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Chapter 514: The 5th Fireworks



When the second explosion occurred on the ship, Jing Baiye was wrapping the outer guardrail with a smart bandage and flipping it up.

Even though he had expected it, the explosion almost caused him to hit the hull of the ship. Fortunately, he reacted faster, adjusted his body in time, kicked hard, and used the force to flip back onto the ship.

Jing Baiye jumped off the guardrail, and the bandage hanging to the ground slipped into his sleeve and automatically wrapped around his arm.

He glanced at the marks on the map and ran forward.

Unlike the calm when Jing Baiye left, the sixth floor was now crowded with fleeing passengers.

Moreover, the direction in which they were escaping was opposite to the direction in which Jing Baiye was heading. So many people were crowded into the narrow corridor, making it difficult for him to move forward among the crowd.

It is said that when encountering a disaster, the good and evil of human nature will be vividly reflected. Just by scanning at random, you can see various scenes that you cannot see in daily life.

Some people are in a hurry to escape and leave their loved ones behind, some people are reluctant to part with money and want to get their luggage, some people are lagging behind because of inconvenience in their legs and feet, but their family members hold them and refuse to give up, some people find that their children are missing and quickly go back to look for them...

Jing Baiye did not stop and passed by these people.

[Fortunately, Shirley and the other two people were already put in the backpack...]

This was his only thought.

Before those enemies came around, Jing Baiye used his skills to put Shirley to sleep, put her and the packed sesame balls into the system backpack, and then took out a gun equipped with a silencer; after dealing with the people from the zoo organization, he

I found that the map showed that the bomb below was going to explode, so I went to find two other employees of the Karasuma Group, knocked them out together and put them in the backpack.

Since Spiatus said he was the heir, then these two people would be his future subordinates, and he should take care of them in the face of danger.

After settling them, Jing Baiye went to find Jerez.

Unfortunately, time was tight and he came back here before he could ask the question he wanted to ask the most.

【Thirty minutes...】

【What?】The system did not respond for a moment.

【This cruise ship is going to sink in thirty minutes.】

Jing Baiye had seen the design drawings of this ship in the documents in the morning.

This cruise ship, built by the Yashiro Group and sold by the Karasuma Group, has sixteen watertight cabins like the Titanic. The two explosions just now destroyed several partitions, causing the five cabins at the stern to instantly

A large amount of sea water was poured into it.

Even if the crew closes other waterproof gates in time, those partitions will sooner or later be blown apart by the strong water pressure.

Jing Baiye knew nothing about medicine, but he knew everything about this kind of sabotage. According to his own estimation, the ship would sink completely if it persisted for half an hour at most.

Everyone, please go and try it soon.]

Not only this, but also...

The light falling on his face flickered, it was a warm and brilliant orange light. He raised his head and glanced at the sky above.

In the dark night, the fireworks show was still going on.

——This performance also lasts thirty minutes.

Jing Baiye knows this very well, because this is the length of the fireworks show at Disneyland.

And the fireworks being set off now are exactly the same as the first fireworks he saw in Paris.

It was specially arranged by Spiatus.

Just like he asked him to go to Jerez, and after the result, he happened to see him killing the police department and the zoo organization-the two people he broke into as an undercover.

Everything that is happening on the ship now was deliberately arranged by him.

"...it's too late."

After Jing Baiye said these words, Jerez, who was standing next to him, sighed.

"Then there's nothing we can do. Let's ask again when we meet later."

Jerez lost the pair of camouflage glasses, and those amber eyes looked at him without concealment.

Jing Baiye was also sizing him up. He felt that the way Jerez looked now was not like the member of the organization who liked to poke his face and dance in the gin minefield when they met, but more like the person in the hot spring hotel who came to investigate.

He is an upright police officer who did not show any anger at all for killing three people in a row.

This is the difference in acting skills. This kind of camouflage that seems to be instinctive is something that Jing Baiye, whose acting skills are similar to that of an ostrich in danger, will never learn from it.

Jing Baiye put away his gun: "Then I'll leave first, please be careful.

Although Jerez in front of him killed the policemen from the National Police Agency and the attackers from the zoo organization, he has not left these two places yet. He still has related tasks. He cannot pack him away, let alone drag him with him.

Find Spiatus.

Jerez nodded and stood quietly, as if he had nothing to explain.

However, the moment Jing Baiye turned around to leave, his voice suddenly sounded from behind.

"Angstra, your current situation is actually very similar to this ship."

Jing Baiye didn't look back. He raised his left hand and the bandage immediately flew out and wrapped around the guardrail on the upper floor.

"The surface remains calm, but the interior is already full of crises. We can usually live in peace, but once those crises explode..."

He kicked his feet hard on the ground and swung out.

"...I will drag you with me into the abyss of eternal destruction."

Most of the lighting system on the ship was destroyed, and only half of the emergency lights in the corridor were on, but the road ahead was not dark at night.

The burning light of fireworks in the night sky illuminated his direction.

Jing Baiye likes fireworks.

In this life, including the current one, he has watched five fireworks shows in total.

The first time was with Panno, at Disneyland Paris, and that was the happiest time;

The second time was with Sister Shirley in Hakone Town, which was the busiest time;

The third time was with Toru Amuro, in the hospital, it was the quietest time;

The fourth time was when he was alone at Disneyland in Orlando, that time...

The orange light shone on the ground, and the similar color reminded Jing Baiye of the sunset that day. He put his hand into his pocket, tightened his grip on the cell phone that had taken many photos of two people and landscapes without people, and then gradually let go.

Now is the fifth time.

First it was Shirley, then Jerez, and finally it would be the existence he was most familiar with and least understood in the world.

Jing Baiye likes fireworks very much, and the reason why she likes them is very simple, because the fireworks are beautiful.

He likes all good-looking things, and even more so, everyone who loves him.

The system map floated beside Jing Baiye, and I didn't know when it switched from the cruise ship map to the Japanese map.

In the Mikawa Town area of ​​the map, the dot called [Home] is particularly eye-catching. In the past, there would always be one or two blue dots waiting for him to return, but now there is nothing there.

Scotland is gone too.

[Quest: Nidhogg of Despair, Reward: Special Items (not for sale)

Note: The gods who pursue beauty and love have disappeared, and only the desperate Nidhogg still exists. Will its ending be like a bubble, dissipating in this vast sea? 】

Until then, Jing Baiye finally understood what this mission meant.

He won't let the ship sink.


"Don't panic! There are enough lifeboats. Please get on board one by one!"

“No crowding!”

"This ship is full, put it down quickly!"

Yin Zerun came to the escape channel. The passengers had already changed into life jackets and boarded the lifeboat under the guidance of the crew and the police on board.

Unlike others who were anxious, as the culprit who planted the bomb, he took his time and stood aside to observe those boarding the ship.

This ship sank like the Titanic, but it was not like in the movie where gentlemen would let women and children go first. The scene in front of me was very realistic - first class people left first, and those with power and money left first.

Yin Zerun looked at the escaping passengers, thinking of Angstra who left not long ago, and sighed quietly.

He knew very well that what Little Crow desired was not just the best of both worlds.

He wanted the organization he was so comfortable with not to be destroyed, he wanted the lives of his three undercover men to be safe, and he also wanted them... to continue to be by his side.

This is too difficult.

Since ancient times, it is difficult to have two good things, let alone three things that conflict with each other?

It is impossible for Angstra to do it now. If it was last year... no, if he had just joined the organization, it would have been possible.

Because at that time he was the most...

Yin Zerun looked to the side. Black smoke emerged from the bottom of the ship and slowly floated upward. On the sea not far away, there were several lifeboats filled with people floating away into the distance. The orange-red hulls were floating at night.

Also very eye-catching.

He stared at the boats that symbolized the hope of life, his eyes as cold as looking at dead things.

Not long ago, he personally touched the sterns of these lifeboats and installed time bombs on them that would be activated after forty-four minutes. These small gifts would detonate when the escapees thought they were safe.

Shatter their last hope.

This is Snake's mission as a member of the zoo organization.

Although Yin Zerun lied to his colleagues, killed them, ignored them at all, and was about to run away with the bucket... But he would still complete most of the tasks given by the leader of the organization. This is the basic quality of an undercover agent.

There was chaos behind him, as if someone was arguing about the queue. In the midst of the noise, he suddenly heard a voice disappear.

Yin Zerun was stunned, and quickly turned to look at the lifeboat closest to him.

——The timers for those bombs have all stopped.

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