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Chapter 530 Where the Story Begins

Jing Baiye turned a blind eye to everything that happened behind him.

The curtains were drawn tightly, and the outlines of the furniture were looming in the darkness. He was so familiar with this place that he wouldn't bump into it even if he walked in with his eyes closed. He walked to the dining table and put down his dinner for the day.


There was a sound like metal gears scraping against the floor in the distance, and a small figure ran out of the kitchen not far away.

It ran to Jing Baiye's feet, jumped onto the dining table, and raised the dessert spoon in its hand.


Jing Baiye casually pulled out a chair and sat down, taking the spoon from Little White Bee No. 2.

Although there was no one here, the floor and corners of the room were clean, with no dust and no blood stains left by the enemy. This was all due to the two reliable helpers who stayed here when he left.

Jing Baiye raised the phone and pointed the bottom at Little White Bee No. 2. The cover on its waist flipped down, and a data cable stretched out, automatically connecting to the phone socket.

In less than a second, their work records for the past three days appeared on the screen.

Jing Baiye opened the food box and picked up the phone again.

The illuminated mobile phone screen became the only light source at the scene. Originally, he wanted to take a casual look, but he couldn't see it at all. He had to slide his finger to scroll down and found that there were several pages.

【Sure enough it will be like this...】

He took a piece of cake and stuffed it into his mouth, looking at the long list.

[Do you know these people?] The system is strange, and their existence is clearly not displayed on the panel.

【Don’t know.】

Jing Baiye took another spoonful.

【——But it’s related to ‘I’.】

There was a reason why Jing Baiye went back to the villa specifically tonight.

Not only did he not want to expose another address of a member of the organization to the kind-hearted and good-looking Officer Matsuda.

On Monday, he attended the Karasuma Group's board of directors, and that afternoon he and Spiatus were interviewed by the media, making his public appearance as a chaebol heir.

In that interview, his villa was photographed. Even if it was only for a few seconds, it was enough to attract the attention of interested people.

For example, the public security police know his identity.

Another example is the environment group behind the original owner.

This mafia family who has cooperated with the organization may be able to discover him - or rather, the true identity of this body - through the appearance of black hair, red eyes and pale skin.

This is indeed the case.

[Whether it’s the person who tried to kidnap me in the food court tonight or the gangsters who sneaked into this villa in the past few days, they are all from the original owner’s past family...]

Jing Baiye answered the system while flipping through the records.

There are no names on the record, just faces and the items they were carrying, with weapons listed in a separate column.

The information sent back from Jerez and Cognac is correct. Gun control within the border group is indeed strict. Only members of the family and group cadres can hold guns. Others do not have decent weapons.

[Most of the people who came are the lowest-level peripheral members, just from the same family. At the moment, they are just testing. 】

When the Pacifist II was installed in Jingbaiye, the defense program was specially modified and several instructions for capturing alive were added.

If you don't have a gun on you, then deal with it as you want; if you have a gun or other better equipment, leave him alive until he comes back.

If he doesn't come for a few days, Pacifist No. 2 will inject the intruder with a healing potion so that the intruder can take a breath no matter how injured he is, and send an email to remind him to come and check on him as soon as possible.

Originally, Jing Baiye set up this way to prevent Japanese public security or police officers from being killed casually - his identity, appearance and address were probably passed back by Zhufu Jingguang and Fangtani Rei. Now that they have lost contact, their colleagues are extremely worried.

They might sneak in and search.

The result was none.

It took three days to capture one of the original members of the Jingzu family, the same one that Pacifist No. 2 had caught when he came in. Jing Baiye would not show mercy to the original owner's family and just let him deal with it on the spot.

after all……


The inexplicable sound brought back Jing Baiyue's thoughts that were gradually drifting away.

When he came back to his senses, he saw that he had accidentally dug out the candy boy's head with a fork.

The candy melted a little, and the little boy's head stuck to the surface of the spoon. The chocolate on his face was completely melted, and it was impossible to see what his original expression was. Jing Baiye looked at the dark mass and suddenly couldn't eat it.


After losing control of the phone, the screen quickly went dark and the room fell into darkness again.

【Then are you going to squat here tonight?】

In this darkness, only the voice of the system sounded in his mind.

[The mission that person gave you is...]

[No, I just came here to see who it caught. I didn’t plan to stay here overnight.]

Jing Baiye ate the rest of the cake in a few mouthfuls. The familiar sweetness spread in his mouth, but it completely dissipated soon after, leaving a faint bitter taste of dark chocolate.

[...There is no rush for that task.] He continued, [There are still several days.]

After eating the cake, Jing Baiye left the villa.

It was completely dark, two rows of street lights were lit on the street, and the system map floated quietly beside him. It was empty, without any blue or red dots.

He put his hands in his coat pockets and walked forward unhurriedly.

There might be construction going on nearby. A gust of wind carried yellow sand. He tilted his head to avoid the sand from blowing into his eyes. Then he thought of something and suddenly raised the corners of his mouth.

[Host, have you thought of anything happy? 】

In the past few days, the system would talk to Jing Baiye whenever he had the opportunity, and he would call him out on the smallest matters.

Jing Baiye would also answer every time: [Well, I remembered some things from my first life...]

[After the first teacher picked me up from the training camp, we moved several times, and we were always on the road as we are now.]

In the eternal night, with the wind and sand blowing on their faces, they walked in tandem, one big and one small, carrying tents, a few luggage and gun bags, and hurried to the next location.

Jing Baiye looked down at the only shadow on the ground, and gradually fell into memories.

【I was very happy at that time.】

[Even though the tent is very small and shabby, and I don’t have much money and can only eat nutritional cream, I still like this kind of life...]

Perhaps it was the game he played at Sindora Company that made him relive his first life. It has been so long since those things happened, but when he thinks about them now, they are still as clear as yesterday.

He couldn't help but laugh.

[No worries, as soon as I open my eyes in the morning, I can see the teacher in the sleeping bag next door...]

The more the system listened, the more something was wrong. Just as he was about to interrupt him, he suddenly changed his tone.

【But it’s good now.】

【I have you, I have a beautiful house, I have someone who likes me very much...】

Jing Baiye's tone was cheerful. Fortunately, there was no one else on the road. Otherwise, seeing him smiling like this, he would probably stop and watch him with a confused look on his face.

【And I have more money than I can spend in my lifetime.】

He had said similar words to Spiatus on the Nidhogg before, but compared with that time, the content was slightly less.

At this time, Jing Baiye passed by a convenience store.

The 24-hour convenience store was quite eye-catching on the street. When he walked through the door, he glanced inside.

The cashier is a strange man.

There were two other young people standing in front of the shelf. One of them was carrying a shopping basket and throwing snacks into it. The other was holding a gaming magazine and turned around to talk to him. Halfway through, they both smiled. They paid and left together.

Convenience store, let’s walk away together.

【I will not just focus on what I have lost.】

Jing Baiye withdrew his gaze and continued to move forward until the two people were far away.

[‘Don’t envy others, cherish what you have in your hands...’]

【——This is what the teacher taught me, and I have always kept it in mind. 】

【So you don’t have to worry about me.】

Jing Baiye naturally knew the reason why the system had been at a loss for words these past few days and made an effort to communicate with him.

Walking a few hundred meters further, you will find an ordinary-looking one-family building.

No. 4, 7-13, Yoneka-cho.

This chapter has been completed!
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