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Chapter 315 The Most Dangerous Place

The blue dart is a highly poisonous dart.

This kind of highly poisonous dart, ninjas call it Butterfly Blue. It looks like a butterfly and is blue all over. Generally, this kind of dart will not be launched easily because, in many cases, ninjas still abide by some ancient traditions.

When faced with danger, such deadly weapons are rarely used.

Moreover, this highly toxic poison is specifically targeted at insiders, and the butterfly-shaped hidden weapon can easily pierce the skin of insiders.

A hint of a sinister smile appeared on Dahe's face, and with a wave of his hand, a strong wind suddenly blew in the woods, flying sand and rocks, and the fallen leaves everywhere were swept clean, and the momentum was unparalleled.

"In groups of three, search the entire Mount Fuji and kill without mercy!" Dahe's cold voice sounded in the woods.


Dozens of ninjas dispersed with a bang and disappeared into the dense woods in an instant.

"Master, will the woman be killed too?" The young man standing behind Dahe was a little uneasy.

"Why can't you kill him?" Dahe glanced at the young man indifferently.

"She doesn't have a very powerful father..." The young man hesitated, his face seemed to be hesitant.

"So what?"

"Did her father do the Tokyo Massacre eighteen years ago?" Finally, the young man plucked up the courage to ask.

"Yes, the Yasukuni Shrine was also destroyed by her father." Dahe stared coldly into the young man's eyes.

"Is he really that powerful, able to kill more than 70,000 people in Tokyo at once?" The young man gasped.

"Yes, it's more powerful than you think, but so what?"


Before the young man finished speaking, murderous intent suddenly appeared in the air. The young man felt as if his heart had been hit by a heavy hammer, and his body retreated crazily.

With a sound of "Poof!", the young man spat out a mouthful of blood, which was purple and black.

"Master...Master...ahem...why did you kill your disciple..." The young man's body took dozens of steps back. The huge body made him stop when he hit a tree trunk. The young man had a look of fear on his face and couldn't help it.

Looking at Dahe's face with confidence, he coughed desperately, coughing up large clumps of blood clots.

"Well, let you die with a clear understanding. You have fear of that person, and a shadow has been planted in your psychology. You will never become a truly strong person. Since you can't become a strong person, living

What's the point?" Dahe looked indifferently at his beloved disciple who was covering his chest and looking in pain.

"No...ahem...no...I know...I know..." The young man's distorted face suddenly became ferocious, and he actually revealed a weird smile.

"What do you know?" Dahe's eyes suddenly became sharp.

"Ahem...you...you...in order to get rid of the emperor's control...you...you deliberately provoked a battle between strong men...you want to take this opportunity to eliminate some of the emperor's right-hand assistants, so that you can turn the emperor into a

Becoming your puppet...ahem..." The young man had a look of resentment on his face.

"Continue." Dahe looked blank, with no expression at all.

"Last night, Ono died in battle. You could have saved him, but you didn't. Today, if you kill me, your whereabouts will be completely out of the Emperor's surveillance... ahem..." the young man's face

His face became flushed, and his speech became much smoother. Obviously, this was a reflection of the past.

"Well, continue."

"However, you are wrong, you are very wrong, cough...if you leave the Emperor, you are nothing. Even if you are a strong man, without the support of the Emperor, you are nothing! Moreover, you cannot control the Emperor.

...Haha... As Japan's number one master, you don't know... You don't know... Haha..." The young man suddenly laughed regardless of the pain, and his laughter was extremely desolate.

"Don't know what?"

"The emperor is just a symbol, just a symbol. Is it useful for you to control a symbol? Can you control the entire emperor's family? You cannot control the emperor's lineage. Of course, even if you control the emperor's family, you can control the entire Japan.

Ben?" The young man laughed wildly.

"Well, it seems that I have ignored this question, but does it have anything to do with you?" Dahe looked at the young man with a razor-sharp gaze.

"No, haha... I'm going to die... Of course it doesn't matter... Haha... I will wait for you, you will come soon... Yes... Ahem, that person will not let you go.

, in his eyes, you are an ant, an ant...haha..."

The young man laughed wildly, coughed suddenly, and fell to the ground. His snow-white robe was stained with blood, and his chest collapsed. His eyes were fixed on the direction of the river.

Dahe looked at the corpse on the ground, stood there for a long time, and left the woods with a blank expression, as if he had done something insignificant.

The woods fell into silence again. The bodies of the ninjas at the beginning had been taken away. Only the body of the young man was leaning against the trunk of the tree alone, with a strange smile on his face.

Time passes slowly, slowly passes...

An hour!

Two hours!

Three hours!

It was already one o'clock in the afternoon, and the sun was already shining slantly from the lake into the woods. The young man's body in the woods still maintained the same appearance as before, with a frozen weird smile, but the pupils of those eyes had dilated... Suddenly, the quiet lake surface

There was a tiny ripple, and the chirping insects became quiet.

Slowly, countless blue hairs appeared on the calm lake surface and spread out, like a ball of ink spreading out, and like countless black lines escaping. Slowly, those escaping lines gathered together, and emerged, it was

One of the heads... was Zhang Yang and Nana, and on a rock beside the cliff, little Yinmei, covered in blood, was sleeping. When Zhang Yang and Nana emerged from the water, little Yinmei climbed up the cliff with difficulty.

When he got into the woods, he immediately leaned over and fell asleep.

Finally, the two spit out a slender blue metal pipe in their mouths and staggered up the one-meter cliff. Nana's face was a little pale because she had been soaked in water for too long, but she still looked very ugly.

Normal, while Zhang Yang's face was sallow, and he looked like he was out of strength.

After landing on the shore, Nana almost dragged Zhang Yang to a tree trunk. After Zhang Yang landed on the shore, his sallow face turned into a dead gray again, and his eyes were closed, giving people a feeling of dying.

"How's it going?" Nana touched Zhang Yang's forehead and felt a chill. She didn't have a fever, but the temperature of her skin was also horribly low.

"It's okay, this poison can't kill me, just give me some time, just a little is enough...!" Zhang Yang opened his eyes weakly, looked at Nana's comfort, and immediately closed his eyes again.


Nana wiped away her tears. For the first time, she understood why this man was able to escape death every time. It was all because of his incredible calculation ability and endurance beyond ordinary people.

After Zhang Yang killed the three ninjas, he only treated them briefly, and then searched for some diving tools from the ninjas. After settling down the little Yin Mei, he dived into the water. The little Yin Mei was an animal. As long as the little Yin Mei didn't move and breathed evenly,

No one will notice it.

The most dangerous place is the safest place. Sure enough, after those ninjas started searching, almost everyone ignored this place. Even Dahe's extraordinary IQ did not expect that Zhang Yang actually dared to hide near the battlefield.


How much courage does this require?!

Nana looked at Zhang Yang who was in a state of chaos. She knew that Zhang Yang had been fighting against the toxins in his body. Even when he was in the water, Zhang Yang did not rest for a moment.

Zhang Yang did not dare to relax at all. As long as he relaxed slightly, toxins would enter his heart and enter his brain cells.

Time passed slowly. Nana dried Zhang Yang's hair very carefully and tried her best to dry his clothes with Qi. Zhang Yang's body was alternately cold and hot.

When it's hot, it's as hot as a soldering iron, and when it's cold, it's like ice cubes.

Nana's expression was very quiet, but she was very nervous inside, because Zhang Yang told her when they entered the water that after landing, they could never rest in this place for more than three hours, because after three hours,

Those ninjas will find that some diving tools are missing from those corpses. Then, they will definitely think that Zhang Yang and Nana are hiding in the water... Nana believes in Zhang Yang, which is a kind of subconscious trust.

Two hours have passed. If Zhang Yang is still unable to move, Nana has decided to leave with Zhang Yang on her back... Time passes by minute by second.

Zhang Yang showed no signs of improvement, his face was twisted in pain, and his expression kept changing. It can be imagined that Zhang Yang was enduring great pain to heal himself.

Nana could see that the thick blue liquid was flowing out very slowly from the wound on the thigh. The liquid gave off a foul smell and made her feel sick to smell it... ========

(To be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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