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Chapter 38 On the right track

Time passes day by day, and a month flies by. Time enters the beginning of October, and the rapid expansion of Renren becomes more and more intense in this month. At the end of September, the number of registered users of Renren exceeds 100,000, and the number of people online at the same time

It has also exceeded 10,000 people. In early October, the number of people on Renren has increased to 140,000. In one fell swoop, the number of universities in the university town has been included under its banner. Owning Renren is already the most in-depth thing in the university town.

It is no less popular among students than QQ. According to statistics, among registered users of Renren, the average time spent logging in to Renren has reached half of that of QQ, which is really a terrifying number.

Renren is expanding rapidly. Apart from Wang Zhengfei and a few others who are extremely happy, the happiest person is the boss of the magazine that Wang Zhengfei belongs to. They advertised on Renren. The faster Renren develops, the more their magazines will grow.

The advertising effect will be better. Facts have proved that his seemingly far-fetched advertising has fully paid for itself. The sales volume of this month's magazine has increased by 40% on the original basis. It can be said that everyone is happy. Now

The one-month advertising contract has expired, and the editor-in-chief has made up his mind to increase advertising investment. At first, 50,000 yuan allowed Renren to place banner ads in the most obvious places, but now, it is estimated that they can only be placed in ordinary locations.

It’s time to advertise. With the rapid expansion of Renren, many companies have come to ask for advertising.

From the beginning, I had a headache about advertising and couldn't get ads. After a month, several companies came to ask for advertising. The change was so fast that Xu Jiahao and others were caught off guard.

Compared with a month ago, Renren didn't even have the option to choose advertisements at that time, but now Renren can choose advertisements calmly.

However, Wang Zhengfei has already warned not to put in all advertisements, otherwise it will ruin the image of the entire Renren.com, and the number should not be too many. Users may not feel anything if they occasionally have a few advertisements, but once the number is too large

Too much will only make users feel annoying, and it is very annoying.

Another gain is that the membership system launched by Renren has been fully recognized. Originally, many users were quite dissatisfied with Renren’s practice of dividing users into three, six or nine levels. Why should others enjoy it more than themselves?

There are many services.

But in the end, they accepted the fact. After all, people paid money, and it seemed to be a natural thing to enjoy more services. In addition, it was later discovered that after the system, the services they can now enjoy have not been affected by this. In the end, among them

Some have also joined the membership program.

Most users quickly accepted Renren’s membership system. After all, it is not mandatory to join, and it only costs ten yuan a month. Ten yuan is really not a lot of money for today’s college students.

You can save money by skipping a meal.

After planning, you can enjoy the newly launched gift system. Various small virtual gifts with exquisite designs and extremely dazzling looks were immediately sought after by students as soon as they were launched.

College students are always the most fashionable and novelty group. Now that they can have such cool virtual items, how can they not like it?

Moreover, these gifts can be given to friends during the holidays, which are inexpensive and save money.

Of course, these gifts also need to be bought with money, not included in the ten yuan membership fee, but they are not expensive and are definitely within the affordability of college students.

This is Wang Zhengfei’s plan. Anyway, he doesn’t force others to buy them. But after you activate your membership, don’t you want to buy some virtual gifts? Otherwise, why would you? When others give you beautiful gifts, you can’t either

Just accept it in peace, you still have to pay attention to courtesy!

Wang Zhengfei wants to use this link-by-link method to drive consumption among college students!

The effect is quite obvious. Although it is only the first month of launching the gift system, the virtual gifts are not too expensive. Usually a small gift is only 5 cents and 10 cents. However, Wang Zhengfei still earns more than 100 yuan a month by selling endless small gifts.

One hundred thousand, but with this money, he invested it in the expansion and development of Renren before he could hold it back. He was still a pauper.

Now that Renren's development is on the right track, the next step is to expand Renren's sphere of influence from university towns to universities in the city, and even universities in the province, and then use this as a starting point to radiate across the country.

Of course, when seizing universities across the province, market seizing operations in several first-tier cities, such as Yanjing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Tianjin, etc. must also be launched at the same time. Seize these before anyone has noticed and entered.


As we all know, the popular trends in these big cities have always been the vane of popular culture in cities across the country. As long as we gain a firm foothold in these cities, it is only a matter of time before we capture the national market.

Of course, all this is still planned on paper because there is no money.

After each round of rapid expansion, Wang Zhengfei will face the problem of lack of money. Unlike the past where tens of thousands of dollars could solve an urgent need, this time if he wants to seize the province and some first-tier municipalities across the country, he will even seize the national market.

, the huge funding gap was enough for Wang Zhengfei to pull his hair out.

The simplest way is to wait for venture capital to find you. According to the speed of Renren's development, it is only a matter of time before venture capital finds you. They are not blind. On the contrary, their sense of smell is extremely sharp and they cannot be interested in such a big piece of cake.


To be honest, Wang Zhengfei is not willing to give up part of the company's equity to those venture funds. Although there are half pros and cons to doing so, no one can tell whether it is good or bad.

However, Wang Zhengfei can't take care of it for the time being. Another matter is imminent, that is, the filming of "Emperor of the Han Dynasty 2" that he participated in was finally finished. The crew has sent a notice asking him to attend the final press conference. After all, he also

It's quite an important supporting role.

Wang Zhengfei couldn't refuse. First of all, the crew had always taken good care of him, so he was embarrassed not to go, and it was also the National Day holiday, so he had no reason not to go.

So after thinking about it, Wang Zhengfei bought a ticket to Shanghai and then transferred to Hengdian.

About to go to Hengdian for the second time, Wang Zhengfei is still a little excited. This is where his career started.

But I never thought that by taking this step, I would embark on another path!

End of Volume 2


Some people say that the book group for this book is difficult to find. Let me tell you more. The qq group is: 96491353

I saw that the collection number had just exceeded 3,000, and I was confused! My application for Sanjiang failed for the second time, and I was already prepared not to go to Sanjiang. I was worried that the collection of this book could exceed 10,000, so please work harder.

I will make a recommendation tomorrow, awesome!

There will be a third update at 10 o'clock, please pay attention!


This chapter has been completed!
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