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Chapter 88 May all workers get off work on time

Jing Baiye wrote the email and sent it. Before the system, which had crashed for unknown reasons, could be restored, Ginjiu's reply came first.

[It was my negligence to give you her information. She has other tasks, so please change her.——gin]

Jing Baiye didn't expect him to say that, and was a little unwilling to do so. The files of the lower-level members that Gin gave him were accompanied by photos. Reina Mizuna was the best-looking among them, and the data showed that she was accurate in marksmanship and agile.

He is good at driving motorcycles and is not just an eye candy.

As if knowing that he would not give up easily, Gin quickly sent a second email:

[That Russian woman’s tricks are something that most men can’t resist, and there are so many losers among the lower-level members, so I chose her to track her down...]

Jing Baiye was silent, he understood the reason why Ginjiu did what he did.

Agents with this special nature may not necessarily have high force value, but sometimes their methods can be more powerful than swords and guns. It would be bad if the person she was tracking was caught by her and extracted information. It would be better to eliminate this person from the source.

Another possibility is to find someone of the same sex who is much less likely to be tempted.

[...She can't be your third subordinate. She is a TV host by profession and can contact some targets openly. If she succeeds in this tracking mission, the gentleman will give her a code name and join me.

action group.——gin]

【I understand, then I will find someone else.——angostura】

Jing Baiye sighed and deleted Shui Wuliannai's file with a look of reluctance. Her cat eyes were really pretty...


Gin looked at the email Angstra replied to him without putting away his phone.

He knew that Angstra would definitely send a message later to confirm with him who would be the bait who witnessed the conflict between CIA and FBI tomorrow.

The black Porsche 356a was parked in the parking lot of Dongdu Department Store. Vodka, who was sitting next to him, looked tired. Because he had to translate the Russian information, he stayed up until 3 a.m. and was woken up by his elder brother at around 7 a.m. to drive.


It's hard work, but the rewards are not small.

Yasuo Domon is currently an official of the Japanese Defense Agency and has great power in the political circles. Private photos that clearly show his face are a good threat.

His son Yasuhiro Domen has made radical remarks against violent crimes on television many times and has a high support rate among the public. There are rumors that he will participate in the House of Representatives election. If his father's scandal is exposed, he will definitely be affected.

In addition to Japanese officials, there are also some American politicians and CIA's dirty information. Although the authenticity needs to be further verified, judging from some of the information Gin has come across in the United States in the past, most of it is true, even after translation.

The words are even more euphemistic.

"Brother, where are we going now?"

"Waiting for Angstra's email first."

As Gin said that, he opened the memo on his cell phone and found that it was only early 8 o'clock in the evening, and today's work was already done.

He looked at tomorrow's schedule again, and there weren't many things on it. The most important thing today and tomorrow was to deal with the CIA undercover agent in Tsubouchi. Angstra was mainly responsible for it. He came here just to help out.

If it hadn't been for this incident, he would have been in Hokkaido now. Someone was causing trouble at the training ground there recently, and it was quite a big disturbance. He had to go and have a look and clear out some restless people.

...Speaking of which, Shirley’s useless sister seems to be going to Hokkaido too?

Gin set tomorrow's schedule to the top of her schedule and remembered what Shirley and her sister had exchanged on the phone.

He has no interest in Shirley's sister Miyano Akemi. She is obviously the child of the Miyano couple, but she did not inherit their brains like Shirley. Her physical training is also average, and she cannot become as powerful as Belmode and Curacao.

Female killer.

If the organization hadn't kept a tool that could make Shirley obedient, she would have become cannon fodder and died, and it would be impossible for her to live an ordinary life.

[I choose this one, you can see if it suits you.——angostura]

Angstra sent another email with a photo. Gin opened the attachment and found a man as thin as a skeleton.

He has short black hair, an upturned nose, and thin cheeks, as if there is no fat under the skin, and the skin is directly attached to the facial bones... The man in the photo has a slight hunchback, and his chin is not cleanly shaved.

Gin looked at the photo and wondered if Angstra had posted the wrong photo. The person in front of him didn't fit his taste.

[His name is Numabuchi Kiichiro. According to the information, he is as light as a swallow and has strong explosive power. I think this kind of person has a good escape ability.——angostura]

【Then it’s him.——gin】

Gin said to the vodka next to him: "Go back to the safe house and rest."

Hearing him say rest, Vodka breathed a sigh of relief. He thought his elder brother wanted him to run to the next area again for some unexpected tasks. He stepped on the accelerator and drove the Porsche out of Dongdu Department Store.

Gin looked at the screen of his mobile phone in silence for a moment, then sent another email to Angstra.

[How are your two men?——gin]

Angstra is good in every aspect, but there is one thing that Gin cannot understand: Why does he look for a nanny... and all his subordinates look at his face?

The first one is Shin Midorikawa, and the second one is Toru Amuro. Judging from their training results, these two people are not weak in ability, but when Angstra chose them, they did not show their abilities to him at all. He

It seemed that just by looking at their outstanding looks, I decided it was them.

[They are good-looking and capable, I like them very much.——angostura]

Angstra's emotional expression is very direct. If he likes it, he likes it, and if he dislikes it, he dislikes it. Just take what he says literally and don't have to deal with it like a nasty mystic. Some words may hide another person.

The meaning has to be guessed.

[You still need one more subordinate...]

Gin lit up a cigarette. The two underage members were not in the car, so he could smoke freely.

He has no objection to Angstra liking good-looking people so much. This is not a shortcoming that must be corrected, but this kid has a special status and currently has A-level permissions. Like him, Rum and Belmod, he is better than

Ordinary code members have higher status, greater power, and heavier responsibilities.

When he leaves Tokyo and cannot return in a short time, he will be responsible for the actions in this area.

[…This third subordinate, I hope you choose carefully. If you continue to choose someone based on looks or emotions, I don’t mind assigning you a suitable one.——gin]

Shirley might trouble Angstra to look after and protect his sister, occupying the position of one of his subordinates in vain. Bermod had already mentioned this to him, with a somewhat sinister tone.

Angstra did not reply, and Gin had already begun to think of a suitable candidate: he had to find a sniper for him.

In addition to the information security team, Angstra is also a member of the operations team. His sniping level is very high, and currently no one in the organization can match it. Calvados, Cohen, and Chianti are even three-thirds of his

He couldn't hit either...if he hadn't been obsessed with his left eye, the sniper distance would have been farther.

Midorikawa Shin has practiced sniping, but it's hard to tell what his level is. Moreover, Angstra's distance is 1,200 yards, so the best distance for his partner's sniper should be over 1,000 yards.

This chapter has been completed!
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