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Chapter 508 As an undercover agent (1)

After Izarun finished speaking, he took out his phone and checked the current time: 6:24.

It was pretty much what he expected. He turned to the other four people and said: "Okay, there is only one last ship left, and your mission will be over soon."

The member who was stopped by him from shooting said strangely: "What else? I have seen the pictures you sent before, and these are obviously the only ones."

"I passed on those information to you last night. In fact, there is also a ground-effect wing ship built by Suzuki Group consultant Suzuki Jiro Yoshi. He just tried it out in front of everyone this morning..."

Izarun said as he led them to find it.

The five people walked in the opposite direction to where the lifeboat was placed. The bottom of the ship was already dark, so they walked for a distance, and only the flashlights in a few people's hands were lit.

Izarun didn't have any lighting tools in his hand. He already had excellent night vision. Unknowingly, he who led the way at first gradually walked side by side with them.

"What is a ground-effect wing?" Yamada asked.

"The ground-effect wing is a boat, more like a kind of aircraft. After it is activated, it can fly close to the water. The speed is several times that of an ordinary boat. It cannot completely fly into the sky like an airplane." Izarun explained, "Yes.

The consultant got it. He always likes weird things like this and is very willing to spend money on them."

If his cousin, the chairman of the Suzuki Group, had not bought the cruise ship in advance, the banquet of the Suzuki Group would have been held on the airship.

"It cannot be used in extreme weather, but the sea is not very rough today. They may escape in it, so it must be destroyed..."

Izarun's voice echoed in the empty area, and finally they came to another room.

This place is very big, and the outlines of many large machines can be vaguely seen in the darkness. Yamada was closest to Jun Izawa, and when he felt him stop, he immediately stopped too, and raised his flashlight to look forward.

He was indeed right, it was more like a small plane than a boat.

The propellers with a special structure attracted almost everyone's attention, and the four of them couldn't help but get closer to check. In this dark and closed environment, a cold wind suddenly blew from nowhere, and the pair of huge propellers began to slow down.

Turn slowly.

Jun Izawa stood at the end, casually stretched his neck, and threw aside the remote control he had received from a Suzuki consultant during the day.

The palm-sized machine flew a distance, and under the cover of the dark environment, it fell to the ground and slid to the side where no one was paying attention.

The wind whipped up by the propeller was stronger than he imagined. The next second, Izarun felt a light touch on the bridge of his nose, and the bangs on his forehead blew up - his glasses were also blown off by the wind.

"What's going on?!" one of them was shocked.

"Mr. Snake, will there be..."

The two people closest to him yelled, and just when they wanted to turn around and ask, Izarun's hands reached out first, weakly placing one on the left and one on their heads respectively.

"Don't worry, I'm here."

Yizejun's voice was lazy, but it sounded very reliable. In the past, he had done this countless times to comfort his frightened colleagues from different forces.

In the next second, he exerted force with his left and right hands at the same time, twisting their heads completely to the other direction like opening a bottle cap.


The sound of the bones in his neck being completely broken was swallowed up by the noise from the propeller.

The gentle look on the fourth undercover's face had not faded yet. He stared at the two men who were still facing him from the back but facing him head-on. Their expressions were completely frozen at the moment of death.

——That is complete trust and dependence on him.

Izarun calmly pushed their bodies to the side.


The sound of two corpses falling heavily to the ground finally made the other two people in front notice something unusual.

As a newcomer, Yamada's reaction was half a beat slower than that of ordinary members without code names. It was just a coincidence that he joined the mission this time.

As soon as he turned back tremblingly, he saw a black shadow approaching his other companion. His hands stretched out like lightning. One hand removed his chin, and the other hand pushed his body.

The propeller turns in front of you.

The sound disappeared temporarily, and some liquid splashed out, covering his head and face.

Da da da…

In the darkness, the sound of propellers continued to sound.

Because a foreign object was suddenly inserted, the rotation of its blades was slightly hindered. Fortunately, it was only for a few seconds. After a few seconds, its sound returned to normal.

Yamada was completely stunned.

what happened?

what is going on?

What did he just...see?

He stood there stupidly, his mind going blank. Before his brain could react, his body moved first. He reached out and touched his cheek, which was wet and sticky.

Under the illumination of the flashlight, Yamada saw that his trembling hands were covered in blood. The fresh blood had not yet dried up, and a string of dazzling red beads fell down the back of his hand.


A familiar sigh sounded.

The voice that could reassure him in the past now made his hair stand on end.

Jun Izawa, the organization's code name is Snake. This member who has not been in the organization for a long time but is very popular raised his hand to touch the bridge of his nose. As a result, his finger paused when he was about to touch it, and it was completely empty. His glasses


Yamada saw him take out a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped the palms of his hands helplessly.

"I really don't like doing things myself..." He sighed again, "How long have these two guys not washed their hair?"

Yamada trembled when he heard these words. He finally reacted and wanted to turn around and run away.

Unfortunately, it's too late.

——After wiping the oil on his hands, Yi Zejun approached him the next second.

Yamada's eyes widened, and he was so frightened that he couldn't even scream. He forgot for a moment that he could use the communication headset to ask for help from other accomplices. The flashlight in his hand flew out, hit the ground, and spun around a few times, and a beam of light was directed towards them.

Photo came over.

The only beam of light that came from the darkness allowed Yamada to completely see Jun Izawa's expression at the last second before his death.

The smile on his face was the same as before. The corners of his mouth were raised in a gentle smile.

It's just that those eyes are like the coldest amber. In that clear color, the most desperate and helpless struggle of the dead creature trapped in them is condensed.


On the system map, four red dots disappeared.

The blue dot named Jerez stayed there for a few seconds, then moved towards the exit, not intending to stay to clean up the body; shortly after he left, another blue dot came over.

Jing Baiye packed the lunch box with the remaining sesame balls and looked at the blue dot without a name.

Today he has seen many blue dots on the ship. They have business cooperation or other transactions with the Karasuma Group. Even if he has not seen the others in person, he has read the information from Spiatus. Their names and appearances have long been known.

Record the system, even if he doesn't remember it, the system map will be displayed.

The blue dot in front of me is the only one without a signature on the map.

Who could this be?

After walking out of the Chinese restaurant with Spiatus, reporters and Shirley, Jing Baiye kept thinking.

"white night."

Spiatus suddenly stopped.

Jing Baiye stopped, then raised his head and met the eyes that were very similar to his.

"I can go by myself." Spiatus said, "Take Shiho and find the subordinate who personally dressed you last night."

This chapter has been completed!
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