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Chapter 234 The Silver Charm from the Alien Domain

"Well, yes, the real name of the little silver fox you mentioned is actually Silver Charm. They live in a distant space. There are millions of planets there. The technology there is very advanced and it is at least hundreds of millions ahead of the earth's civilization.

Years ago, wherever intelligent creatures possess space jumping technology, of course, there are also humans. However, the number of humans is very rare, and most of the intelligent creatures are strange and unheard of..."

"Alien life..." Zhang Yang was stunned for a moment, and then said with a fascinated look on his face: "How far is it from here?"

"How far...it's not very far. From where to get here, if you take the most advanced star warship, you have to walk at least 20 million light-years..." the young monk said with a smile.

"Twenty million light-years away..."

Zhang Yang opened his eyes wide and looked in disbelief. This was almost an insurmountable distance. Zhang Yang intuitively speculated that no star warship could sail a distance of 20 million light years.

Light year is a unit of length, which refers to the distance that light travels in a vacuum. It is calculated from time and speed. The time that light travels for one year is called "one light year". It is about 946 billion kilometers.

One light year is 946 billion kilometers. A distance of 20 million light years is unimaginable. Zhang Yang believes that no matter how advanced technology is, it will be impossible to travel 20 million light years.

Star battleship... The galaxy we live in, the Milky Way, has a diameter of about 100,000 light-years.

Assuming that there is a spaceship traveling at nearly the speed of light from one end of the Milky Way to the other, it will take more than a hundred thousand years. But this is only for an observer who is stationary (relative to the Milky Way). The actual journey felt by the people on the ship is

Only a few minutes. This is due to the time dilation phenomenon of moving clocks in special relativity.

From these data, we can see how far away twenty million light years is. Moreover, even in science fiction movies, no battleship can reach the speed of light... Suddenly, Zhang Yang's heart skipped a beat, and he thought of Silver Phantom.

, at this time, Zhang Yang has accepted the name "Yin Mei". Obviously, this name sounds much better than Silver Fox.

Silver Charm has appeared on the earth, which means that the spaceship of the Tata Empire mentioned by the young monk has arrived on the earth.

If Zhang Yang's guess is correct, people from the Tata Empire should have set foot on the earth as early as 65 million years ago. At that time, there were no humans on the earth, only dinosaurs... How did they come to the earth?


Why did you leave again?

Why did Yin Mei stay?

In an instant, countless questions popped up in Zhang Yang's head.

"Idiot, didn't I say it at the beginning! They have mastered the space jumping technology. In fact, as long as they find the jumping point of the space window from where they came to the earth, it will take a few minutes at most..." The young monk saw

Zhang Yang frowned and thought, as if he knew what Zhang Yang was thinking, and couldn't help but curse.

"How many minutes?" Zhang Yang looked at the little monk with wide eyes.

"Well, actually, there are countless huge galaxies in the universe outside the Milky Way, and there are countless space channels similar to black holes between galaxies. As long as you find these space windows and use space jumping technology, you can reach you instantly.

The place you want to reach, in fact, in the Milky Way, there are countless such passages, but no one knows where these passages exist, and no one knows where those passages lead to. However, there are already them on the earth.

A discovered space passage... There are many kinds of space passages. Some become space windows, some are called space gaps, and some are called time tunnels. However, no matter what they are called, they have one common characteristic, that is

, can lead to another universe..."

"That means...that means...that there are really aliens?" Zhang Yang stammered and looked at the little monk with a look of contempt on his face.

"What do you think?" the young monk said contemptuously: "Don't you think that human beings are the masters of the universe like other human beings?"


"Think about it, in this vast universe, there are trillions of planets of all kinds, and this is only a small part of what we have discovered. There are still many that we have not discovered. Although the environment for producing life is not easy,

, However, with such a large base, it is very easy to find a life galaxy like the second solar system. Even if the possible surname is one in a billion, a huge amount of data can be found!"

"Then...did humans exist on the earth 65 million years ago?" Zhang Yang suddenly thought of the dozens of crystal figures in the cave.

"How do you know?" the young monk was stunned and asked.

Zhang Yang carefully told the young monk what happened in the cave.

"You are really lucky!" The little monk actually sighed.

"Why?" Zhang Yang was a little confused.

"There are many people who know Xiandao Manman, and many of them have even achieved some success. However, they cannot correct the mistakes of Xiandao Manman on their own. And you, before you start practicing, have obtained the authentic cultivation method of Xiandao Manman. It is gratifying.


"Hehe..." Zhang Yang couldn't help but giggle, and imagined carefully that he was indeed lucky enough to fall into the cave and encounter the legendary martial arts secret book, and it was the most powerful kind.

"The origin of human beings has always been a secret. I have been looking for the origin of human beings, but there has been no progress. However, I can tell you for sure that human beings existed 65 million years ago. At that time, the number of human beings was very large.

There are few, and they are very powerful. Almost everyone has the ability to move mountains and seas, but then..." The little monk scratched his head and suddenly stopped talking.

"What happened next?" As soon as he heard the key point, the young monk stopped talking, and Zhang Yang couldn't help asking anxiously.

"Later, they all died... You will know in the future... You should practice immortality as soon as possible. In the future, you will meet someone more troublesome than Maimaiti. I am very busy now. You have been tired since you were on the plane.

Up to now, there is still a lot of work to be done, so let’s go..." The little monk suddenly became impatient.


Zhang Yang looked at the screen that had returned to normal and couldn't help but be stunned. Every time the little monk appeared and left, it was very distinctive. Except for the last time when Wang Yan had an accident and the little monk left in a hurry, this was the second time.

What secrets does the little monk know?

It seemed that the little monk had hidden many secrets. Zhang Yang could determine what purpose the little monk had. Unfortunately, Zhang Yang could not figure out what purpose a smart program would have for him.

"Silver Charm!"

With a move of Zhang Yang's hand, Yin Mei jumped onto his palm. She seemed to like the new name Zhang Yang was calling him. She kept rubbing her little head on Zhang Yang's arm. Zhang Yang felt a tingling and comfortable feeling.

Is Silver Charm really an alien creature?

Zhang Yang was still a little unsure, but subconsciously, he had already believed the little monk's words. After all, there was no creature on earth with Yin Mei's living habits.

The most important thing is that Zhang Yang believes that no creature on earth is the opponent of Yin Mei. No matter it is a leopard or a tiger, it cannot defeat Yin Mei. Yin Mei's speed and sharp teeth are almost invincible.

Similarly, Zhang Yang also believed what the young monk said, because the 65-million-year-old crystal portrait in the cave had confirmed what the young monk said.

Why did the young monk ask him to practice "The Immortal Way" quickly?

What is the purpose of the little monk...

That night, Zhang Yang suffered from insomnia. It was a real insomnia, not the kind of insomnia caused by cultivation instead of sleep. In his head, Nana's beautiful figure and her flowing long hair were flashing, and then there were those of the little monk.

Weird words.

In his dream, Zhang Yang dreamed that countless alien warships appeared in the sky, emitting thousands of dazzling lights, and the earth turned into nothingness in the light... "Ah...!"

Zhang Yang woke up suddenly, sat up from the bed, and found that his whole body was soaked.

At this time, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon. The cold sunlight shone in and he could not feel the slightest warmth. Although the heater was on, Zhang Yang still felt cold. The feeling in his dream just now was too terrifying. The densely packed battleships in the sky gave him

The pressure was too great, and the laser cannon that destroyed everything made his heart palpitate. Human life was so fragile under that laser cannon... When Zhang Yang finished washing, he went to knock on the door of the other three people.

Only then did he realize that the three of them were actually more powerful than him. They were still sleeping, and they knocked one by one for a long time before opening the door.

The first person to open the door was Liu Biao. Liu Biao opened the door with his upper body crotched, glanced at Zhang Yang and then closed the door immediately. About two minutes later, under Zhang Yang's dumbfounded gaze, a charming woman came out of the room. The woman hugged Zhang Yang.

He held Zhang Yang's neck and kissed the stunned Zhang Yang on the forehead, leaving a strong fragrant wind and disappearing into the corridor... "Is it on time?" Liu Biao said with a chuckle while getting dressed.

(To be continued)

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