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Chapter 260

"You don't know Iijima Xiaoai?" Liu Biao looked at the general with a surprised look on his face, as if he were looking at a peasant in the countryside who had never seen the world.

"Why should I know her?" The general was actually devastated by Liu Biao's gaze. He was racking his brains to think whether this woman named Iijima Xiaoai was a political figure in that country. Was she a rising star in the political arena?

"Hey, there are still people who don't know Iijima Xiaoai!" Liu Biao looked at the vicissitudes of life, and read out a poem in a low voice with his hoarse voice: "The beautiful name once spread all over the world, the blood and tears created the pain of the world, and finally

It is a lonely place, reflecting on the end of the world (fans) and sharing the sadness! The jade body is ordinary and scares Pan An, the means are renovated to be strong in hundreds of battles, the fragrance is gone, the jade is dead, and the beautiful shadow remains, from now on the end of the world we cry wolves!"

Liu Biao spent a lot of effort to collect this poem on the forum. It took him several days to memorize this poem. He had never taken it so seriously in his entire life. At that time,

, Zhang Yang teased him and said that if he had studied so seriously, he would have been a scientist comparable to Edison... Liu Biao's voice, hoarse and sad, actually made the general feel a little bit. He suddenly fell in love with this little love girl from Iijima.

Full of interest, what kind of woman is she? It’s not easy for a rough and arrogant man like Liu Biao to be so affectionate and write poems to commemorate her!

"Ai Iijima is one of the most outstanding performance artists in modern times. Although she has died, she will always live in my heart. I will always remember her. When I go to Japan, I must go to her incense grave.

Bye, let that fragrant soul rest in peace in heaven, and let me be her partner in the next life..." Liu Biao's voice was full of persistence, leaving no doubt about his thoughts and feelings for Ai Iijima.

"Performance artist, are you famous?" The general looked at Zhang Yang, Aze, and the little soldier with something wrong in his eyes. He always felt weird. Something was wrong?

"Be famous, you must be famous. Eighty percent of men in China know her. Even if they don't know her name, they have seen her body..." Liu Biao said loudly.

"So famous...why don't I know about it?" The general was a little depressed. If 80% of men in China knew about it, he didn't know about it, which would be a bit embarrassing.

"Ask them, Zhang Yang, do you know? Aze, do you know? Well, and you, do you know?" Liu Biao nodded at Zhang Yang and Aze, and even the guard was not spared


"I... know..." Zhang Yang wanted to say he didn't know, but after all, he didn't dare to lie for fear of being despised by Liu Biao. The consequences of being despised by Liu Biao would be very serious.

"I, I...I...I only watched it once...I watched it in the video hall..." Aze was only less than seventeen years old, and he was a little hesitant when he spoke.

The AV movie is still fresh in my memory, so naturally I will never forget it.

"What about you?" Liu Biao looked directly at the guard.

"I...I...I know, but I knew it before I joined the army. I haven't heard about her for a long time. Is she...is she really dead..." The guard looked down with a red face.

He defended himself after glancing at the general.

"You all know?" The general was dumbfounded.

"I definitely know!" Liu Biao said proudly.

"Tell me, why is that woman so amazing? Do you all know her?" the general nodded towards the guard.

"Then... that woman is... a producer of Category III films..." The guard's head had already been bent into his crotch, and he didn't dare to look into the general's eyes.


The general coughed desperately and quickly picked up the tea cup to drink tea. Finally, he understood that he had been deceived by such a silly guy.

Aze and Zhang Yang looked at each other, suppressing their smiles, the muscles on their faces kept beating, and their teeth were clenched tightly.

"Sir General, for the sake of Iijima's little sister, let's go to Japan too!" Liu Biao saw that the general's glass was empty, and immediately refilled it with a flattering look on his face.

"Okay!" The general's features tangled together, he stood up and strode out the door, as if he had some urgent mission.

However, in Zhang Yang Aze's eyes, the general looked like he was running away, because they were guests, and before the guests left, the host left first.

Liu Biao knocked on the table triumphantly and drank the tea in one gulp. He was so excited that he said, ***, who in this world can deceive a general? Besides his uncle Biao, who else can do it?

Of course, Liu Biao will soon pay a heavy price for today's deception!

The general has arranged many "rich" activities for their trip to "repay" him for today's deception.

The guard led Zhang Yang out, but the general had already left early. After walking out of the house on the cobblestone path, he saw two cars parked outside, one a military-branded off-road vehicle, and the other turned out to be a red Ferrari sports car.

The Ferrari sports car exudes a charming luster in the moonlight, like an elegant goddess sitting and resting.

"Zhang Yang."

When the three of them were led to the off-road vehicle by the guards, the window of the Ferrari sports car slid down silently, and a beautiful and beautiful face was revealed. It was Wang Yan. Wang Yan's expression had a touch of sadness, which was different from hers.

There is a huge difference in his usual liveliness. It seems that this is not the cheerful Wang Yan.

"Ah! Wang Yan, when did you come? Where is Xuelian?" Zhang Yang stopped in surprise.

"Get in the car!" Wang Yan did not answer Zhang Yang's question, but said two words softly.


"Miss Wang, what about us?" Liu Biao said with an ambiguous smile.

"I don't mind if your body can fit in." Wang Yan seemed to have no interest in talking and said calmly.


Liu Biao looked at the narrow space behind the sports car, gestured, and finally gave up. Just when he was about to say something, Aze grabbed him, dragged him up, and walked towards the off-road vehicle. He realized it later.

Liu Biao then shut up and got in the car.

Ferrari began to move its body slowly, shuttling through the garden-like yard. It seemed that Wang Yan was very familiar with this place.

Finally, the car drove out of this quiet courtyard and merged into the traffic outside. Although it was already late at night, there were still many cars on the street, but there was still no possibility of traffic jams on the wide road.

The Ferrari sports car began to accelerate slowly, and the engine made a roaring sound, strong and powerful. This was a real sports car, not a family car that looked like a sports car.

"Where are we going?" Zhang Yang quickly felt that something was wrong. Although he was not familiar with the roads in Yanjing, he had a strong sense of direction, because it seemed to be in the opposite direction of the hotel, and he was following behind.

The off-road vehicle has long since disappeared.

"Dong dong dong dong..."

Wang Yan didn't make a sound. She turned on the stereo and played disco. The subwoofer sent out strong vibrations. Zhang Yang felt that every cell in his body was jumping with the music.

Eighty yards!

One hundred yards!

One hundred and fifty yards!

Two hundred yards!

The speed is still increasing, and it has reached the highway. There are fewer and fewer cars. Zhang Yang doesn’t know what kind of road this is. It seems to be very desolate. However, at this time, Zhang Yang has no time to think about other problems. His whole body is full of energy.

Pushing backwards, the Ferrari's rapid acceleration produced powerful thrust.

Zhang Yang had to buckle his seat belt, and the huge roar of the Ferrari could be heard from inside the car.

"Are you scared?" Wang Yan suddenly turned off the speaker and said coldly.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Yang felt that Wang Yan seemed very unhappy.

"Don't you have anything to say to me?" Wang Yan gritted her teeth and accelerated hard again. Zhang Yang could clearly see that the speed had increased to nearly 300 yards. In just a moment, they had at least run away.

Nearly a hundred kilometers away, it is obvious that this has already left the territory of Yanjing.


There was silence in the car. Zhang Yang had a lot to say, but he didn't know where to start.

What to say?

"You really have nothing to say?" Wang Yan slammed on the brakes.

There was a "Gah..." and a violent friction sound. The car suddenly went from a speed of nearly three hundred yards to a stationary state. Under the huge force, the car body drifted in a large arc, and the tires gave out a smell of burnt smell.

Permeated in the air.

"Are you crazy? Get out of the car!" Zhang Yang unbuckled his seat belt and jumped out of the car, then opened Wang Yan's car door.

"No!" Wang Yan was angry, her mouth bulging high.

"Get off the car!" Zhang Yang said sternly.

"You..." Wang Yan looked at Zhang Yang's ferocious face and shrank back in fear.

"get off!"

"Just get off the car, why are you so mean?" Wang Yan's eyes were filled with tears.

(To be continued)

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