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Chapter 4 The Systematic Child Like a

After sending the email to Belmode, Jing Baiye opened the door with his bag and entered the residence where he didn't know how long he would stay.

The room was dark. He did not turn on the lights directly. Instead, he clicked on the active skill bar of the system skill panel and chose to use the second skill above.

[Use Skill - Privacy Protection...Scan completed, no bugs or cameras were found on this floor.]

This is a skill he got when completing a certain mission in the past. It can search out all surveillance cameras, bugs, transmitters and stalkers within a certain range. It is a very useful skill for him who is currently engaged in a shady job.


Every time he completes a task, he can get reward points, skills or items in the store. Skills are the most useful because they cannot be redeemed at all. The reward points have a wide range of uses and can be interchanged with real money. The ratio

Exchange 2000 yen for 1 bonus point.

Listening to the sound of the system, Jing Baiye pressed the light switch next to the door with confidence, put on her slippers and walked into the room.

There are stairs next to the door as soon as you enter. The corridor is narrow and long. The bathroom and toilet are separated. The open kitchen and living room are connected together. There are storage cabinets built into the wall to save space.

This house looks like it has three floors with a basement. In fact, the third floor is just a small attic with a height of half a floor. You can walk up to it by lifting your legs on the second floor. It is covered with carpets and quilts and pillows. It should be used as a bedroom.

, there are no windows, and when he stands up, his head almost touches the ceiling, and when he is taller, he can only bend down.

It is a very typical Japanese style house. One-family houses cannot be regarded as villas for the rich. Many one-family houses are of this style.

Jing Baiye did not go to the basement, but only took a look in the residential area above. He walked around every room, but did not detect anything like a bug monitoring device that could spy on people's privacy.

In addition to the small attic, there is also a bedroom on the second floor. It is not large in size, but it has a bed, a wardrobe and a desk. The study room is next door, and he decided to sleep here directly.

Jing Baiye threw his bag on the chair, took out all his clothes from the system backpack and threw them into the closet, and then took out the housework robot he exchanged at the system store.

It can sweep, mop, clean windows, clean dust, sort garbage, throw garbage bags, put dishes into the dishwasher, put washed wet clothes into the dryer or hang on the rack, fold clothes, and change light bulbs

...Except for cooking and being a shit shoveler, it was the one that handled most of the housework during Jing Baiye's life in Paris.

This is the most expensive thing he has exchanged so far. What he exchanged is only the blueprints and cores. After that, he has to find tools to assemble it himself. He has to exchange some rare originals in the store, but it is really useful.

Jing Baiye named it Little White Bee because after assembly, it looks like a white Beetle car. When working, it can transform into a Transformers-like robot - a mini one, about 30 centimeters tall, that can run and jump.

It can climb walls and needs to be recharged regularly, but it has no self-awareness and can only accept and strictly carry out orders.

He knelt down and placed the little white bee in front of the closet, pressed the switch, and watched it change from a car to a robot with a few clicks: "Help sort out my clothes."

[Host, you are not even willing to do this yourself?] The system complained.

[I redeemed this robot just to do housework. It would be a waste to leave it alone.]

Jing Baiye took out his mobile phone and checked the time. He left the airport at about 2 a.m. and it was now 3:30. It took him 13 hours to fly from Paris to Tokyo. He had already taken a nap on the plane and was not very tired now.


He checked his mailbox and found that Belmode had not replied to him yet, so he put away his phone and planned to go downstairs to see what was available in the kitchen.

[Are you going to the kitchen? There is nothing in the refrigerator now.] System reminder.

When its host entered the house, it scanned the place inside and out. It even knew how many bullets were stored in the basement. If you asked it what books were in the study, it could immediately answer. Of course it knew what was in the house now.

There was nothing he wanted at all.

Jing Baiye immediately stopped heading to the kitchen.

There are no ready-made lunch boxes in the system store, so you can only redeem various ingredient packages and recipes. Although Jing Baiye has lived alone for a year, he still can't cook, and the system has complained about his cooking skills - your cooking skills

He can poison his spouse with manslaughter and then directly inherit his or her inheritance to become rich.

He couldn't cook and lived alone. At that time, he had three meals a day outside or ate compressed biscuits and fast food.

Jing Baiye recalled the miserable situation in the kitchen in the past and the unknown objects he created, then decisively opened the system map, switched from the house map to the nearby area map, and checked whether there were any convenience stores or izakayas that were still open nearby.

Before he could start looking, his phone vibrated again.

He thought it was a reply from Belmode, but when he opened it, he found that it was an email from Gin who had left not long ago.

[That gentleman asked me to arrange a temporary guardianship member for you.——gin]

【You just decide.——angostura】

【If you have any requirements, you can put them forward.——gin】


Jing Baiye's expression was slightly confused. He read this sentence three times. When did the organization allow people to make requests?

When he was confused, Gin sent another email.

[You did a great job during your stay in Paris. Allowing you to make your own requests is a privilege given to you by that gentleman, and he also loves you very much.——gin]

Although Jing Baiye couldn't see it, he could definitely guess that Ginjiu must have said this with a sneer.

He has been with Belmode for several years, and he still knows very well what a real privilege is, and where the relationship lies. Although he has been close to the boss, there is still a layer between him.

It's okay to make some insignificant requests, but once he crosses the line, he will end up like the unlucky ones he personally dealt with in the past.

He didn't rush to reply, he directly opened the system skills panel and looked at the passive skills column.

[Passive skill - Soul of Yan Dog: When you stay with teammates with outstanding looks, your abilities and mood will be bonused. The higher the appearance, the more teammates you have, and the higher the bonus you will get. Otherwise, it will be reduced.

Note: For example, if your current bare-handed combat level is level B, if you team up with a Belmod, you can go head-to-head with someone with a force value of A; if you team up with two Belmode, you can beat a person with a force value of A.

level people; team up with three Belmods, you can have a world-class fight with One Punch Man in this world, and it’s not a problem to destroy a cement pillar with one leg. But if you team up with Vodka Tequila, you kidnap

Professional hostage Yoshida Ayumi was thrown to the ground three times in a row and was able to break free.]

Jing Baiye ignored the two questions "Who is One Punch Man? Who is Ayumi Yoshida?" and concentrated on reading the skill description.

His skills are divided into active skills and passive skills. The active skills are the ones he used when he first entered the house and require his mind to activate them. The passive skills are automatically triggered as long as he is alive.

He got the skill of Yan Dog Soul in the United States. When he is with Belmode, Shirley or other good-looking people, his mood will indeed improve, and he can speak politely and gently, and his rest days will be delayed.

Even if I work overtime for free to fix bugs, I won’t feel so excited.

When he sees vodka, it will be deducted, but fortunately, the gin that is always with him will be added back. The plus and minus of the two are offset, resulting in no benefit effect when Jing Baiye is in the car.

[Someone who looks better.] Why not use it if you have a positive buff? Jing Baiye added her other requirements: [I don’t have a driver’s license, and the other party has to help drive me to and from school. It’s best to come to the safe house to cook for me. Female


After a pause, Jing Baiye recalled the number of women in the organization. The only female members he had met were Belmode, Shirley and Curacao. The others, from those with code names to those at the bottom, were basically all men. This

This transnational criminal organization is similar to the police army to a certain extent. Wherever force is required, men make up the majority.

So he silently deleted the word "female".

[...Both men and women are welcome, the character should be gentle and tolerant.——angostura]

Five seconds after the email was sent, Gin wrote back.

【Are you looking for a nanny?——gin】

[Just a temporary guardianship member, as long as he can take care of my life.——angostura]

Jing Baiye knew Ginjiu fairly well, and he didn't see that Ginjiu was angry from those words. After all, what he made was not an excessive request.

After sending the email, he waited for five minutes. When the other party didn't reply, he put the phone back in his pocket and turned around to go out.

This chapter has been completed!
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