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Chapter 247 Turned out to be Boss Ruifeng?

"If that's the case, I'm afraid I will support you!" Gao Yan said with a smile. "But if you don't talk to Technicolor now, do you want to hand over the post-production of "Qin Shi Mingyue" to this Blue Sky Studio!


"No!" Wang Zhengfei shook his head and said with a smile, "The current Blue Sky Studio really doesn't have that kind of capital. Although I don't know much about it now, I also know that it should be a group formed by a few young people because of their hobbies.

Studio, even if such a studio has the technology, its scale is too small after all, so it may be difficult to complete the post-production of "Qin Shi Mingyue"!"

Speaking of this, Wang Zhengfei couldn't help but think of two years ago, when he started his business, there were only a few people. No one expected that it would become such a big company two years later. Perhaps only Wang Zhengfei was the one at that time.

He vaguely thought about it, but he definitely didn't expect it to be so fast. When he thought about it at the time, he never thought that he could reach the scale of an Internet giant so quickly. Although his background is still a bit poor, his influence is

Absolutely no difference.

"Haha, young man, you don't seem to be very old, right?" Gao Yan laughed and said.

Gao Yan couldn't help laughing when he saw Wang Zhengfei's aged look. In terms of age, Wang Zhengfei was younger than them all, only twenty years old.

"Haha, it depends on your mentality, not your age!" Wang Zhengfei also laughed. If you look at age alone, of course he is the youngest. He is only twenty years old and has just started the good years of his life. But if you look at his heart

In terms of age, Wang Zhengfei should be considered a Ben San person, and he is definitely not too young.

It's just that after his rebirth, he often behaves very young because of the people around him. In fact, even if you count his inner age, he is not too old. He usually doesn't show it and is only thinking about some problems.

Only then will the accumulation of age become apparent.

"The mentality, yes!" Gao Yan thought for a long time and could only use this reason to explain Wang Zhengfei's problem. In his opinion, Wang Zhengfei was only ten years old at the time, but the things he did seemed to be worse than

He is also experienced. This is a problem that he has never figured out. Logically speaking, Wang Zhengfei should not have experienced any big changes in his family before. How could he be so precocious?

It's not that Gao Yan looks down on Wang Zhengfei. They say that it's not easy for children from rich families to grow up. In fact, this is not the case. They have experienced far more things than ordinary people. Many ordinary people may still be scolded by teachers just to go to school.

When they are distressed, they have begun to come into contact with some people in society, all kinds of people, but they recognize it earlier than they do. Many rich second generations and powerful second generations often behave indifferently and arrogantly, seemingly without any thought.

This is not the case for grown-up children. In fact, it is because they have seen through this cruel and ruthless society and do not retain any illusions about this society like ordinary people. They know how to make full use of the resources at hand.

How could Wang Zhengfei's ideas be so mature? Later, Gao Yan had no choice but to explain it by saying that some people are born to be precocious. Apart from this statement, he couldn't find any explanation.

"Then this should be done by Technicolor Company?" Gao Yan asked. He would never interfere with Wang Zhengfei's head on these professional issues. He and Wang Zhengfei had a very pleasant cooperation, and he didn't want to ruin their relationship.

Furthermore, he also believes in Wang Zhengfei's ability and can definitely do very well.

"Well, most of it is still left to Technicolor Company, but some can be handed over to people from Blue Sky Studio!" Wang Zhengfei said, "Although their technology is good, they still lack experience in this area, especially "

"Qin Shi Mingyue" is such a large-scale investment. I believe you should know the scenes in it after reading the novel. It is not that easy to do, so let them accumulate experience first!"

"And the most important thing is that they have too few people. Although it is called a studio, it has just been established after all and there are few people. And our "Qin Shi Mingyue" is required to be released during the Spring Festival, so we can't wait.

If we let them do it, it will definitely be too late!" Although Wang Zhengfei is planning to buy Blue Sky Studio and also wants to recruit some work for Blue Sky Studio. After all, he is one of his own people. He has to take care of nature and his own people, but he

If you are still rational and have not lost your reason, you will naturally know which things must be done first, which things can be slowed down, and the priorities of things still need to be discussed.

"Yes!" Gao Yan actually doesn't mind leaving it to the people from Blue Sky Studio. After all, Wang Zhengfei said that the technology is fine, so naturally there won't be any problems. If Wang Zhengfei said that he would leave it to the people from Blue Sky Studio,

, although it feels a bit like seeking power for personal gain, he will not object because he knows that Wang Zhengfei's requirements are actually the most stringent, even stricter than his own. If the people at Blue Sky Studio can't do it, he won't do it casually.

What was promised for them was proved to be the case.

"But after I acquire Blue Sky Studio, I will naturally expand it to the scale and level of a first-class studio. At that time, I can hand over "Qin Shi Mingyue - Part 2" to them. Anyway, if the second part is to be released,

, there are still seven or eight months left, which is more than enough time." Wang Zhengfei also said without hesitation, that is what the saying goes, don't avoid relatives for internal promotion, anyway, the technology of Blue Sky Studio is not bad, and the price is definitely the best.

The cheapest, so why choose someone else when there are such good choices here.

This is a win-win choice for both parties. For Star Entertainment, it can achieve the same or even better results with less money. Why not do it? For Blue Sky Studio, although it is less

I made a lot of money, but after all, it was my first big business, and it was not without profit. I also honed my skills. It can be said that everyone is happy.

"Well, yes!" Gao Yan realized the benefits after thinking about it. Anyway, Wang Zhengfei is still a shareholder of Xingchen Entertainment and the chief artist of Xingchen Entertainment. Who else can he help if he doesn't help him?

"Well, then I won't get involved in this matter, it's all up to you!" Gao Yan said reassuringly.


————————————————————The gorgeous dividing line makes a gorgeous appearance——————————————————

————————Just as Wang Zhengfei expected, although there are many people in this Blue Sky Studio, they actually still follow Yang Guang’s lead. As long as Yang Guang is dealt with, this studio will

Most of it fell into Wang Zhengfei's hands.

The next day, Wang Zhengfei received a message from Blue Sky Studio, saying that it was basically done and the contract could be signed. The conditions were as Wang Zhengfei said last time, but there was also a special requirement, that is, no one of them could be fired.

One person, of course, if it is due to technological regression or other objective factors, it is still possible.

Yang Guang did this because he didn't want to think that once the studio was sold, everyone in the studio would be fired and replaced by Wang Zhengfei's confidants.

Of course, Wang Zhengfei had no objection to this agreement. Originally, he just wanted this studio. He had never thought about replacing people. Why would he change people? He just wanted these talents. If all these talents were

It was replaced, so what did he buy back with 10 million? How many computers? A working space? Is it a loss?

After getting the confirmed news, Wang Zhengfei went to Blue Sky Studio with the contract he had drawn up overnight and prepared to sign the contract. Although the signing was the same anywhere, he thought for a long time and decided to go to Blue Sky Studio to sign the contract and take a look.

I am about to buy the working environment of Blue Sky Studio, and I have further plans in mind. Secondly, I want to see these people who are about to become my employees. What if I, the boss, don’t show up, even though they are only

It's okay to work hard, but if the boss is too far away, it's easy to get resented.

When Wang Zhengfei rushed to the office space of Blue Sky Studio that Yang Guang mentioned, he found that Yang Guang had brought all the members of Blue Sky Studio downstairs to greet him.

Although Blue Sky Studio has the name of a studio, there are actually not many people there. There are only six or seven people in total. In addition to Yang Guang and Fang Yuner, who Wang Zhengfei already knows, there are four people, three men and one man.

Female, no different from ordinary computer workers. They don’t take good care of their own image, but it looks okay. Wang Zhengfei thought, maybe she took care of it specially to welcome herself. On weekdays, it may not be the same.

It doesn't matter what it looks like, as long as they can produce good works anyway. As for their personal image, they don't care anymore. Why does Wang Zhengfei care about this? They can ignore it completely.

Besides, don’t Wang Zhengfei still have a few unkempt technicians in Ruifeng Company? Once he gets busy, it’s common to work overtime day and night, so he doesn’t have time to take care of his image.

The office space of Blue Sky Studio is in an old office building in the suburbs of Yanjing. It has only a few floors and is located in a remote location. The infrastructure is not good either.

But this is not a problem. From Wang Zhengfei's point of view, as long as they sign the contract, they are his own people. Naturally, they cannot be treated badly. Ruifeng Technology also has a branch in Yanjing. It is completely reasonable to free up one floor for them as an office building.

No problem.

It can be seen that there are a group of young people working in the office. Although Yang Guang is the leader, there is no special manager's office. It looks like a small company that has just started a business.

Except for Yang Guang, everyone else consciously waited outside. Perhaps because of what Yang Guang had explained, these people had a touch of excitement on their faces. After all, as long as they signed the contract, they would be able to get rid of this extremely difficult environment.

The bad part is that after they have invested funds, they will no longer be just a group of hobbyists. Although they have become part-time workers, they will earn more as part-time workers than they can as bosses. They are definitely making money.

After they were transferred to the regular army, they could go back and explain to their parents.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Wang, the environment here is simple and makes you laugh!" Yang Guang said a little embarrassed.

"How could it be? When I first started my business, the environment was not much better than this one!" Wang Zhengfei said with a smile. Naturally, he would not dislike the environment here. Although Xu Jiahao was managing a large part of the company at that time, he

It's not like I don't care about anything.

"Entrepreneurship?" Yang Guang didn't understand what Wang Zhengfei meant by entrepreneurship.

"I'm sorry, I think I haven't told you yet. In fact, in addition to being an artist, I am also the boss of an Internet company!" Wang Zhengfei said without intending to hide it anymore. This kind of information is used to hide it from outsiders, but it is not

Used to hide things from one's own people.

"Internet company!" Yang Guang said in disbelief. He didn't expect that Wang Zhengfei was actually the boss of an Internet company. This was simply unbelievable.

"Yes, Ruifeng Company, which is still quite famous now, was founded by me two years ago!" Wang Zhengfei said with a smile.

What does it mean to be somewhat famous? How can it be that it is somewhat famous? It is simply too famous. Refine Technology is definitely a legend among legends in their online world. Almost no one in this field does not know Refine Technology, especially Refine Technology.

The deeds of fighting Painxun alone are remembered by countless people, and Yang Guang is one of them. Before, he only had a slight understanding of Wang Zhengfei's identity as an artist, but he couldn't be more familiar with the miracle of Ruifeng Technology.

"I didn't expect that you would be the boss behind Ruifeng Technology. No wonder the boss behind Ruifeng Technology has never appeared!" Yang Guang said, thinking back on it, everything can't be explained. For example, why is the boss of Ruifeng Technology

There is a reasonable explanation for why Wang Zhengfei can spend huge sums of money to support their development despite not showing up all year round.

In this case, he would feel more at ease and completely confident. With Ruifeng Technology as the backing of the big tree in the sky, there is nothing to be afraid of!

"Yeah, it's not just you who didn't expect it, I think most people didn't expect it!" Wang Zhengfei laughed and said, there have been a lot of speculations about the boss of Ruifeng Technology.

"Yes!" Yang Guang said a little embarrassed.

"Can this contract be signed now?" Wang Zhengfei looked at Yang Guang and said. He revealed his second identity just to ease Yang Guang's heart and not to think that he was a rootless person.

"Yes, yes, of course!"

(To be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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