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Chapter 97 He Has No Versailles

In fact, Jing Baiye didn't hate undercover agents, and sometimes he admired their efficiency.

As both members of the code name in France, Panno's ability is far better than that of Dai Geli; the FBI undercover agent who became his adoptive mother's boyfriend has better tracking and counter-tracking skills than Hanson Hoover, who became a dog; there is no code name in Tsubo, but

His task completion rate in the past few years is also not low...

This is not surprising. Those who can be sent undercover are all elites trained by intelligence agencies. Their strength is not much different, and they will work hard to reach a higher position.

His hatred for Panno stems from the loss of property, which has nothing to do with whether he is an undercover agent. Even if he is a bottle of real wine, losing most of his property will only end in ruins and ashes.

However, Jing Baiye has never told anyone what he thinks about undercover agents. If Ginjiu finds out what he thinks, he must educate him well.

"Breakfast is almost ready."

Midorikawa Xin's voice interrupted Jing Baiye's thinking. He gave up thinking about the problem of undercover agents in Japan. Breakfast was more important now.

He walked to the dining table and sat down. Just as he was about to take out the mobile phone in his pocket, the phone suddenly vibrated.

【There is a guy who wants to be dealt with by you.——gin】

It was an email from Gin, with a photo and a document attached.

Since Midorikawa Shin hadn't served breakfast yet, Sakai Byakuya didn't ignore Gin's news like he did at the ramen shop. He clicked on the photo, which showed a middle-aged man with a crew cut, whose name was Fujinami Hiroaki.

When Jing Baiye saw this man, he felt very displeased at first sight. He had a sinister look and looked like a profiteer who liked to rip people off.

【What happened to him?——angostura】

[What happened before you came to Japan was that he sold a junk property to the organization.——gin]

The organization usually purchases a lot of real estate, some of which are used as safe houses for members, some of which are transformed into training venues, and some of which are used as rewards for members of the organization. Jing Baiye has seen a lot of them in the years since he joined the organization.

【Why should I go? Just an unscrupulous real estate agent.——angostura】

Jing Baiye had no problem with killing the unscrupulous real estate agent, but he was just wondering why he did it. An ordinary person who didn't have bodyguards around him and didn't know how to ride in a bulletproof car when traveling could just find any member of the organization who dared to kill someone and go there in the middle of the night.

Get rid of.

He is indeed a member of the action team. In addition, he is also the head of the information security team, where important software is being developed. Gin will not know this.

[This matter is related to you. That property was originally bought by Belmode for you as a gift when you return to Japan.——gin]

Jing Baiye frowned and didn't even accept the chopsticks Midorikawa Xin handed him.

He did not doubt that Gin was fooling him. This organizational model worker was not such a boring person, and Belmode sometimes gave him gifts without telling him... It happened several times, saying that he wanted to surprise him.

[And since you haven’t carried out an assassination mission for a long time, I have to check whether your fingers are rusty... He will go to the newly opened Suzuki Tower at 3 o’clock this afternoon. The difficulty is good and suitable for you to practice.——gin]

Gin then sent another email, which was the real purpose of this mission.

【Understood. I will deal with him.——angostura】

He sent a reply to Gin with a cold face, put the phone lock screen back into his pocket, and then looked up to see Midorikawa Shin's ugly face.

Jing Baiye was stunned, realizing that he had shown a lot of murderous intent when he just sent the email: "Are you okay?"

"...Do you have a mission?" Midorikawa Xin handed him the chopsticks again and asked carefully.

"Well, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Gin asked me to kill someone."

His tone was very calm, as if he was just saying that he would accompany him to buy a cake in the afternoon. He did not like to bring negative emotions to unrelated people.

Jing Baiye opened the system map, searched for a suitable location for sniping near the Suzuki Tower, and checked the distance to Sake Internet Cafe.

"At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, you pick me up at the previous park, and then drive to the Asakusa Blue Sky Tower Hotel. The target is expected to arrive at the Suzuki Tower at 3 o'clock... Later you accompany me to the basement to get the gun."

"Okay, I understand." Midorikawa Xin responded.

Jing Baiye was a little glad that he got up early today, which gave him time to go to the basement to look for a gun after breakfast.

He only put a few commonly used cz75 pistols in the system backpack, and did not put a sniper rifle in it. He had received the most rigorous firearms training in his first life, especially sniper training. He had mastered almost all sniper rifles.

It's easy to get started, the only difference is your proficiency.

At that time, he was facing military robots, not humans or animals. The anti-material rifle he used most easily was the M82A1 sniper rifle.

Anti-material sniper rifles are specially developed to destroy military equipment and supplies. The destructive effect is higher than that of ordinary sniper rifles. The bullets used are similar in appearance to those of ordinary sniper rifles, but the caliber is much larger. Most of them are special bullets, such as armor-piercing bullets, bursting bullets, etc.

bullets, long-range sniper bullets, etc.

This kind of gun is so powerful that once it hits a human body, it can even cause limb separation.

Unless Jing Baiye is provoked, he will usually leave the opponent's corpse intact when he kills someone. Now his sniper target is no longer a fleshless robot, but a living person, and he has begun to use an ordinary sniper rifle.

He and Midorikawa Shinichi came to the basement one after another. Under the guidance of the system map, he dug out a mk11-0 sniper rifle from a box piled in the corner.

The effective range of the mk11-0 sniper rifle is 1,000 meters, which is enough for this mission.

He took out the silencer and scope, and considering that the gun might not have been maintained for a long time, he took the lubricant from the shelf next to it.

"This gun can also be equipped with an aiming device." Midorikawa Xin reminded from the side.

"not needed for now."

If he was going to perform the mission at night, he would have to consider installing a KAC007 Knight sighting device equipped with this gun to make the white light sight have night vision capabilities. However, he was not going to use this function in the afternoon and did not need to install it on it.

Too many non-essentials.

Jing Baiye found the gun case, disassembled the gun and put it in one by one, planning to take it with him for maintenance.

Midorikawa Shin stood in front of the shelf nearby and took out a target scope from one of the shelves.

"What are you doing with this?" Jing Baiye asked curiously.

"I have been to the Asakusa Blue Sky Tower Hotel. It is not easy to successfully snipe the target on the Suzuki Tower from there. I can be your observer." Midorikawa Shin replied.

Jing Baiye recalled the distance he just saw on the map: "No need to trouble you, just wait for me in the parking lot below. The distance is not far."

In his first life, his teacher taught him sniping and the use of various firearms and weapons. He also served as his observer for a time, and they completed many missions together...with one exception.

During that mission, his teacher was blown to pieces by a military robot's micro-missile. Jing Baiye didn't even find his remains, and only received the last words he left after he missed the target.

- These guys are still evolving...it's a good thing you didn't come over.

The observer is sometimes more important than the sniper. They are the sniper's most trusted partner. Only when the two of them work together can they form a terrifying combat effectiveness that makes the enemy fearful.

It's not that Jing Baiye looks down on Midorikawa Xin's ability. His current sniper distance is farther than Calvados and Cohen who already have code names... But if he wants to be his observer, or let him assist the sniper, he still

A little worse.

He can accurately hit the enemy's left eye at a distance of 1,200 yards, and his suitable partner should also be able to do this.

This chapter has been completed!
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