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Chapter 15 Back to Before Liberation One Night

The sunshine in September is still fierce, and it has not tempered at all because autumn is about to enter. People are coming and going in Fuzhou University Town, and countless students from all over the country are rushing to this place. The traffic is busy, and it is a lively and prosperous scene.

A taxi stopped, and a boy of about seventeen or eighteen years old got out of the car. He was wearing a white sports T-shirt on his upper body, a pair of washed and slightly white jeans on his lower body, and his slightly long broken hair stretched across his forehead.

Completely covered, his skin is slightly dark and he looks very healthy. However, upon closer inspection, he is a handsome young man with delicate features. Occasionally, he opens his mouth to reveal a pair of white teeth, which makes him look extremely sunny.

The young man got out of the car, plugged in two MP3 headphones, pulled out a cross-body shoulder bag from the car, took out money from his pocket and paid the fare, then turned and walked towards the university town.

Wang Zhengfei looked at the familiar roads and the same congested situation as when he first arrived last year, and suddenly felt a little familiar. In this place, more than 200,000 teachers and students lived, and they even concentrated on going through the admission procedures in a few days.

It's impossible to squeeze in, especially when new students are enrolling. You don't have to come by yourself, and your family mobilizes to come here with all their bags. Thinking about last year, I was about the same, and my parents also had to come with them. Fortunately, Wang Zhengfei managed to convince me.

I was discouraged. It wasn’t that like many people, I felt it was embarrassing for my classmates to see their parents. I just felt that I was already a grown-up man. It wasn’t the first time I went to college. My parents still came with me. That didn’t make me look good.

So useless.

However, only two months have passed, but for Wang Zhengfei, it feels longer than several years in his previous life. The main reason is that too many things have happened in these two months. First of all, he is financially better off, and the magazine

The fee for the agency's reprint of "Myth" has been credited to Wang Zhengfei's account, and he is preparing to start serializing "Myth" in the latest issue of the magazine. The crew's money for filming has also been credited to Wang Zhengfei's account. The crew is happy with this

It was surprisingly smooth. Generally speaking, actors' remuneration and other matters would take a while. I don't know if it was out of consideration for Wang Zhengfei, but anyway, the money was given to Wang Zhengfei very quickly.

Wang Zhengfei suddenly felt that he had been liberated from his tight life, and he turned around and started singing. However, his thoughts did not last long before he was defeated by reality, because Renren, which he founded to imitate Facebook in his previous life, had begun to expand rapidly.


Not long after Xu Jiahao agreed to Wang Zhengfei, he found several like-minded classmates and seniors who had good skills and could not find part-time jobs for a while. They followed Wang Zhengfei's remote control instructions from far away in Hengdian and began to build Renren.com.

As for the skeleton, fortunately Renren's technology is not too complicated. Five students from the computer science department have come up with a fairly complete and mature Renren in just one month.

It first became popular in F University. Although it was during the holidays, there were still many students staying in school for various reasons. Renren quickly entered the field of vision of these students, and Xu Jiahao typed it under the guidance of Wang Zhengfei.

Under the banner of independent creation by f college students, it quickly gained support from f college students. Students who originally planned to just support their classmates soon became fascinated by Renren. On Renren, you can contact you and your friends around you and get to know them.

the latest news; share photos, music and movies with friends; find old classmates, make new friends, etc. The Renren Forum is a real-name communication community for registered users of Renren. After logging in to the forum, you can communicate with classmates and old friends.

Friends discuss new and interesting content on campus, relationships, entertainment, digital, learning, games, sports, etc.

Through Renren, a social networking site, the distance between classmates was instantly shortened. The social scope spread many times at once, and I quickly gained the recognition of students.

Of course, what students hate most is real-name registration. For Chinese people, the Internet is still a relatively new thing, but the disadvantages of the Internet have been spread for a long time. Everyone on the Internet is used to hiding their identity.

Hiding behind the computer and communicating with people from a distance, if it is a real-name system, many things may not be able to be done so easily.

However, although some people resisted the real-name system, students eventually accepted this mandatory real-name system and gradually got used to it. Because everyone has a real-name system, you don't have to worry about anyone pretending to be someone and approaching you here.

, it is clear to everyone.

Xu Jiahao and others have never been able to understand why Wang Zhengfei insists on the real-name system. This was considered at the time to be against the spirit of freedom and anonymity on the Internet. When everyone is practicing anonymity, suddenly implementing this real-name system does not mean going against the trend.

Are you going to go online? Who would be willing to come? Who is willing to publish their information on the Internet? What if you meet a bad person?

But Wang Zhengfei is unusually persistent. This is the foundation of Renren. Wang Zhengfei thinks it is normal for some people to resist the real-name system. After all, it is everyone's instinct to protect themselves, and in the unknown environment of the Internet, who knows what will happen with you?

Is the person chatting in front of the computer a cat or a dog?

But it would be completely different if everyone had their real names. It would be like you could know everyone's situation and you wouldn't have to worry about whether the other person was a bad person, just like in reality most people would not remain anonymous.

When everyone uses real names, those who resist will naturally let down their guard and join.

Moreover, the essence of Renren is to move offline communication between people online, and the basis for maintaining this kind of communication lies in the real-name system. Only by implementing the real-name system can we ensure that this kind of communication is not much different from offline communication.


Since it was a student of our school who started his own business and did a good job, it quickly attracted the attention of F University senior management. In order to support students, the school senior management gave the green light.

With the popularity of Renren in F University, the original scale can no longer meet the current situation. As more and more people join Renren, the expansion of servers, the purchase of domain names and URLs, and Xu Jiahao, etc.

The payment of wages and bonuses to five technical staff is a waste of money.

And with the popularity and popularity of Renren in University of F, other college students in the same university town also asked Renren to open in their schools and include their schools in the Renren network.

Wang Zhengfei has officially approved it. This is what is called spending money like water. The 140,000 yuan that Wang Zhengfei was originally proud of was quickly spent. Except for the money for tuition fees, he only had more than 2,000 yuan left.

Dear brothers who watch piracy, I heard that the Ministry of Culture is tightening the investigation now, so you should come back. It doesn’t cost much to subscribe. It’s really cool!

Let’s set the goal a little higher today. Can you please work harder and collect more than 500?

This chapter has been completed!
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