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Chapter 500 Scotland is in danger

Tokyo, Japan, 5 p.m.


The sudden sound of items falling to the ground made Zhu Fu Jingguang walk out of the kitchen.

He looked towards where the sound came from and quickly found the culprit.

In the living room, Qian Duoduo sat on the low table in front of the sofa with an innocent look. Hearing someone approaching, he silently retracted his stretched out front paws - a cup was pushed off the table.

The carpet under the table was taken out and cleaned by little white bees, which is why it made such a loud noise when the cup fell to the floor.

Zhu Fu Jingguang walked over and picked up the cup, suddenly feeling that this scene looked familiar.

Previously, on the night when Zero was seriously injured by the explosion, his cup suddenly fell off the table like this.

Zhu Fu Jingguang put down the cup, gently picked up Qian Duoduo, and said helplessly to it: "Why are you being naughty again? Obviously..."

Qian Duoduo lowered his head and said nothing, and his pitiful appearance made people feel heartbroken.

"...Obviously Angostela told you again before leaving, right?"

Zhu Fu Jingguang felt the slight sting in his eyes and finished the sentence softly.

Angstra put the injured Qian Duoduo in a cage, which was both protection and punishment. But he softened his heart towards it and couldn't bear to let it be restrained like this, so he let it out.

However, after being freed, it did not obey and made the same mistake so quickly.

In addition to the cup, there was a laptop on the low table. Before Zhu Fu Jingguang entered the kitchen, he was sitting here reading the news. He shook the mouse and the screen quickly turned back on. This machine was not damaged, it was just normal.

Enter sleep state.

On the screen is the interface of the official account of a German media.

"On March 16, local time, an unknown female body was found near Rankstrasse in Charlottenburg, Berlin. The deceased was shot in the right eye. At present, the police..."

Unknown corpse.

This proves that the German police have not found the identity of the deceased and no one has come to claim the body.

Thinking of Fangtani Rei's words before departure and the location where the deceased was shot, she was probably a German undercover agent who was dealt with by the organization...Ley.

The second paragraph of the news stated that the police station would find her family based on her DNA from the information database, but Zhu Fu Jingguang knew that this was a useless effort.

The identity information of undercover agents is strictly confidential. Unless the German Federal Intelligence Service intervenes, ordinary police will not be able to find their information when investigating the case.

bnd will come to collect her body, but not now.

They will review the police and forensic doctors who took over the case, obtain autopsy records from the police station, and confirm whether there were any traces of torture or drug injection. They will maintain a high level of internal vigilance and revise their recent action plans to prevent intelligence leaks.

Those actions failed.

It would take a long time before we could take her home.

Maybe bnd will apply for honors for her, but there will be no traces on her tombstone, not even her real name; they will not let her family know where her grave is, in order to avoid them being retaliated against.


This is the death of an undercover agent.

Zhu Fu Jingguang didn't know what emotions he was feeling in his heart.

Is it pessimistic sadness over the death of an undercover agent? Anger at the organization?

Or, is it the pain of having to sit on the sidelines for yourself?

A certain place in his heart felt clogged and uncomfortable. Zhu Fu Jingguang turned off the computer and looked at the cup again.

This cup happens to be the one that was dropped before.

The crack was not repaired last time. He did not throw it away when he moved, but chose to make do with it. Now he dropped it again, and the crack became bigger and bigger. Now it will be completely broken with just a pinch.

It can no longer be used.

Zhu Fu Jingguang put down his money and stood up, throwing the cup into the trash can.

"...go buy a new one."

He said to himself that Angstra asked him to stay here and not run around, but it was impossible for him to really stay at home.

He prepared new cat food for Qian Duoduo, cleaned up briefly and left the villa.

Zhu Fu Jingguang walked towards the nearest supermarket without driving.

He passed by Ley's apartment and noticed a familiar Citroën parked in the parking lot in front of the apartment. The car's windows were replaced with bulletproof glass and had a dark film on them to prevent outside prying eyes.

It's Irish whiskey.

Zero reported that Lai was an undercover agent, and Zhu Fu Jingguang thought that someone organized would come to the villa to conduct a reverse investigation. As a result, he walked around in the morning and now, and did not find any suspicious people approaching.

He knew that it was definitely not because of his presence.


Zhu Fu Jingguang didn't stay too long, took a quick glance and left.

He knew that Rai would never come back, and he only hoped that Zero could come back from Europe safely.

And Angstra…

Zhu Fu Jingguang continued to move forward without stopping.

...Does he know about this now?

It is not convenient to make phone calls and access the Internet on the cruise ship, so you can only borrow the satellite phone and wireless network on the ship. During this period, it is difficult for outsiders to contact the people on the ship, and they have to wait for the people on the ship to take the initiative to contact them.

Zhu Fu Jingguang knew that the organization's technological level was very high, so this little thing would definitely not trouble them, but he didn't receive any news from Angstra all day.

The Nidhogg, due to the invitation of the Suzuki Group, is filled with prominent figures in various fields such as politics, economics, and scientific research. Even the deputy director of the Metropolitan Police is on board. Considering that there was an armed group attack on the chaebol not long ago.

Dangerous viruses were stolen, and many police forces were secretly deployed to protect this voyage.

The public security took over the case of the red Siamese cat from the Metropolitan Police Department. This virus is extremely contagious. Once it spreads, not only the citizens will suffer, but Japan will also receive a lot of criticism internationally.

There is no news from Angstra, and there is no news from the police. I hope that nothing happened, rather than that something happened and the news cannot be spread...

Zhu Fu Jingguang, who was worried, was passing by Mihua Park when he heard a noise not far away.

He turned around and saw a noisy group of people gathered around the park, several of whom were tall and tall and dressed in black.

Zhu Fu Jingguang did not fall into excessive vigilance. Those people were bodyguards at first glance. People from the organization would never cause trouble like this in public.

Those bodyguards surrounded a woman and a boy. The woman was dressed in jewels, and she looked like a rich lady. The boy was probably only seven or eight years old, with a wronged and worried expression on his cute little face, and his clothes were equally exquisite.

In front of them, a German shepherd dog bit a bodyguard's calf, and blood quickly appeared on his pants.

The bodyguard's expression was ferocious in pain, but he raised his fist high and never brought it down.

German Shepherds are one of the types of police dogs used in Japan, and Morofuku Kagemitsu had been exposed to them during his time at the police academy.

He stopped and looked around, and saw several bodyguards surrounding the man and the dog, all of them looking like they wanted to step forward but were hesitant.

"Don't use too much force!" the boy shouted. When he saw the bodyguard open his hand, his voice suddenly increased a bit: "Please be gentle! Dogs can be in pain too! Don't hurt it!"

More and more blood is shed on the ground.

A subordinate bodyguard who dares to be angry but dare not speak out and can only do as he is told. He is a cute, innocent and cruel and self-centered boy.

Zhu Fu Jingguang didn't want to continue reading and turned around to leave. At this moment, the phone in his pocket suddenly vibrated.

It's the police department.

He picked up the phone after walking some distance away. On the other end of the phone came the voice of the contact person Shibazaki——

"Hurry... come and save me!! Kobayashi Kiyoshi has betrayed!!!"

This chapter has been completed!
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