... they did these things voluntarily, and without any regret or hatred." He said calmly,

"The same goes for the three subordinates around you."


Yin Zelan left the room, easily avoiding all surveillance, and took a long way to the third floor of the cruise ship.

The young man from the Kaigumi group who is going to Nagoya Port lives above.

On the way, he passed by a vending machine. A middle-aged man bent down and took out the drink he bought from underneath. However, he lost his grip and the can of juice rolled to the side. Yin Zelan bent down to catch it and handed it to Chai.

The man coming up.

"Your stuff."

While the juice was being handed out, a piece of paper was thrust into Yin Zelan's hand.

"Thank you." The man smiled honestly.

"It's just a little effort."

Yin Zelan waved his hand, put away the information from the police department and left quickly.


This chapter has been completed!
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