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Chapter 36 Recording

This chapter is thirty-six. Sorry, the number of chapters in the previous chapter was wrong. It has been corrected now!


After making the call, Wang Zhengfei suddenly felt dozens of murderous eyes staring at him.

Although Wang Zhengfei didn't know why, he still took it calmly. At this time, a young man holding flowers came over and said with respect: "Brother, I admire you, I admire you!"

"What do you admire?" Wang Zhengfei asked with some confusion.

"You were on the phone with Dan Fu from the Chinese Department just now, right?" the young man asked.

"Yeah, what's the problem!" Wang Zhengfei said.

"You don't know, Dan Fu is one of the four golden flowers of our Normal University, and I don't know how many people want to chase him!" the young man said with a yearning look on his face.

"Four golden flowers? What do you mean?"

"Each of the four grades of our normal university will select one person to form the four golden flowers. In other words, the four golden flowers are actually the top flowers of each grade. This Fu Dan was named the new class flower as soon as he entered the school.

One of the four golden flowers, those people!" The young man turned aside and said to a row of people waiting around him, "Those are all Dan Vo's suitors. You spoke to Dan Vo just now, and your tone sounded very familiar. They

How can I not be wary of you? Brother, I have been waiting for my girlfriend here not once or twice, but I have never seen Dan Vo treated like this. Although Dan Vo often smiles, he actually refuses.

People are thousands of miles away!"

"Have you?" Wang Zhengfei thought back to the process of getting to know Dan Vo. He didn't seem to realize that Dan Vo had such a side, and he seemed to be easy to get along with.

But he didn't know that it was because Wang Zhengfei helped her several times and didn't have other thoughts about her like others, and because Dan Fu had an inexplicable affection in his heart, that Dan Fu didn't behave like that towards him.


"Brother, I admire you, brother!" the young man said with admiration. He was able to take down the four golden flowers in their school so quickly, which is a sign of his skill.

Wang Zhengfei just smiled and did not explain.

Wang Zhengfei waited for about ten minutes before Dan Fu finished packing.

Dressed in casual attire, Dan Fu walked up to Wang Zhengfei with a smile on his face and said, "It's rare that you take the initiative to come to me, tell me, what's the matter?"

Wang Zhengfei looked around at the young people with angry eyes and said, "It's not very convenient to talk here. Let's find a place to talk!"

The two of them took a photo of a coffee shop near the school, and after entering the coffee shop, they discovered with some embarrassment that this was actually a couple's cafe, and all the seats were for couples. Usually, all the couples who come here to drink coffee at night are

It was a stall, so the two people who came together did not attract much attention.

After sitting down and ordering two cups of coffee, Wang Zhengfei handed the score of "My Deadly Girlfriend" to Dan Vo and said: "This is a new song I wrote called "My Deadly Girlfriend" and I want to find a recording studio.

Record it and upload it to my blog, but this is a duet song between men and women, and I don’t know any female singers. I think you sing very well, and the style of this song will be more suitable for you, so

I thought of you and I wonder if you are interested!"

"My Deadbeat Girlfriend" itself is a light and lively song, taking the route of the cutie pie. However, Danh Vo is still a bit immature both in appearance and voice, so this kind of song suits her best.

"Let me take a look first!" Dan Vo took the music score and started to read it. After a while, he started humming softly. Although it was still a little intermittent, it was all accurate. It can be seen that his musical skills are profound, much better than Wang Zhengfei's.

He spent a long time writing this simple musical notation and struggled with it for a long time.

Gradually, Dan Fu gradually smiled and said: "It's a very good song, such a cute style!"

"Do you like it? Can you help me with this?" Wang Zhengfei asked.

"No problem, I'm happy to join!" Dan Fu said with a smile. "When will the recording start?"

"Tomorrow, I'll pick you up tomorrow morning!" Wang Zhengfei said.

"Well, good!"

The next day, Wang Zhengfei went downstairs to Dan Vo's dormitory as scheduled. After waiting for a while, he still didn't see Dan Vo, so he had to call.

"Hello, who is it?" After a while, Dan Fu's confused voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Dandan, I'm Wang Zhengfei, why haven't you woke up yet?" Wang Zhengfei said depressedly.

"Ah, I forgot, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Dan Fu suddenly woke up.

Wang Zhengfei......

Half an hour later, a well-groomed Dan Fu appeared in front of Wang Zhengfei. His long black hair was tied behind his back and his hair was combed in a middle-parted bun. He looked a bit playful. He was wearing a snow-white dress and tied around his waist.

The golden wide-brimmed belt shows off the slender waist.

"Sorry, sorry!" Dan Fu kept saying.

"It's okay!" Wang Zhengfei shook his head and said with a smile. He didn't ask Dan Fu where he was from, but the accent sounded like he was from the north. He had the sweetness of a northern girl but was a little confused.

After taking a look at Dan Vo, I have to admit that there are indeed people with natural beauty in the world. Many of them wear makeup. They are beautiful only when seen from a distance. However, Dan Vo can be said to be beautiful even when seen up close, and his skin is so beautiful.

Snow, there is a saying that one white mask covers all ugliness. Besides, Danh Vo himself is extremely beautiful. Even in this state without makeup, he is still as charming as a guest. It is indeed not without reason that he was chosen as the four golden flowers of the academy.

"Let's go!" Seeing Wang Zhengfei looking at her like this, Dan Fu, who had been accustomed to other people's attention since childhood, felt a little flustered for the first time.


When the two arrived at the recording studio, the owner of the recording studio had been waiting for him for a long time. There was also a band who had just recorded the accompaniment music and came out of the recording studio. The members of the band were all young people in their twenties.

"You guys try it out first and see if there are any problems. Which of these two songs do you want to record first?" the boss asked.

Although this is a recording studio, it is naturally not as good as a recording studio of a professional record company that can allow singers to record for a day. This kind of amateur recording studio charges by the hour, usually one hour, but like Wang Zhengfei's own

Song, the time will be relaxed appropriately.

"Let's record "My Deadbeat Girlfriend" first!" Wang Zhengfei said. After all, this is a song he and Dan Vo sang together. He couldn't sing "Original Egg" first and then ask Dan Vo to wait nearby. This was not enough.


Wang Zhengfei was already familiar with the music score, and Dan Fu was also very familiar with it, so he agreed without much thought. Besides, the first recording was just a trial recording.

Put on your headphones and let the rhythmic prelude break into your ears.

Dan Fu opened his mouth slightly and pouted: "Husband...husband...husband...husband...husband!"


This chapter has been completed!
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