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Chapter 526 The Undercover Real Name

Nishitama city, twin towers skyscrapers.

After making the phone call in the secretary's office, Irish Whiskey walked to another office and knocked on the door.

"Sir, can I come in?"

"Come in."

Ireland opened the door and entered the largest room on the 74th floor - the chairman's office.

In the huge office, there are mountains of documents piled up on the desks. The folded-eared cat that usually likes to use documents as toys is temporarily missing. On the birdstand next to the bed, a three-legged crow with deformed feet is sitting on it obediently.

But the boss ignored it. He was concentrating on playing with a flowerpot placed in front of the floor-to-ceiling window.

The flowerpot is very large, about one and a half meters high including the bracket below. In order to better simulate the arid environment, a thin layer of yellow sand is spread on it.

The soil and yellow sand were empty, no plants were growing, but Ireland knew there were ephemerals underneath.

This kind of plant is common in deserts. Due to the difficult environment, they can only seize rare rainfall opportunities. As long as the ground becomes slightly moist, they will grow, develop and bloom quickly. From germination to death, it only takes a few weeks.

The boss picked up a kettle and poured water on it.

Ireland belatedly remembered that the last time the boss planted ephemeral chrysanthemums, it seemed that it was when Panno was exposed.

This short-lived flower is indeed very similar to those short-lived undercover agents.

——You must try your best to absorb that little bit of water (intelligence) before you can bloom for a short time, and then completely wither.

Thinking of being an undercover agent, Ireland immediately thought of the phone call just now, and his face turned slightly dark.

At this time, the boss looked over and put down what he was holding: "Let's pick out the key points."

Ireland came back to his senses, adjusted his words in his mind, and then began to report.

He just made two calls, one to Curaçao, asking her about the Tottori Prefecture base and Angostura; the other to Gin, asking him how the situation was in the United States, and if the problem could not be solved, support would be sent.

"Over in the United States, Gin's mission is going well. He is expected to be back in two weeks."

Ireland announced the good news with a blank expression.

The communication with Curacao went smoothly, but Gin...

The newly captured undercover agents were Scotch whiskey, bourbon whiskey, and rye whiskey, plus Japanese whiskey and sour whiskey that were previously exposed.

The other five bottles of whiskey were all undercover, which made Ireland, who was a die-hard boss, feel uncomfortable. At the same time, he was ridiculed mercilessly by Gin on the phone.

...Why don't you find an opportunity to apply to the boss for a code name change?

Ireland was thinking about it, and then he mentioned another member who was most implicated in this undercover exposure incident.

"Curaçao said that Angstra seemed to be hesitant about what to do with the three undercover agents."

Ireland frowned slightly and looked at the boss with searching eyes.

"Sir, do you intend to intervene?"

The boss said that Angstra was responsible for the three bottles of fake whiskey, and no one with a lower authority level than him could interfere.

Now that Angstra has been chosen as the heir, his authority in the organization is only under the boss, higher than the second-in-command Rum or his guardian Belmode.

In other words, only the boss and Angstra have the right to deal with them...

A truly loyal subordinate accepts all orders from his superiors and fulfills them without compromise. Those who dare to make arbitrary decisions and act privately means not taking their superiors seriously.

So no matter how much Ireland wanted to kill the undercover agent directly - this was something he rarely synchronized with Gin - until the boss and Angstra nodded, he would not touch even a single hair on them.

"That's his property."

After listening to the report, the boss's expression did not change at all. He turned back to look at the flowerpot that had just been watered.

"Whether he kills him or lets him go depends entirely on his own choice. As a bystander, the most I can do is give an opinion, or... give him a little encouragement.

Chemical effect."

When others act as the Riddler, Ireland can strike hard, but when the boss acts as the Riddler, he can only be confused: "Sir?"

"It's easy to control a person's body, but it's very difficult to control a person's spirit and beliefs, especially Angstra doesn't like to control people close to her..."

The sand turns dark after being poured with water, and you can't even guess what's happening underneath.

He looked at the sand with his eyes lowered.

"...It will almost bloom by Angstra's birthday."


Mika Town, 44th floor of Tower Apartment.

Before I knew it, it was already dusk.

Jing Baiye went from sitting down to lying on the sofa, with the Corgi doll leaning against him and the furry dog ​​head in his arms.

He has been in a daze for a long time.

Just in the past few hours, he read a mystery comic.

There are more than 1,000 chapters in the comic, and each chapter requires 100 reward points. It cost him more than 200 million to buy one set.

For Jing Baiye in the past, this was a huge sum of money; for Jing Baiye now...

This is still a huge amount of money.

Although he has several streets for rent and has a top-ranked IT company in the United States, it does not mean that he is willing to spend money casually.

One advantage of comics bought in the store is that once he buys them, which character appears in which episode will be marked, making it easier for him to read the plot of the specified character.

Jing Baiye watched the first episode first. When he saw gin and vodka, he was stunned for a long time. Then he looked at the episode number of the familiar person based on the character list.

He does not exist in this comic, and there is no Spiatus.

However, Bellmode, Shirley, and Bourbon whom he is familiar with are all characters in it. Kudo Shinichi, whom he has met several times, is even the protagonist of the comic.

[No wonder...you always recommend me to read comics.]

Jing Baiye finally understood everything.

Green River is spicy, Amuro is clear, and the stars are big.

Scotch whiskey, bourbon whiskey, rye whiskey.

——Zhu Fu Jingguang, Jianggu Ling, Akai Shuichi.

【Because just by looking at it, I can tell that they are all undercover agents. 】

He was surrounded by undercover agents.

...No, it was him and Gin who were surrounded by undercover agents.

Spiatus is an exception. He already knew the identities of all the undercover agents, so he surrounded them all.

Jing Baiye recalled the contents of the comic.

This is a mystery comic with various daily incidents - no wonder Mihua's public security is so bad - the main plot is interspersed in it, and his three subordinates don't appear much.

Lai Yin and Bourbon are barely okay, and Scotland combined is only a few spots.

But just a few scenes recorded his life and his final death.

"Zhufu, Jianggu, Akai..."

This is their real name.

He said he liked them and wanted to protect them, but he only knew their real names through comics.

…and there’s no Panno on it.

Even with the comics describing this world, he still doesn't know what his former partner's real name is.

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