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Chapter 497 About the Author Calvin Can't Think of a Title

UK, London.

Two inconspicuous cars parked in front of the hotel.

Curacao unbuckled her seat belt, whispered a few instructions to the lower-level member responsible for driving, then opened the door and got out of the car, walked towards the other two people waiting for her, and the three of them entered the hotel together.

The organization has always been generous in providing generous material conditions to code members, and had already booked three of the best suites here. They took the key cards and went back to their rooms to rest without much communication.

The second, and possibly third, mission will take place after daybreak.

Curacao returned to the room, pulled off the hair rope that tied his hair, straightened his hair and sat on the armchair in the living room.

Her posture was lazy and relaxed. She was always cautious and did not check whether there were bugs or cameras installed in the house. She felt more at ease returning here than returning to her own home.

"How about it, Ireland?"

As soon as she sat down, she dialed the phone and asked about the results of the email a few hours ago.

There was a sound of typing on the keyboard from the opposite side. Still in Japan, Ireland, who was responsible for entering Ley's house for inspection, said: "Ley's residence and computer are very clean. He probably took care of them before leaving."

"Can it be restored?"

"I'm not Angstra, I only have a superficial understanding of IT."

Ireland paused and then continued in a helpless tone: "And it's impossible for me to ask him or the people in the information team for help in this mission - if I can, I don't want him to know that I am performing this mission."

The second-in-command who also knew Angstra was silent.


The driver of the boss suddenly changed his tone.

"I found something else interesting."


In the bathroom of another suite, Shuichi Akai took off his clothes and entered the shower naked.

He unscrewed the halter, and the water sprayed from the hood fell down from his head. His long hair was quickly wet, and strands of it stuck to his body.

The cold water seemed to wash away the smell of smoke and blood.

The water temperature gradually increased, and white mist filled the small space, bringing a feeling of suffocation.

When Shuichi Akai came out from the shower, it was drizzling outside the window.

It often rains in London, but there are rarely downpours that make people miserable. The drizzle here is gentle and subtle, leaving the roads shrouded in a kind of mist all year round.

This is where he grew up.

But on his first night back in his hometown, he might be unable to sleep all night.

Shuichi Akai, who had just arrived in the UK from Germany, did not have any decent weapons on him, and the sniper rifle that killed the undercover agent had long been taken away. He did not care about this, or in other words, even if he did care now, he was powerless.

Shuichi Akai wiped his hair and sat on the sofa, picked up his phone and looked through his emails.

The inbox of his mobile phone contains mostly emails to and from Angstra, and he only knows a few people in the organization. The latest email was also sent by Angstra and was dated a few days ago.


[Come to the villa once, I have the immune serum of the virus stolen by the criminal group.——angostura]

Akai Shuichi rarely took the initiative to go to the villa at 6-chome 6, Yoneka-cho. He would only go there when Angstra asked him to go.

When he entered, Scotland opened the door, and Bourbon was not there, which made him feel that the air in the villa was fresh.

Angstra sat on the sofa. The cat that he had always held in his arms was temporarily in a cage because of its injury. He opened an iron box and took out the medicine and syringe inside and handed it to him.

Akai Shuichi did not take it: "Why do you give me this?"

After Angstra personally told the evil deeds he had committed at the FBI, Shuichi Akai's mentality did not change much.

Perhaps it was because of his own personality that he would not be overly shocked, or perhaps he had already known that Angstra was not as harmless as it appeared. Rather than hating or disgusting him, he was more curious about how he could clearly identify those targets.

"The virus is very dangerous, so precautions must be taken." Angstra explained, "Don't worry, this is really serum, not the hallucinogenic drug you injected during the previous interrogation. It has no side effects."

"I know." Shuichi Akai replied, "You are not Bourbon."

In this regard, he believed Angstra even more, even though he knew that Bourbon was most likely an undercover agent.

Angstra was stuck. From the way his mouth moved slightly, Akai Shuichi guessed that he wanted to say "Don't talk about bourbon like that" - he always protected his subordinates with words - but he didn't know

Why, this time he fell silent.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Akai Shuichi asked again: "I'm just curious, why do you want to protect me?"

The person who treated the FBI like that before should have known that he was an undercover agent, right?

As a member of the organization, when he found out that his subordinate was an undercover agent, he didn't get angry and wanted to kill him. Instead, he wanted to cover up his identity to protect him. If he was discovered by other people in the organization, he would also be in trouble.


"I'm not as weak as you think."

Undercover agents cannot desire protection. Such a mentality is too weak. When accepting a task, they should know the risks they will take.

Not just him, all undercover agents are like this.

"I know you are very powerful. Although each has his or her own strengths, you are the one with the highest overall quality among the three."

Angstra suddenly extended her other hand to Akai Shuichi who was standing in front of her.

Akai Shuichi bent down, and Angstra grabbed his long hanging hair and gently pulled it down.

This time he lowered his head completely, but he didn't care that his vital neck was exposed to the hand that penetrated the electronic door. He looked down at him. This angle reminded him of the collar he took off for him when they first met.


Angstra looked at him from bottom to top, but her tone was condescending.

"But so what, you are weaker than me. As one of my people, I just want to protect you."

Akai Shuichi, who was rarely criticized for being weak, smiled. He knew that what Angstra said was the truth. He said in a half-joking tone: "If Bourbon hears this, he will be jealous."

If Bourbon is an undercover agent, then the jealous guardian dog is just his disguise.

That was a terrible man, and his disguise deceived him.

He is like this, and Angstra, who has a high strength value but a relatively simple personality, is probably even more deceived...


As if afraid that Akai Shuichi might not hear clearly, Angstra repeated quietly: "No more."

Akai Shuichi was stunned.

Angstra let go of his hair and held out the thing in his hand again.

This time Akai Shuichi took it, and he wanted to carefully observe Angstra's expression, but found that this little boss who used to be very understanding just sat up with his knees in his hands, seemingly obediently.

He picked up the corgi doll, held it in his arms, and gently stroked the fur with his hands.

"Ley, I'm going to go on a cruise ship soon. This mission is special. I won't take any of you there. If..."

Angstra paused, hugged the corgi tighter, and then continued: "If Bourbon or Gin asks you to perform a task, try your best to refuse to go. If they ask, just

Say I asked you to stay in Mihua."

"No matter what happens, we'll deal with it when I get back."

Akai Shuichi remembered the look in Angostela's eyes at that time.

He is like a little crow, collecting the things he likes, then spreading his wings, trying hard to put all those things under his wings for protection.

But no matter how hard he tried, there was always something he couldn't reach for his budding wings.

Shuichi Akai looked out the window. He was very familiar with this place. Looking out from this window, he could even see the Vauxhall Bridge in the rain.

Maybe he couldn't wait until he came back.

This chapter has been completed!
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