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Chapter 72 Are You Surprised, Mr.

Toru Amuro stopped looking at the bill that made his conscience ache, and stuffed it into his shopping bag.

There were several boxes of unopened game cartridges in the shopping bag, which cost him nearly 30,000 yen. He still didn’t know if Angstra had a game console. If not, he would have to buy him a new one.

Yes, otherwise these game cartridges would be for nothing.

Toru Amuro took out his mobile phone and was about to contact Zhufu Jingguang to ask him how the situation was there, when Angstra's email came first.

[Where are you? Midorikawa and I are already at the exit of the venue.——crow]

Angstra did not add his wine code name at the end, but wrote an English word. Toru Amuro originally thought this referred to organization. Crow is a crow in English and a homophone for black in Japanese.

It fits the organization very well, but after reading it out, I realized that it might be his last name: Crowe.

[I'm in the merchandise area. I just met Mr. Nakajima, and he enthusiastically recommended it to me...]

Amuro looked around and saw that there were more and more people here. He stepped aside to avoid being blocked in the aisle and making other people inconvenient. While thinking about the appropriate words, he wrote a reply to the other party.

[...I haven't thanked you for saving me from Dai Jili, so I bought you several games with high praise rates as a thank you gift for saving me. Do you have a game console in your hand? If

No, I will buy you the latest handheld console.】

After typing, he read it again to make sure that the words would not arouse suspicion before choosing to send them.

Not long after he sent it, Angstra wrote back to him.

[I don’t have a game console... These things are quite expensive. Your house just got bombed. Do you have enough money? 】

Amuro Toru looked calm on the surface, but replied with blood dripping from inside: "That's enough."

Now he is a subordinate of Angstra, a member of the action team. Although he has not passed the assessment, he will live with him during this period, and it is necessary to please him. By acting with the code name members, he can also act as soon as possible

Get the code name and complete the first goal set by his superior at the Police Department.

These are all for better carrying out undercover missions and are normal expenses...not a waste of the hard-earned taxes paid by the people.

Toru Amuro comforted himself silently, and then stepped into the merchandise area again.

... He needs to save some time during this time. It can be used for Angstra, which can be said to be for undercover missions. It would be too much to waste it on his own.


After Jing Baiye accepted the thank-you gift Amuro Toru bought for him, his already good mood became even better.

Midorikawa Xin did not go back to the safe house with them, and his work for the day was finally over. After meeting Toru Amuro, he said goodbye to them, and before leaving, he asked about the three meals to be prepared for tomorrow.

Jing Baiye was sitting in the passenger seat of the Mazda, holding the shopping bag containing the game console and cassette in his arms. His Yangou Soul could only get bonuses from teammates within 3 kilometers, so when Midorikawa Xin brought him

After the bonus disappeared, he was still in a good mood.

Now he is sending an email to Irish Whiskey. When he was waiting for Tohru Amuro, Ireland sent him a message.

【I will send you a violin tomorrow.——irish】

【So soon? I thought I would have to wait a few more days.——angostura】

[I happen to be passing by Miwa Town tomorrow, so I will just send it to you directly to avoid having to run again in a few days. One more thing, your teacher is quite busy. There is a movie that requires him to write the theme song, so I asked him to leave.

He is currently in Kyoto, and I will have to wait until next week before I can send you to see him.——irish]

【This is not urgent...】

Jing Baiye is indeed not in a hurry to see the violin teacher. This weekend he has to go to Cupido Town to investigate the CIA undercover, which is much more important than the violin.

[...You can send the violin directly to the safe house. You know the address, right? One of my men lives there temporarily, and another one often goes there to cook. Don't embarrass them when you go tomorrow, they are mine now.

People are not from gin.——angostura]

Gin has been active in Yoneka Town for a long time, and the bottom members of Yoneka Town are mobilized and used by him much more frequently than in other areas. Thinking of Ireland... The main reason is that Pisco and Gin are at odds. He is worried that Ireland will anger innocent people and tolerate them.

Keep reminding me a few words.

Pisco is an old man in the organization. He has worked for the organization for thirty years, but his status is not as high as Gin who has the same length of service as him. Gin also dislikes Pisco and thinks that his achievements today are all due to the organization.

My abilities are average, so I would just work more honestly, but I still like to rely on my old skills and sell my old skills.

Pisco was once a guardian member of Irish Whiskey. The two had no blood relationship. Pisco never married and had no children. Ireland also had no parents since he was a child. He raised him and his relationship was almost the same as that of a real father and son.

If it's someone Pisco doesn't like, Ireland will also hate and reject it, but Jing Baiye can't do this - for example, Belmode dislikes the Miyano couple, and also dislikes the Miyano sisters, but he and Shirley

The relationship is good. He will respect and care for Belmode, but will not affect his social interactions because of her preferences.

[Don’t worry, no one will touch your personal property. I will arrive at about ten o’clock in the morning, remember to remind them.——irish]

After finishing the exchange with Ireland, Jing Baiye said to Toru Amuro next to him: "At ten o'clock tomorrow morning, someone will send something to me. Please help me collect it."

"Can I ask what the specific thing is? To avoid confusion." Toru Amuro asked.

"It's a violin. I'm going to take violin lessons in the future."

It happened to be a red light at the intersection. Toru Amuro stopped the car and looked at him strangely, but didn't ask anything.

The two quickly returned to the safe house. Jing Baiye changed his slippers and was about to go to the bedroom on the second floor to put his shopping bags. Toru Amuro, who entered the room after him, stopped him: "Who is going to take a shower first?"

"you go first."

Jing Baiye originally planned to encrypt Amuro Tohru's identity, but after seeing him buying a gift for herself, she became more determined on this idea.

This job is not difficult, and it can be done completely in the time it takes Amuro Toru to take a shower. He doesn't tell him yet, and plans to give him a surprise.


After Angstra went to the bathroom, Toru Amuro suddenly received an anonymous email on another mobile phone used to contact the police.

【Is it convenient for you to answer the phone now? 】

Toru Amuro was a little touched. His subordinates finally learned not to call him suddenly and call him by name, and even sent him an email to ask him about his situation... He glanced at the bathroom, where the sound of shower water could be heard. By the sound of water

To cover up, he quietly left the safe house and sat in his car before calling the other party.

"What's the matter?"

"It's like this. A colleague just contacted me and said that someone has encrypted the identity information of 'Amuro Toru' and 'Midorikawa Shin'. Now..." Kazami Yuya hesitated, hesitating whether to say anything.

Toru Amuro had a bad feeling: "What's wrong?"

"Now the confidentiality of the identities of 'Amuro Toru' and 'Midorikawa Shin' has completely surpassed that of 'Rei Fangtani' and 'Morofuku Kagemitsu'... We used the most advanced decryption software of the public security to crack it, but we couldn't decipher it at all.



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