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Chapter 493 Murphy's Law (two-in-one chapter)

Yin Zerun felt that his limbs were very heavy, and the quilt was pressing on his body like a huge stone.

He felt that it was already dawn, but he could not open his eyes at all.

He was very busy last night. He went back to his room first and the young master of the Jing Group who was traveling with him in the lake lane put a special sleeping pill that could not be tested in the wine he drank. Anyway, what he drank was strong alcohol and he would not let him get up late the next day.

People became suspicious - after he fell asleep, he went out alone to meet with the police, and then went to the lowest cargo hold to plant a bomb.

It was past 2 o'clock when he returned from all this work, and there were only patrolling security guards in the corridor. He avoided them and returned to his room.

Fortunately, everyone else in the room... no, not everyone was asleep.

There is a person who has been waiting for him to come back.

Yin Zerun closed his eyes, and his consciousness gradually sank deeper.

"Arrest technique is a technique based on Japan's ancient martial arts to arrest suspects and current criminals!"

"The effective parts of the attack are the chin, shoulders, torso, and hand protection. The attack methods include stabbing, kicking, locking, throwing, twisting, buckling, batons, police sticks, handcuffs - anything can be used."

"The essence of the arrest technique is not only to protect yourself, but also to suppress the prisoner without harming the other party..."

The instructor's stern voice sounded in the classroom. Following the movements of the two people on the field, he loudly explained in detail to the others.

Nineteen-year-old Yin Zerun was wearing protective gear and holding his helmet in front of him. When no one saw him, he turned around and yawned quietly.

It's so boring, such rhetoric.

What does it mean to suppress without hurting the other party? The best way to protect yourself is to kill all enemies and eradicate them to prevent future troubles.

Yin Zerun, who joined the organization at the age of thirteen, pushed up his glasses and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes when he yawned.

If he was in the organization, he could still have a few words with Gin, Friedman and the others, but now in the police academy, he can only completely hide his true thoughts.

After all, even the most basic positions are different, so there is no need to understand each other, he can just agree with them casually.

Yin Zerun was holding his helmet in a daze, and suddenly a shadow appeared above his head.

The shadow was getting bigger and bigger, and he was suddenly startled. His conditioned reflex was to jump back and hide. Before anyone else could warn him, he was able to avoid the thing that was throwing at him - he was there just now.

One of the opponents on the ground.


Yin Zerun looked at the person at his feet, and then looked at the person who kicked the person so far away.

The man took off his helmet, revealing a handsome but melancholy face. He and the instructor ran over to check on the injured, and at the same time, there were small discussions around him.

"Liu Ji is too powerful!"

"It's so tragic. This is the first time he's knocked down..."

"Is this the reincarnation of a gorilla?"

Listening to all these discussions, Yin Zerun looked down at the unlucky guy, and when he saw the obviously sunken part of his waist, he gasped inwardly.

What a gorilla? It’s so insulting. This is clearly King Kong!

He obviously looks like the affectionate and melancholic male lead from a shounen manga set, but he acts like a hot-blooded male protagonist in a shounen manga. Do you think you are worthy of your face, Ryu Gil Soon-il!

Yin Zeyun dislikes Ryu Gil Soon-il very much.

Although they live in the same dormitory, they haven't spoken to each other for a month.

Because he ranked second in the class, and this person ranked first, he was beaten by one or two points in every aspect.

Police academy students cannot use mobile phones and can only use public phones to contact family and friends. Yin Zerun occasionally calls BOSS to report to him his current situation.

This kind of public phone will definitely leave a record, but he knows that the BOSS doesn't care about these trivial things. The only thing he cares about is Gin. If he knew that he was so blatant, he would probably empty all the magazines of the pistols in his face.

Yin Zerun was very lazy when he was in high school, because the BOSS didn't care about his grades, so he didn't plan to study hard. But since he was sent to the police academy by the police team, the BOSS began to care about all aspects of his life, especially the combat courses.

"...Can't beat it?"

When he heard about his fighting results, BOSS was a little surprised, but still comforted him: "It's nothing. If you can't beat him, then you can't beat him. After all, there are mountains outside the mountains, and there are people outside the world. Don't force yourself."

The BOSS's thoughtful words made Yin Zerun completely remember Ryu Gil Soon-il.

The instructor asked someone to carry away the unlucky guy who was knocked unconscious by KO. He waved his hand to the culprit, indicating that he should continue to return to the field, and then turned to look at Yin Zerun.

"Next, Yin Ze!"

The boy next to Yin Zerun looked sympathetic and a bit amused: "Come on Yin Ze, if you end his winning streak, I'll treat you to fried noodles and bread!"

Others also cheered him up.

...It's really interesting that a group of police academy students actually cheered him up as an undercover agent.

Yin Zerun mocked coldly in his heart, but smiled at their encouragement on the surface. He took off his glasses and stood up, smoothed his hair back from his forehead with his hand, put on his helmet and walked to the field.

He is good at lying to make people happy and can handle all kinds of troublesome relationships, so he has many "friends".

On the contrary, Ryu Gil Soon-il had few friends during the same period, and his personality was too upright and serious, even for future police officers.

He looked so alone as he stood there. He ignored his contemporaries who were not cheering for him, and just silently put on his helmet again, blocking the face that looked like he was on the wrong set.

"Salute!" the instructor shouted loudly.

Yin Zerun bowed to the opponent, his fists at his sides clenched.

He wants to teach this guy a lesson and tell him that he won the battle the next time he calls BOSS!

Yin Zerun woke up.

He slept on the bed next to the window, and the sun shone directly on his face, making him almost unable to open his eyes.


...How could he dream about something so long ago?

Yin Zerun sat up and rubbed his messy hair. He didn't put on his glasses and just leaned against the bed board in a daze for a minute.

He glanced at the other bed opposite, where the quilts were all folded.

The VIP room has two bedrooms, each with two beds. He and Liu Jishun sleep in one room.

When he came back last night, he felt someone looking at him in the dark, but none of them spoke - one didn't ask him where he went, and the other didn't ask him why he didn't sleep - he just changed his clothes as if nothing had happened.

Go to bed.


Yin Zerun sighed and put away the messy thoughts in his mind. He reached for his glasses, but found nothing.

Only then did he remember that his glasses were on the TV cabinet at the end of the bed. Because the shielding glasses were heavy and uncomfortable to wear, he thought about taking them off early when he came back, so he just put them there.

...it's really troublesome.

Yin Zerun picked up the quilt and pulled it over his body again, slowly retracting into the quilt like a caterpillar.

After lying on the bed with his eyes open for five minutes, Liu Jishun, who put on his regular clothes, returned to the bedroom. Seeing Yin Zerun like this, he immediately understood something. He picked up the pair of glasses from the TV cabinet and walked to the bedside to hand them to him.

Yin Zerun didn't put on his glasses and just looked at him like this.

"What's wrong?" Liu Jishun asked.

"It's nothing." Yin Zerun said, "I just remembered my past life in..."

In the past, when he was in the police academy, he would sometimes oversleep. Every time, Liu Jishun, who was in the same dormitory, would stand by the bed and urge him to wake up like he did now.

This was one of the reasons why he disliked him so much at first.

"And I just dreamed about our first sparring session."

Liu Jishunyi didn't seem to expect that he would say this, his blue eyes widened slightly, like the surface of a lake with broken ice under the sun, with tiny rays of light swaying inside.

He put down the pair of glasses that could be noticed as soon as he picked them up on the bedside table, and sat down on the other bed.

"Who won that time?"

"Hit him! Kick him below!


"There is a flaw on the right side!"

"Yin Ze, come on!


"Liu Ji is also very good!


The training room of the police academy has turned into a martial arts arena. The two people seemed to have forgotten their original intentions and began to do everything they could to defeat each other.

"You two stop!


The instructor shouted from the side, and he saw that the two young men had both been hit on the head.

But even Liu Jishunyi, who usually listened to the instructor's words the most, ignored him.

The two of them went back and forth, fighting each other, and they were inseparable.

Yin Zerun stared at Liu Jishunyi through the protective shield in front of his helmet, breathing heavily. He had not been so tired for a long time.

This guy is too serious, why don't you just stop at it? He even suspects that Liu Jishun has noticed that he is an undercover agent, so he refuses to let him go!

Just when he was stunned, Liu Jishunyi's body suddenly approached!


Liu Jishun struck directly under the mask with his front hand. Yin Zerun blocked it with a flip of his right palm. He made a fist with his left hand and struck hard at his jaw, a tit-for-tat attack!


Liu Jishun avoided the punch with a tilt of his head. He seized the gap, raised his leg and swept hard, hitting Yin Zerun's knee!

Yin Zerun couldn't dodge and was kicked.

His leg protective gear was not tied tightly, and he flew directly out under this kick. Yin Zerun's left leg felt painful and weak, and he knelt on one knee.

The contemporaries who were watching saw that the winner was finally decided, and there was no discussion. Instead, they became quiet and looked at each other in amazement.

The instructor breathed a sigh of relief and wanted to come up to announce the results, but Yin Zerun remained motionless and silent.

Liu Jishun stepped forward and stretched out his hand to Yin Zerun, as if he wanted to help him up. Yin Zerun sneered in his heart, suddenly waved his right hand and turned it into a palm knife, hitting his unprotected ankle!

The instructor didn't say no sneak attacks!



Liu Jishun, who was suddenly attacked, ducked back and completely avoided the high-five. He lowered his body and grabbed Yin Zerun's hand before he could take it back, and restrained his hands behind his back in the blink of an eye.


There was a crisp sound, Yin Zerun moved his wrist and found that it was a pair of handcuffs.



"Are handcuffs allowed?" Liu Jishun asked the stunned instructor.

The instructor reacted and announced the result of this exercise: "Liu Ji wins!"

Yin Zerun sat up again, put on his glasses and smoothed his hair on his forehead.

"Have you even forgotten this?" He sighed, "Of course you won, I haven't beaten you a few times."

Liu Jishun was sitting there quietly, wearing a black suit. His face had not changed much from the past. Hearing his words, he smiled sadly.

"Really... It's a pity that I haven't dreamed about that time for a long time."

He answered softly and moved his body slightly to adjust his posture. The sitting position just now made him very uncomfortable with the gun on his waist.

Yin Zerun did not answer.

He used to be very familiar with those hands. Liu Jijunyi's best weapon was not a baton or a pistol, but the seemingly ordinary handcuffs.

While attending the police academy, his classmates in the dormitory saw him playing with the handcuffs countless times and holding them tightly in his palms.

At that time, Yin Zerun thought that the man in front of him would become the best policeman - he would kill him for the sake of the organization, or one day he would be arrested, and these hands would personally handcuff him on his wrist.

, just like in the first competition.

…I didn’t expect that he would give up that path on his own.

Yin Zerun sighed: "Is he awake?"

"No, I just went to see him and he was sleeping deeply."

Liu Jishun knew who Yin Zerun was talking about. After he finished speaking, he paused and seemed to want to ask something, but in the end he didn't ask.

"The housekeeper asked me to buy breakfast and bring it back. Can we go together?" he suggested.

"Wait a minute, I need to change clothes first. You can't go to the restaurant in pajamas..."

Yin Zerun quickly got out of bed, took off his pajamas, threw them away, and went to look for his daily clothes.

Liu Jishunyi watched from the side with a helpless expression. He picked up the pajamas that were accidentally thrown to the ground for Yin Zerun and carefully put them back on the bed.

Such actions, such daily routines, everything seems to be replaying the time in the police academy eight years ago.

"Don't worry, the young master will probably sleep for another hour or two before he wakes up." He said again.

"I know." Yin Zerun said calmly.

...But both of them knew that days like that would never come back again.

Their identities have long been completely different.

Yin Zerun changed his clothes, said a few words to the housekeeper who was responsible for taking care of the young master, and then left the room with Liu Jishunyi.

Their room was on the third floor and the restaurant was on the first floor. They went downstairs together and started discussing what they wanted to buy.

As Yin Zerun walked, he was mentally calculating the gentleman and the little crow's today's itinerary.

As the chairman and heir of the Karasuma Group, even if they don't have any arrangements, there will be people rushing to get close to him. Especially Angstra, he is young and is easier to strike at a glance than the inexperienced BOSS.

In this case, they just went to have breakfast, so it wouldn't be such a coincidence...

However, as soon as the two of them arrived on the second floor, Yin Zerun saw a familiar figure passing by his eyes.

Although the other person was extremely fast and didn't stop to say hello, how could he not recognize who it was?

Yin Zerun was stiff. It was impossible for him to accuse the heir. If he really wanted to pursue the case, he could only complain about his bad luck.

He looked at Liu Jijunyi beside him with a trace of luck, hoping that he would not see clearly because of what he said, but the moment he turned around and saw his expression, he knew that it was already too late.

Liu Jishun looked in the direction where the figure disappeared, his blue eyes unblinking, his face full of disbelief.

"……white night?"

This chapter has been completed!
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