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Chapter 150 Be sure to take down Facebook!

"Style, what is my style?" Wang Zhengfei asked curiously, what style did he want to summarize.

"It's the style of taking one step and counting it as n steps!" Xu Jiahao said with a smile. "It's not your style to take one step and counting it as n steps. It's normal to take one step and count it as n steps. It's like the Wai Wai you asked us to develop half a year ago.

Everyone thinks you are crazy and want to commit suicide, but if anyone could have known about Wai Wai's current achievements, it must be you!"

This is not the first time that Xu Jiahao has learned about Wang Zhengfei's powerful ability that is almost prophetic, and he is filled with emotion!

"It's not that serious, don't call me like a monster!" Wang Zhengfei said with a little shame. If he didn't have the advantage and vision of rebirth, how could he have such exaggerated foresight.

But Zhang Shan and Zheng Jizhu next to him looked like they were monsters from the beginning, which made Wang Zhengfei feel very depressed. It seems that people should not be too popular, and should keep a low profile!

"No matter what, I will help you manage the company for a while. Then I will help you find a qualified manager. Then we can both relax. I don't have to do things I don't want to do, and you don't have to do anything I don't want to do."

You don’t have to worry about something going wrong with me, a monk who has become a monk on the way!" Xu Jiahao said with a smile.

"Well, by the way, I have an acquisition plan recently, but I'm currently filming, so it may not be convenient and I don't have much time. You can lead the team to complete it then!" Wang Zhengfei said.

"You want me to lead the team personally?" Xu Jiahao said a little surprised. Although he was not attached to the position of president at all, he was still the real president of Ruifeng Technology after all. What project made Wang Zhengfei want to take charge of it personally?

Such importance was placed on him. Thinking of this, Xu Jiahao couldn't help but sit up straight.

"Yes, if you personally take the initiative, you can increase the weight and express our sincerity, and the possibility of success will be much higher!" Wang Zhengfei said, Xu Jiahao is not good at negotiation, but his identity is the same.

A golden signboard is enough to increase sincerity infinitely.

"What kind of project is it?" Xu Jiahao said.

"It's a social networking site called Facebook!" Wang Zhengfei said lightly the name of a social networking site giant that everyone knew about in his previous life.

"facebook?" Xu Jiahao frowned a little, but still couldn't remember what was so special about this social networking site that it actually attracted Wang Zhengfei's attention. This was not easy.

But since it is a social networking site, it is a competitor. Although they cannot meet each other for the time being, since Wang Zhengfei values ​​​​this Facebook so much, then this Facebook must have great potential, and it is inevitable that the two parties will meet by then.

, thinking of this, Wang Zhengfei felt an instinctive hostility.

"Well, if you translate it into Chinese, it's Facebook!" Wang Zhengfei said lightly, "It was launched on February 4, 2004. The founder of Facebook is Mark Zuckerberg, who is a student at Harvard University.

Within the next two months, registration expanded to other universities in the Boston area, including Boston College, Boston University, MIT, Turford University, and a large number of Ivy League schools such as the University of Rochester, Stanford, New York University, and Northwestern University!


Wang Zhengfei casually read out some information about Facebook. He had done a lot of work before. You must know that his understanding of Facebook in his previous life was only general. In other words, he only knew that the approximate registration time of Facebook was 2004. What are the specifics?

Time, and the specific development trajectory are all just a glance, and I don’t know it at all. In fact, no one is bothered enough to remember such boring things, but the power of Facebook

, he still has a deep understanding of it, so he specially asked people to keep an eye on Facebook, so that he can be familiar with the development of Facebook.

Xu Jiahao suddenly felt a sense of familiarity in the part of the information that Wang Zhengfei read out. Yes, a sense of familiarity. If you think about it carefully, isn't it familiar? This development trajectory is the same as when Renren started a year ago.

Isn’t the situation during development almost exactly the same?

Yes, it's almost exactly the same. It's almost a ninety-degree climbing curve. It's surprisingly similar to Renren, so it feels familiar.

Xu Jiahao was also defeated by Wang Zhengfei's leaping thinking. When he just thought about Hong Kong and Taiwan, Wang Zhengfei's leaping thinking had already thought of a global strategy.

If Xu Jiahao guessed correctly, Wang Zhengfei must have global ambitions and is definitely not just satisfied with occupying the market in Greater China. Since his eyes are global, it is completely understandable to pay attention to some opponents in advance.

Although they can't meet each other yet, as the two sides expand, they will eventually meet. This is something Xu Jiahao firmly believes in Wang Zhengfei's vision.

Wang Zhengfei smiled and said: "You must have discovered that this kind of development curve is what Renren imagined. It will be a formidable opponent when it grows up. Our long-term plan for the future is global, but we are temporarily stuck in strength.

For this reason, we can only limit our sights to the Greater China region. When we go out of Asia, Facebook will inevitably grow into a formidable opponent. We must guard against this day now!"

Xu Jiahao once again expressed his immense admiration for Wang Zhengfei's powerful ability to take one step and think n steps. He originally thought that he could keep up with Wang Zhengfei's thinking speed, but he only thought about Greater China, while Wang Zhengfei had already thought about the whole world, and began to think about it.

Kill any possible opponents.

"Their development speed will definitely not be inferior to ours, oh, no, it will even be faster than ours. After all, they are a company in the United States. Compared with domestic companies, the information highway companies in the United States are more complete and extend in all directions.

, I don’t know how much improvement needs to be done. Although our Internet users are more than their population, but taking into account the quality gap, our background is still much worse than theirs, and they are white.

Compared with us, they are more acceptable in white areas. Even in non-white areas, due to the strength of the United States in recent years, they can be easily accepted. These are their advantages, and our weaknesses are fortunately

What's more, we were established one year earlier than them, and there are too many things that can be decided in this year!" Wang Zhengfei sighed and said, too many things have indeed happened this year, and many things have happened to Wang Zhengfei.

Too many to count.

Xu Jiahao also nodded. In one year, although he could not experience as much as Wang Zhengfei, among ordinary people, it can definitely be said that he has experienced a lot. From a poor student to a company president worth tens of millions, there is no doubt that there is a lot between him and Wang Zhengfei.

It feels like a dream.

"If nothing else, after more than a year of development, we have more money than them. This is our biggest advantage!" Wang Zhengfei said with a grin. Although it sounds a bit unpleasant to say this, it is the fact. Now Renren.com compares

There is only one biggest advantage of Facebook, and that is a lot of money. At least compared to Facebook, which has not even received venture capital, it is infinitely rich.

"So even if we spend money, we have to take down Facebook!" Wang Zhengfei said with a stern look on his face, "Although we are a year ahead of the other party, due to the fact that domestic and Asian network construction is compared with Europe and the United States,

We are lagging behind, so we don’t have much advantage in terms of market share!”

"I don't want to encounter a tiger at our doorstep when we go out to Asia. How to kill the tiger will be a headache. We may even be injured by the tiger or even be bitten to death by the tiger.

It's possible!" Wang Zhengfei did not hesitate to portray Facebook's power. He was unable to lead the team in this acquisition, so Xu Jiahao had to have a completely new concept of the threat from Facebook.

"Is it necessary to be so nervous?" Xu Jiahao asked. Although he instinctively felt wary of this competitor, he still felt that the distance between the two sides was too far. Even if they were to collide, it would be several years later. He started planning now.

Isn’t it a bit unfounded to worry about dealing with it?

"Of course, if we don't pay attention this time, we may regret it for the rest of our lives!" Wang Zhengfei said with certainty.

"Okay, I understand. I will definitely be 100% energetic when the time comes and I will definitely take it down!" Xu Jiahao said. Since Wang Zhengfei said so, he naturally did not dare to neglect it.

"Thank you for your hard work, you have been busy for the company all this time!" Wang Zhengfei said with a smile.

"It's nothing!" Xu Jiahao said. Although he was busy, his net worth has also increased to tens of millions. It should be regarded as mutual gain.

"Forget it, let's not talk about it. We are just having a party today, and we are making it so serious!" Wang Zhengfei said a little apologetically. He forgot about it and talked a little more.

"What does it matter? The second brother and I have heard a lot of your company's secrets because of this!" Zhang Shan said with a smile. Wang Zhengfei and Xu Jiahao did not shy away from talking about such company's confidential decisions in front of them, that is

Trusting them made me feel even more grateful.

"Come, let's drink to tomorrow!"


(To be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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