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Chapter 94 Undercover Insomnia Night

After hearing Angstra's answer, Toru Amuro reflexively wanted to check his injuries.

But as soon as he stretched out his hand, he realized that his identity was wrong at this time. The minor in front of him was his boss in the criminal organization. He should not worry about him... In fact, the more serious his injuries were, the more serious it would be for him.


Angstra seemed not to realize Toru Amuro's hand was still in mid-air, and left the bedroom alone holding her pajamas.

"...By the way, there is something I haven't told you yet."

He stopped at the top of the stairs and looked back in the darkness. Toru Amuro could only vaguely see his expression through the light in the bedroom.

"You've worked hard these past few days. You can rest tomorrow and the next two days. We will go to the training ground on Wednesday night." Angstra paused, "...and there is also the issue of your accommodation. The reward for completing this mission is not enough.

Low, you can rent a better house."

After hearing the reward, Toru Amuro thought of Tsubouchi's death again. He couldn't say a word and just nodded.

Tohru Amuro's insomnia increased sharply after meeting Angstra, and it was similar for Tohoku Tohoku, who was not like this when they first infiltrated the organization.

The undercover mission was quite dangerous and depressing. He committed illegal acts that trampled on his moral bottom line. His conscience was tortured, he couldn't trust the people around him, and he couldn't sleep well at night.

There are only a few undercover agents who can successfully complete the mission and return. Many of them are like Tsubouchi, with dirty hands and sleepless nights. In the end, they failed to obtain any important information and lost their lives in vain.

When Toru Amuro accepted this infiltration mission, his boss repeatedly emphasized this point.

In order to avoid involving more innocent people, both the National Police Agency and the National Police Agency deliberately selected elites with few relatives and few worries to go undercover. This is how they chose a pair of good friends: Amuro Toru's family are no longer here, and Morofu Jingguang

His parents were killed, and the relatives who raised him moved abroad. His only remaining relative in Japan was his brother.

Tsubouchi was shot without any torture. This was already the luckiest among the undercover agents who were exposed. Many undercover agents who were discovered ended up even more miserable.

Toru Amuro had a good rest in Cupido Town a few days ago, but today he will once again have a sleepless night. As soon as he closes his eyes, the scene of Tsubouchi's tragic death will reappear before his eyes.

Sometimes the corpse is Tsubouchi's face, and sometimes his face becomes Zhu Fujingguang's or his own.

Amuro Toru opened his eyes in the darkness, and the clothes on his back were soaked with cold sweat. Even though he was so exhausted physically and mentally, he could not fall asleep when he closed his eyes.

He sat up, picked up his phone from the side, unlocked the screen and saw that it was already 3 o'clock in the morning.

...Is he such a weak person? He has obviously seen a lot of dead people, but he died for a nasty CIA undercover agent, and he was so sad that he couldn't sleep?

Toru Amuro sat for a while and decided to go to the living room to get some beer. Anyway, he knew...he would have rest today and tomorrow. It would be okay to be paralyzed for a day after being drunk.

He pushed aside the quilt and walked down to the attic. When he passed by the study room with the door closed, he saw through the crack in the door that the light inside was on.

Toru Amuro was very sure that the lights in the study were turned off when he went up to the attic. Only he and Angstra lived in the safe house. It was self-evident who was in the study now.

...It’s already 3 o’clock in the morning, why isn’t he still asleep?

Toru Amuro hesitated for a moment, and finally raised his hand and knocked on the door. Not long after, a voice came from inside: "Come in."

He opened the door and saw Angstra sitting behind the desk at a glance. He was still wearing pajamas, and there were bandages on his left eye, neck, and arms... Except for his face and hands, the rest of the underage member's body was covered with bandages.

All wrapped in bandages, like a mummy.

"Why aren't you asleep yet?" Angstra asked.

"I can't sleep." Toru Amuro walked up to him, "What about you?"

"The organization called me an hour ago and asked me to decipher a document." Angstra's voice was very calm, without any anger at being called out to work overtime in the middle of the night. "The reward has been received, and it is quite high.


Toru Amuro didn't know what to say for a while. Giving him money would allow him to get up in the middle of the night and work overtime without any complaints... Is Angstra really so short of money?

"Do you want my help? I've learned this before..."

"You actually know Russian? Your basic English level is so bad."

Angstra's words made Toru Amuro confused and didn't know how to answer.

...Don't be angry, you can't be angry with your unstable junior boss, you have to smile and be polite to him. As an adult, as a subordinate, you can't be angry with your underage boss... Amuro Toru took a deep breath and smiled.

"I don't know Russian." He reacted, "...do you know Russian?"

Angstra's ancestry is completely Asian. It is not clear which country he is from. It is currently known that he can speak Japanese, English, French... Now plus a Russian language, he has mastered several languages ​​in just over ten years old.

Foreign language?

"...It's okay." Angostela was strangely silent for a moment before answering.

He yawned, closed his notebook and stood up. He walked over to Toru Amuro and looked at his expression. He frowned and said, "Are you suffering from insomnia because of Tsubouchi's death this morning?"


After being exposed directly, Toru Amuro's first reaction was not to cover it up, but he felt relieved.

There was no malice or murderous aura in Angstra in front of him. He stood there with a clean aura, like a harmless plant growing quietly in the corner. Even the more ferocious stray animals were more imposing than him.

, completely different from the shooting of Tsubouchi's Gin in the morning.

When he said that sentence, he seemed to be just speaking his guess casually, not trying to test anything.

"Yes." Tohru Amuro didn't expect that he could admit it so simply.

This chapter has been completed!
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